This Advent and Christmas season was very special for me; one filled with much meaning through the different activities I participated in and with meaningful church encounters.  The thought that really resonated with me the most profoundly was repeatedly hearing and reflecting on this simple short word:


EMMANUEL which means “God WITH us”
What a powerful thought that is!



Truly what Christmas is all about; such a special event to celebrate yearly in our lives~to help us remember what a privilege we have through Jesus’ birth–God WITH us!  Yes, God is personally in and with you, my dear reader! Continue reading “EMMANUEL”


This winter season in the Northeast part of the United States has been challenging already since it has produced some snow and ice storms in both November and December.

About a month ago, we had one day of icy conditions followed by some snow the following day.  In the evening, I had just gone downstairs to the laundry room while my husband was in the kitchen.  All of a sudden he heard a loud noise and figured for sure that the roof of the garage had fallen in crushing the cars!

As he was shaking from the loud noise, he opened the side door to peer in the garage but it looked in tact.  He opened the attic door that is nearby and could not see any issue.  As he ducked down to look in the garage more, he saw this:


Through the garage roof and attic


The branch just close enough to break some glass


Continue reading “THE JESSE TREE”


Ponder the word CHRISTMAS~~

Noting especially the first 6 letters of that word~~CHRIST




This year I have seen this saying below, more than once, that I don’t recall really seeing before; one that is worth remembering this holiday season, and in reality, every day!



Yes, let’s keep Christ as the center of Christmas this year! Continue reading “CHRISTMAS CHEER”


The month of November has yielded blessing galore for me as the NICU has finally needed some help loving and holding those little ones after a dry spell since July!

There have also been two weeks of “hopping” times when they have brought babies over from labor and delivery when I was present.  Times when I start praying for those little ones and their families,  the babies being in critical condition as the nurses and Drs. try to get them stabilized. Continue reading “MOVING IN”



A rather interesting quote that caught my eye that is worth reflecting on.  There are different ways of interpreting this quote depending on what your main focus is and how you look at it, so I’ll give my interpretation of what it means to me personally. Continue reading “SPREADING LIGHT”


The name “1Act” was really the name of a short video from Compassion International, a child sponsorship program, that was shared at a recent Christian artist concert of Dave Pettigrew & Unspoken that I attended.


Dave Pettigrew, musician and promoter bringing music to the NE



On the two and a half hour ride home I was reflecting on the truth of how “1 Act” can make a world of difference in all of our lives. Continue reading “1 ACT”


With the Thanksgiving holiday upon us soon, we so often turn our thoughts toward all we have to be thankful for; especially during the month of November.


That is admirable but isn’t it even better if

each day,

each moment of each day,

we keep forefront in our minds all we have to be thankful for?  Continue reading “THANKSGIVING”



A few simple words, though heartfelt, that I texted a friend of mine this week.  I was describing what I saw in her daughter’s life as well as in my friend’s life.

Faith in action is something we are called to do daily, right?  To not just KNOW about God’s word or just hear it only, but to put flesh and blood to that knowledge and faith by taking action; to find ways to live out that faith each and every day. Continue reading “FAITH IN ACTION”


Reading a book entitled “Praying for Strangers” that a friend gave me for my birthday recently and attending a luncheon that included a talk on “Live a Life of Kindness” are inspiration for these thoughts this week.   I won’t mention that the luncheon was really a “seniors” luncheon because we all know I’m only 23; they were kind and made an exception for me!  😉

Both events were blessings in my life which I feel are wonderful ways to live our lives on this earth day by day.

We can all make this world a better place for at least one person every day by living a life of kindness; sharing the light of Christ, that is within us, with othersContinue reading “LIVING KINDNESS”


As you think about your faith journey have you experienced some seasons of waiting?

Waiting for the Lord to act or direct in some way, waiting for something to happen before you could take the next step in your life?


Was it a season of waiting….

…for the Lord to open doors for a ministry

…for healing a broken relationship

…for a prodigal’s return

…for chains of addiction to be broken

…for physical healing in your body

…for the Lord to bring your life partner into your life? Continue reading “IN THE WAITING”