I saw the end of the following passage one day and saw several “only God” moments He orchestrated the next day, which led to this reflection. One of the main reasons I started this website almost ten years ago was to share with others how God is at work in the ordinary of our lives. I marvel at the way God orchestrates our footsteps. Even though I often think I am in control, God gently reminds me how only He has the capacity to work everything out for our good.


I will praise the Lord at all times. I will constantly speak his praises. I will boast only in the Lord; let all who are helpless take heart. Come, let us tell of the Lord’s greatness; let us exalt his name together.  –Psalm 34:1-3  (NLT) Continue reading “EXALT HIS NAME”


I received another insightful nugget of wisdom from my inspiring friend, Greg, as I left after visiting him at the VA hospital. After spending time with someone you are trying to encourage by your presence, do you, too, feel more spiritually alive?

“Don’t count the days. Make the days count.” ~Muhammad Ali


This quote had even more significance coming from Greg, as he has been in the hospital for three months, has a feeding tube in his stomach with just a slim possibility of eating again, and is losing more of the limited mobility he had left in his legs. Continue reading “MAKE THE DAYS COUNT”


It is always rewarding when I get an email, text, or verbal affirmation from someone sharing how God uses a reflection on either my website or in one of my books for His glory in their lives. I give a big shout-out to God for His orchestration of more than 1,625 of my four published books that have passed through my hands into the hands of others since the end of 2020.  My world was so small, but God is so big; His orchestrations are amazing!

I recently sent a copy of my latest book, God’s Glory Manifested, to a pastor I met once at a retreat in 2021. It was a beautiful blessing to receive an email from him back in 2022 requesting permission to use my two books at the time as the basis for a retreat he was giving. After receiving my latest book, he took the time and sent me a handwritten thank you. As soon as I read the front of the card, I knew it was inspiration to share. He wrote that he thought it sounded like something I would say. Only God! Continue reading “SEASONAL NAMES OF GOD”


I recently saw three masterpieces of creation that I found quite unique and similar in appearance. They reminded me of my life; maybe you will be able to relate.

This picture is from when I was roaming around a botanical garden while in North Carolina on a trip. I enjoyed wandering around and seeing God’s beautiful creation with the three waterfall areas and plethora of plants, shrubs, and flowers. Continue reading “STAND TALL”



It is a simple yet profound statement voiced by a dear friend, Lilly, the wife of Greg Pedroza, whom I wrote about last week.

It brings me comfort to think of how God works in the ordinary events of our lives. When we live in faith, we know that God is both preparing and orchestrating the events in our lives for our own good and His glory. Often times, I think we might not see the truth until, in hindsight, we take time to reflect on how things worked out. Continue reading “PREPARING US”



 A dear friend, Greg Pedroza, shared that inspirational quote. I have written about him more than a few times because of the way he focuses on the positive despite seemingly negative circumstances. His life example inspires me to want to be more resolute in my faith so that I, too, can live with confidence that, whatever my circumstances, God is to be glorified. Continue reading “STEPPING STONES”



God’s first gift to us was this world and all of creation that is in it.

For through him God created everything in the heavenly realms and on earth. He made the things we can see and the things we can’t see— such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in the unseen world. Everything was created through him and for him. He existed before anything else, and he holds all creation together.  –Colossians 1:16-17  (NLT)

God created the heavens, the earth, and everything in them: the sun and the moon, the light, the waters, the dry land, the vegetation, the birds, and the livestock, to name a few. He filled the earth with everything good, each in their own way giving praise and glory to Him.  Continue reading “THE CREATOR’S GIFTS”


Our God is so amazing! I never grow weary of sharing God’s goodness that I see, even with the little details of our lives.


And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.  – 1 John 4:16  (NIV)

Did you catch that powerful three-word sentence? “God IS love!” He is love itself. I believe one of our purposes in life is to become more like God—to be love—to others and to ourselves. We are continually growing in love as we continue to trust God as He takes us into deeper waters in our faith journey.  


A great truth I heard and believe in is:



Continue reading “GOD’S GOODNESS”


A recent adventure I was on included a couple artistic events, which are always a challenge for me. I admit I am not much of an artist or musician on this side of heaven.

Before the painting class began, I noticed one instructor tracing a sloth on canvases for a future class. I went over and jokingly said, “I think you should trace all the canvases” as I explained my apprehension with painting well.

I felt hopeful that I could be more successful because when the instructor began, he said to relax, he would walk us through everything, and he would come around if we needed help. I will be honest and share that I did end up struggling about a third of the way through. Another instructor came over and helped me get back on track. He also encouraged us by saying three statements that resonated with me and are applicable to our ordinary lives. Continue reading “OUR JOURNEYS”


It is inspiring to see how God is involved in our lives, even in the smallest of details. I read something simple yet, in my eyes, an “only God” moment.

I had not realized that God’s orchestrations of the first and last person to hold Jesus were both named Joseph. When Jesus was born, Joseph, His “foster” father, held him. Following His death, the last person to hold Jesus was Joseph of Arimathea. The Bible doesn’t give us much information about these two men and neither one is quoted directly. Yet they had a significant role in Jesus’ life—the privilege of holding Jesus at such pivotal times in His life. It seems like a full-circle moment to me. Continue reading “THE JOSEPHS”