Our life on this earth can be considered a “desert” experience. A desert experience, a wandering in the wilderness, until we reach our true home. God has given us this desert experience to draw closer to Him, to prepare our hearts to spend eternity in the Promised Land of Heaven with Him and Jesus. He provides just what we need, when we need it, day by day.
I was reminded of that parallel thinking of the Israelites God let wander in the desert for 40 years. A synopsis of the story from the book of Numbers 13:1-13 is:
Moses had 12 spies explore the Land of Canaan for 40 days, which God said would be the new home for the Israelites. They were to report on their findings. Ten of the spies showed little faith, saying the land was gloomy, not acceptable, and would not be inhabitable. Life would be too difficult there. Only two spies, Joshua and Caleb, came back with a good, positive report saying the land was good. They knew God would help everything work out.
The ten spies that gave the negative responses were struck down and died of a plaque. God allowed Joshua and Caleb to live. The Israelites still believed the reports of the ten spies. God was angered they did not want the Land of Canaan, so God said the Israelites would wander 40 years in the desert, the wilderness.
God provided quail and manna for the people providing just what they needed for the day. The manna would spoil if they tried to save it for the next day. (Exodus 16) Moses died en route to the Promised Land, so God chose Joshua to lead the Israelites through the Jordan River to the Promised Land.
The Israelites were tested while in the wilderness. Despite God’s anger, He still revealed His glory to the people providing for their needs. They saw God’s glory, His love, mercy, forgiveness, and goodness revealed.
The Lord your God has blessed you in all the work of your hands. He has watched over your journey through this vast wilderness. These forty years the Lord your God has been with you, and you have not lacked anything. –Deuteronomy 2:7 (NIV)
*have a personal relationship with God
We first have to accept the fact that God exists and then make Him our personal Lord and Savior.
Do you talk to God throughout your day, asking Him to help you or share how you are feeling?
*grow in faith and trust
As we see God working in our lives, we grow in faith and trust of our Creator.
Do you see how you trust God more because you see His faithfulness in your life?
*be faithful in prayer
As we go about our life on this earth, we can continually talk to God about everything.
Do you take time to share your feelings with God as you go about your daily routine?
*see how God provides faithfully each day for us
God is always working in our lives, providing what we need when we need it.
Do you take the time to see how God is faithfully providing for you, even in the little things in life?
*walk by faith, not sight
Walking by faith means we let faith and the divine guide our steps, not what we physically see in this world.
Do you seek to walk with God, letting Him guide your steps?
*see the positive in situations
God is our good Father, who always gives us something to be thankful for no matter how bad the situation.
Do you try to focus on the positive in all situations, and remember God works everything out for our good if we love Him and are called according to His purposes?
*make good choices to impact our lives
Our lives are full of choices because God granted us free will.
Do you make good choices in your life, basing your decisions on God’s word?
*turn our hearts to God
This life is a time for us to turn our hearts to God and not be focusing on ourselves.
Do you take time daily to seek God’s heart to see what His will is for you?
*see God’s glory revealed every day in our lives
God reveals His glory, His presence, to us every moment of every day.
Do you see God’s glory in all of His creation~from the animals, to the flowers, to every human being?
My encouragement for you is to make every day, actually every moment on this earth count, until you reach the end of your desert experience.
Try to live in the present moment~
Not living in the past~
Not living in the future~
Live in the present moment; enjoy the gift that the present is!
How perfect I “happened” to read one Christmas card today that had this quote on it. It is my prayer for you this week~
May the Christ Child be your guiding star in the desert of this present life. –Padre Pio
This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. –Psalm 118:24 (NLT)
Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow. –James 1:17 (NLT)
Needed the redirection of my thoughts today! Thank you for writing and sharing your hearts walk with God! It truly does have an impact! God bless you too sister in our desert walk HOME!!
Thank you so very much for sharing this, Paige! 🙂 What a blessing to read…God sure amazes me with His perfect timing! You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you for reading~