A mishap from 2019 that landed me with a fractured right radial head (translation:  broken elbow) humbled me and taught me a few more life lessons that I think are useful for all of us to keep in mind.

First, a little background. My husband and I were in Lancaster, PA to attend the “Jesus” show at the beautiful Sight and Sound Theater. What wonderful musical productions they put on every year with amazing technical effects and live animals to enhance the power of the show.  Thankfully we went there on a Saturday, stayed overnight and had our “activity” on Sunday.

The activity was a 2 1/2 – 3 hr covered bridge tour riding a scooter (moped.)  In case you did not know, I am not so coordinated at some physical activities. A few years ago I did eventually master riding a segway after some extra practice and training.

The scooter


Knowing that about myself, we arrived early at the scooter place in the hopes I could have a little extra time to see if I could really get the hang of riding the scooter.  There was a back up plan of either riding on the back of one with my husband or a little side by side scooter (that seemed more like for older people….certainly I wouldn’t qualify for that!  ;))

I was determined to give it my best shot in trying to master the scooter.  Right after we arrived, the previous tour was returning so I did have some extra time to start the training process with the gentleman in charge before the rest of the people arrived.



What is a little strange is as I was practicing in the very beginning, a wave of maybe doubt crossed my mind as I thought of asking the gentleman “what is the worst that can happen in practicing?” 

My thoughts then turned to all the times the Lord has protected me and kept me safe through skydiving once, doing 7 different ziplines at one time despite my fear of heights, one time shaking in my shoes trying to get down flat on the platform to do it superman style with sweaty hands, to horseback riding on three separate occasions.  Sometimes we need to be adventuresome, stretch ourselves outside our comfort zone and just do life scared to experience different things~~trusting in the Lord.


Superwoman ziplining!



I decided not to ask the guy my unspoken question, instead I fixed my eyes on him and taking in all the instructions, doing step by step what he told me to do.  I decided to just trust and move forward.


Photo courtesy of jubileelewis under Creative Commons License (CC BY 2.0)


I started out well getting the scooter going and off the kickstand, even progressing to one successful turn.  As I was attempting my second turn, which was heading around some cones that were in the direction of the building and the other lined up scooters, apparently I had a little too much throttle and, overwhelmed with that, kind of blanked as to the instructions to let go of the throttle and then apply the brake which were both hand controls.

The last memory I have is turning right, knowing I was headed for this white scooter that was lined up against the back of the building, while my husband was trying to grab the handlebars to attempt to maybe push the red stop switch.  Apparently, my helmeted head hit a cement chimney that was on the side of the building cracking the case around it. Thankfully I was still conscious as they said I was talking, yes apologizing, but I don’t recall anything until two EMTs were going to put a neck collar on me.  Instead of the covered bridge tour I was given my first ambulance ride and ER tour of Lancaster.


It was a little scary at first because my memory was a little foggy but thankfully after a bit I started to remember everything.  I am so truly thankful and blessed that the neck collar was just a precaution and they felt I did not suffer any injury to warrant further testing. After a bit, they removed the collar but I felt there was a little something wrong with my right arm as it hurt a bit though not any terrible, extruciating pain. Well, I guess that was until they tried to xray my elbow and forearm attempting to turn it for different xray views. Then I knew for sure something was wrong.


We were pleasantly surprised that we were only at the ER for about four hours before they released me with only a soft, cloth sling for my fractured elbow which I ended up wearing for two weeks.   The unknown about what was really happening regarding my elbow continued until Thursday, the soonest I could get into an orthopedist.


The one armed gal


Those two weeks were quite an adjustment considering I am right hand dominate.  With our daily living, it is so easy to take for granted the things that are so easily done with our dominate hand or the things that require two hands that make our world so much simpler. When one of those things is taken away life becomes more challenging.

I pressed on day by day trying to do many things left handed which included typing and writing at work since our three person department was already down one person.  At least I can mention now that flossing my teeth was impossible, but I did manage to brush my teeth pretty well left handed!  Tieing shoes was impossible so I resorted to buying those springy laces that don’t need to be tied (like you buy your toddler who can’t tie their shoes yet!)


Cool laces!


Yes, for the two weeks and longer my husband was very busy being attentive to assist me in getting dressed, tieing my shoes before the shoelaces, cutting my food, driving me to work and the list goes on and on.  He kept telling me to just bring anything I need to him.  🙂



Some things that have come out of this experience that I have reflected upon and that I share with you this week are….



It is really strange how I thought about “what is the worst that could happen” when practicing yet I trusted the Lord to get me through.  Yes, it did not turn out perfect or how I was expecting it to but you know what…that is okay!

God was still with me and I truly do feel His angels protected me that day; I know things could have ended up much worse!

