Isn’t it fascinating to reflect on the fact that God made each of us unique and different? Despite the vast number of people that are currently living on this earth, have already lived before us, and will live in the future, no two of us are alike. We all look different, look at and process things differently, and have unique experiences. The beauty of this was brought to the forefront of my attention when I attended a talk from a dear friend, Dr. Gregorio Pedroza, His reflection consisted of three parts: how he consciously learns something from every person in his life, how he got to where he is today, and where he is going. He continues to be the most inspiring person in my life because of the physical suffering he has endured for more than forty years—more than half of his life. I wrote about him and his wife, Lilly, a few years ago. Click here to read more of his story, but make sure you come back and finish reading this reflection! Continue reading “LEARNING LESSONS”
Category: Encouragement
If you know me personally or have read many of my weekly reflections or books, you probably know that I often experience God moments. For me, a God moment is something that happens that reminds me of God’s presence, His love, or His goodness. I describe it as something that can’t just happen by chance but rather is the result of a greater power called God at work. Continue reading “HOLY MOMENTS”
This reflection was inspired after receiving this unique treasure from a friend’s family for my birthday this past year.
A beautiful handcrafted acorn
It included a beautiful note that is applicable to all our lives and worthy of reflection, so I will share it.
“Looking at an acorn, it’s hard to tell that it will one day be a great oak tree. Similarly, when we look at our lives, we seldom know what the future will hold. God not only sees where you are right now but also who you will become and where you will go. He doesn’t see an acorn; He sees a mighty oak tree! He knows the plans He has for you and what He wants to do through you. Keep stretching, growing, and challenging yourself, and trust that God is using your gifts to make a difference in this world. You are amazing, and we are grateful to have you in our lives.”
What are four takeaways from these words of wisdom? Continue reading “THE MIGHTY OAK TREE”
Author note: I am pleased to announce that I have been accepted as a teacher for an on-line presence called Women Living Well Ministries, which is based in North Carolina. WLWM seeks to empower women to be disciples of Jesus and to assist them in roles of leadership in the church. I have been invited to record 5-minute teaching videos and share through the written word on different topics. This reflection is based on the first video that I recorded. I am excited to see what God has in store for me with this new adventure that has presented itself.
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. –Hebrews 12:1 (NLT)
Our lives are a beautiful gift from God. He created each of us unique and special, with no two of us exactly alike. On this earth, we are all running our own individual race, as the Lord leads us to the finish line. No two of our races are exactly alike, either. Being surrounded by a huge crowd of witnesses, we are encouraged to run the race God has given us with endurance.
I recently heard a sermon that made me want to share this probably familiar Scripture and a perspective about the importance of the star that I had never seen before. Continue reading “EPIPHANY”
One theme that has resonated with me this Christmas season is how God chooses the lowly of this world. If we reflect upon it, it seems like everyone involved in the events of Jesus’ birth and ministry beginnings was considered lowly in the worldly view. I think there is a message and encouragement in that for us too.
It all begins with thinking of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Continue reading “THE LOWLY”
This holiday season, I was blessed to be able to attend a musical production of A Christmas Carol performed by junior and senior high school students. School musicals are always enjoyable to watch, and I am in awe of the students’ abilities to perform so wonderfully at such a young age. It is not a gift that I have ever possessed. It was fitting that a sermon I heard also mentioned A Christmas Carol that same weekend, which inspired this reflection. It allowed me to see deeper meanings and connections with the story and the reason for the season, Jesus. Continue reading “A CHRISTMAS CAROL”
With God’s perfect timing as I was thinking about what to write this week a friend gave me a suggestion. He said,
“Write about good friends being intentional, and investing in one another, and following through on plans so things do not stay stuck in the group chat.”
He and a good friend were spending a week at Disney, and as he said several times throughout the week to his friend,
“We are living a memory.”
It is his friend’s first time experiencing Disney. What a wonderful opportunity for them to bond even more, away from the hustle and bustle of usual life, and invest in their relationship. Continue reading “INTENTIONALITY”
God is constantly at work in our lives. Sometimes I think we can see glimpses of these orchestrations, while other times we may not notice them. It always makes me smile and be in awe of God when I see some of them. I recently had a few little epiphanies that were related in what they made me think about.
God’s purposes and what they produce in other’s lives may not always be ours. I have seen how a simple gesture might have a different impact on someone’s life than what we envisioned. Continue reading “GOD PRODUCES”
I had the privilege of attending a retreat recently where God provided several blessings. I was renewed and filled with joy at experiencing the Spirit’s presence. One way was by being able to go outside to view the lake, the few colorful leaves remaining on the trees this fall, and the pure beauty of the whole area. The temperature was warm enough to not freeze, despite being November, which was an extra blessing.
Retreats are always a great time to be still with the Lord, as we take time to get away from the busyness of life and the often hectic pace at which we live. A favorite verse that comes to mind is: Continue reading “DEAFENING SILENCE”