I saw the end of the following passage one day and saw several “only God” moments He orchestrated the next day, which led to this reflection. One of the main reasons I started this website almost ten years ago was to share with others how God is at work in the ordinary of our lives. I marvel at the way God orchestrates our footsteps. Even though I often think I am in control, God gently reminds me how only He has the capacity to work everything out for our good.


I will praise the Lord at all times. I will constantly speak his praises. I will boast only in the Lord; let all who are helpless take heart. Come, let us tell of the Lord’s greatness; let us exalt his name together.  –Psalm 34:1-3  (NLT)

This passage is an encouragement for how we should be living. We should constantly praise the Lord with our lips and in our hearts as we live with an attitude of gratitude. We can only boast about the Lord’s goodness and power that flows through us; nothing that we do. Together, we can keep each other uplifted as we exchange stories of His greatness in our lives and exalt the name of the Lord.


In a matter of a few hours, I saw several little orchestrations that made me exalt the name of the Lord. My day started with going to a church event, followed by an annual check-up, and then meeting a friend, who was picking me up from my appointment, for coffee.

After leaving church and walking to my car, I saw these heart reminders.


Can you see the brown and green heart in the middle of the picture?



Have you noticed all the hearts that clovers contain?


As I started to walk into the doctor’s office building, I looked down at a bag I grabbed from my car to store some items I was bringing with me. I laughed out loud at God as I marveled and wondered how He makes these things randomly appear out of nowhere.


Do you see the perfectly shaped brown heart?


In the waiting room, on one of the television screens, I saw an inspiring quote and a picture of a dove. I won’t share the quote now as I believe you might read about it in another reflection. The medical assistant I had was a delight–very kind, genuine, and caring. At the end, I said to her, “You don’t have to answer this, but I have a strange question. Are you a Christian?” She said, “Yes, I am, and that’s not a strange question.” I felt inspired to give her my latest book, God’s Glory Manifested, which I had with me to give to my friend that I was meeting for coffee. We chatted for a few minutes, and I was surprised to hear the medical assistant does some writing too. It was a lovely encounter that God orchestrated with all the sequences of events.

As I was waiting for my friend to pick me up in a particular random location I had mentioned to her, I saw a co-worker drive by and wave at me. She has been experiencing some health issues for the last few months. I did not get to check in with her before I left work the day before, and I was wondering how she was. Something inspired me to think maybe she was going to the pharmacy next door, so I walked that way. Sure enough, her car was there, and I was able to get an update. We were both shocked to randomly see each other.

What I realized about the orchestrations that I shared is that they were dependent on the “little” detail of who God provided for me to meet with. I originally had other plans that did not work out because this particular friend was the one I was supposed to meet with. Because of meeting her where I did, I had a book with me to give to the medical assistant, with an extra one to give to my friend, and also to see my co-worker. God made me smile and filled my heart with joy to see the events unfold for His glory.


Photo courtesy of under Creative Commons License (CC BY-ND 2.0)


I remain in awe at seeing the little details in our lives where God is working. We have the privilege of praising the Lord continually and sharing His greatness with one another. Together we exalt His name.


Be encouraged this week to…
…praise the Lord at all times.
…share with others how you see the Lord working in your life.
…tell of the Lord’s goodness.
…exalt the name of the Lord.
…be in awe of God’s orchestrations.
…know God is always working for your good.



What was the latest God-orchestrated moment you experienced?
Who are you inspired to share an “only God” moment with?


Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.  –Philippians 2:9-11   (NIV)

Note: I will not post a reflection next week as I will be spending quality time with the Lord while attending a retreat. Feel free to stop by here anytime to read an older reflection.

Author: Christine

Welcome to Hope to Inspire You….Highlighting God’s presence to Inspire your Life! I’m Christine, a Christian, hoping to inspire you by sharing what is in my heart about our faith and our great God. Take some time, read some of my thoughts, and feel free to comment and share your thoughts…It would be a blessing to hear from you. My prayer is that you may be inspired and blessed in some small way by reading!

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