As I have often shared, one of the greatest gifts God has graced me with is the people I have come to know and love because of this website of ten years, and even more so through the orchestration of four books to date. The spiritual family that walks with me provides my life with encouragement and inspiration to live faithfully as we walk each other home to eternity.
My heart is still a little heavy since learning of a fourth person who I came to know more because of this ministry is now in heaven with Jesus. It was quite a shock, as I had no idea—we lived almost three hours from each other.
God, in His infinite orchestration, allowed me to be present at a gathering this week where one of her close friends was too. She recognized me and shared that our mutual friend had a totally unexpected issue on Christmas Eve that resulted in her death on December 29th. I ran across this quote that seems doubly appropriate to share.
I interpret this quote as encouragement to make every day Christmas by the way we share even the simple kindnesses and joys to brighten people’s days. We share the love of God in us with each other—and it definitely works both ways. It reminds me of the relationship we had.
The memory of the righteous is a blessing, but the name of the wicked will rot. –Proverbs 10:7 (ESV)
Then I heard a voice from the heavenly realm, saying, “Write this: Blessed are the dead—the ones dying in the Lord from now on.” “Yes,” says the Holy Spirit, “they will rest from their trouble, for their deeds will live on!” –Revelation 14:13 (TPT)
Isn’t it always difficult when we lose people in our lives, even though we know they are in a better place? Scripture encourages us to keep their memory alive—that it is a blessing to recount the treasured memories that we have. It is comforting to know that the goodness of their lives continues to live on. As my pastor says, “Gratitude is the antidote to grief.” So with a heart of gratitude for knowing my friend, to remember how she blessed me with God’s love, and to share some of her good deeds, I write from my heart.
How I continue to marvel at God’s orchestrations. I remain forever grateful for attending my first weekend retreat back in July 2015 at a lakefront center on Canandaigua Lake, where I experienced peace and joy. It was sacred ground for me and became my home away from home. I had just started writing weekly on my website in September 2014.
The beautiful sky at the Notre Dame Retreat House, Canandaigua Lake, NY
I had the privilege of helping in the kitchen for years at other retreat weekends with a certain group there. This particular lady helped with the registration. We did not interact much in the beginning years, but in 2019 she signed up to receive my weekly website reflections. We bumped into each other a few years later when she shared she was enjoying my first book that was published in 2020. It encouraged me when she said she was growing in her faith because of reading my works—that they were easy to understand and relate to.
Every now and then she would email me to let me know when a certain reflection touched her even more, and she even sent me a beautiful email with the subject line of “Here’s a heart for you.” It had a few pictures of swans that made a heart shape—by then she had read my second book, remembering how God sends me reminders of His love for me with seeing heart-shaped items.
One time she emailed me to say that I wrote a reflection (feel free to read it by clicking the blue hyperlink after finishing here) on her favorite song, “Angels Among Us,” by Alabama. The song will always make me think of her and how she blessed my life—being an angel in my life.
In early 2024 she emailed me to say, “Just finished your latest book (God’s Compassion Illuminated). I got so much out of it. I really enjoy your writing.” After publishing my fourth book in May of 2024, God inspired me to surprise her and mail her a copy of God’s Glory Manifested. She was so kind and sent me a thank-you note that I will always treasure. I never got to ask her if she did this intentionally, but I noticed right away how she put a rainbow on the front of it. To me, it symbolized my third book that had a rainbow on it, and inside the note, she drew a heart, which to me, represented my second book about God’s love. Her message encouraged my spirit.
Only God could orchestrate that we would unexpectedly run into each other on September 20, 2024, at the retreat center for the final time. We embraced each other with a few huge hugs since it had been so long since we had seen each other. I was there for a meeting and then stayed for the free senior luncheon (they were so gracious to let me, “at 23 years old,” stay). We ate together, enjoying each other’s company. How blessed I am that I was prompted to get a picture with her and my latest book. It is the one and only picture we took. I love knowing she is now at home enjoying God’s Glory Manifested at its finest! Only God!
When I shared with a friend, he reminded me to be grateful for the blessing of helping her grow in her faith as she journeyed home to the Lord. That is the positive that I will try to focus on, as I will miss hearing from her and seeing her on this earth.
Three lessons that I learned from my friendship with this lady:
*There is beauty in letting others know how they impact our lives.
*A short email, text, or snail mail note is priceless.
*See the beauty of people’s hearts—the God in them.
Be encouraged this week to…
… make every day Christmas Day.
… be loved by God through others.
… offer even the strangers a smile or friendly greeting.
… walk hand-in-hand with others.
… share God’s love with all.
… keep the memories alive of those who are in eternity.
… enjoy the present moment with others—you never know when it will be the last.
… look for opportunities to help others grow in their faith.
Whose memory do you keep alive?
How can you let God love others through you, making it Christmas for someone?
Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his faithful servants. –Psalm 116:15 (NIV)
NOTE: I will be taking a few weeks off for special family time. Stop by anytime to read a reflection or two!