Life isn’t perfect and things don’t always go OUR way but God is still in control, always working everything out for our good!

I still see His handprints on my life even through this setback. As the saying goes, all in His perfect timing.

I had started paperwork for a new ministry assisting at a Mom’s House which assists single parents with childcare while they attend school  which unfortunately has been delayed.  Calling the NICU to see about holding and loving those babies has also been on a haitus.  Those things have been difficult but I trust that all is working the way it should be.


It is often hard to ask people for help but sometimes I think we have no choice but to ask.  Maybe the plea for help will be met without success or sincerity and if that is what happens I guess we quickly learn who our “real” friends are.

Just as I had to ask my husband for help to do so many “little” things each day I also reached out to ask others for help.

I’m sure it will come as a shock to you that I color my hair (I might get a gray hair or two every now and then!)  😉  Well, I was going to a concert where I would be getting a picture with the Christian artist and my hair needed to be colored to look a little more presentable.  I reached out to a friend who I thought might be willing to assist me.  Come to find out she has never colored her own hair before but she willingly said she would give it a try and I felt like she genuinely wanted to help me out.  It ends up she did a great job and I am trying to book her all the time now!  😉   At the same time she willingly cut my vegetables and meat I had ready to prepare.


My favorite singer, Mac Powell


The other “funny” story I will share is even more personal!  A friend of a friend was in town for a funeral. I had met her once or twice but never really talked to her in depth.  She had texted me and asked if she could stop over this one particular day so that I could meet and talk with her one daughter who is a missionary.  She wanted the daughter and I to officially meet and for me to learn more about her work.  As soon as she came in the door I asked the friend of the friend if she could help me fasten my bra!  Quite a strange request but something you can’t really do one handed.  I felt comfortable knowing she would be willing to help a sister in Christ.



When we are going through difficult times or need some extra prayer it is a true blessing to have those people in our lives who we know are there to support us in that way. Knowing that we are not alone in our struggle is special.

Sometimes those prayer warriors in our lives help lift us to the Lord and He lets us know even more that we are not alone.  I am so thankful for those people in my life who have supported me.

At church one day, I was blessed to receive a special blessing of someone laying hands on my injury.  I do believe all these things have speeded up my recovery.  It goes to show the importance of praying for others.

During this time in my recovery my birthday rolled around.  We decided to have a make your own sundae celebration. I was honored that people came together to celebrate me and share the special ways I have touched their lives.



This week may I encourage you to…


First, rely on God through the good and the bad.  Be reminded that He is in charge of everything and life isn’t always perfect. That is really okay because He is still God!  That will never change.

Second, remember we do need community in our lives;  for others to help us in our time of need.  Conversely, look for those God is putting in your path for you to help this week.  Be aware that community might not always be in the traditional sense of the word.

Third, when you need some extra prayer reach out to those people in your life you can trust.  Who can you let know you are praying for and caring about this week?


Do not be afraid–I am with you! I am your God–let nothing terrify you! I will make you strong and help you; I will protect you and save you. –Isaiah 41:10  (GNT)

That’s how it is with us. There are many of us, but we each are part of the body of Christ, as well as part of one another.  –Romans 12:5  (CEV)

First of all, I ask you to pray for everyone. Ask God to help and bless them all, and tell God how thankful you are for each of them.  –1 Timothy 2:1  (CEV)

Author: Christine

Welcome to Hope to Inspire You….Highlighting God’s presence to Inspire your Life! I’m Christine, a Christian, hoping to inspire you by sharing what is in my heart about our faith and our great God. Take some time, read some of my thoughts, and feel free to comment and share your thoughts…It would be a blessing to hear from you. My prayer is that you may be inspired and blessed in some small way by reading!

4 thoughts on “RELIANCE ON OTHERS”

  1. Yes !!! No matter what He is ultimately in control and places people on our path for us to help or receive help from ~ often wisdom is knowing the correct time to do both 😊

    1. You are so right, Reenie!! Thanks for reading, being a blessing with God’s perfect timing, and sharing your faith! 🙂 Blessings to you and your family!

  2. Wow! Mended in 2 weeks? Those were some powerful prayers❤️ I’m glad to hear you’re all better. I’m sorry I missed your Arnold Park party – it was the only week night I could visit Mom that week.

    1. Yes, God is so good, Donna!! The Dr. couldn’t see any issue with the bone at the 3 1/2 wk point! It still feels not quite 100% percent with some “tightness” and not being able to lift heavier things but I am hoping it just needs more time to feel normal again. I missed you at the party but certainly understand! Maybe next year…if it becomes an annual tradition! 😉 Blessings to you and the family! Thanks for reading and sharing.

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