Isn’t it easy to fall into the trap of thinking our identity or worth is based on how we “perform” in this world?

Isn’t it also so easy to believe the lies that we hear echo in our head?


I have found it to be true in my life. Continue reading “TRUE IDENTITY”


In my humanness, my heart was saddened this past week with learning that a gentleman named Mark, who served the drinks on our soup kitchen weekend once a month, will not be ministering with us anymore.

The Lord called him home last week.


Yes, I am happy that he is with the Lord now and not suffering humanly in any way.

The sad part is that I will miss Mark’s physical appearance being there serving up the drinks when we work at the soup kitchen now.


I guess the important thing I can do is think about the legacy his life reflected and try to live out to some degree the example he provided.  We all leave a legacy by the way we live our lives daily.

Mark’s death has kind of hit me hard for some reason.  Maybe it is because of the ways he ended up touching my heart.

The very first post I did back in September of 2014, entitled An Unexpected Phone Call, was inspired because of Mark’s kindness. That is kind of cool to think about.  🙂


This past weekend we ended up working at the soup kitchen when it was not our regularly scheduled week.  Both the main people, who run it on our weekend who were away for a few months prior to this weekend, and I tried to contact Mark to see if he could help that day.  There was no answer on the telephone.

After we got settled at the soup kitchen that morning, two of us went to his house to see if he was around.  Again, no response.

Later that day, we learned that he had died the morning before.


Continue reading “MARK’S LEGACY”


If I asked you to think of some times in your life when you were presented with some challenges that were difficult and not pleasant to deal with, would anything come to mind?

I have a suspicion that it would be pretty easy to name some of those times. Maybe the situation was hard for a short time and you were able to deal with them reasonably well. Continue reading “A ROCKED WORLD”


Happy New Year to one and all!  May 2017 be filled with many special blessings for you and your families!


First, I would like to thank all who took the time to share on their traditions relating to last week’s post.  It was a blessing to read and learn a little more about you! Continue reading “CHRISTMAS EVERY DAY”


For something different, I would love you, my dear readers, to help me write this blog!
Yes, I think it is time to let you do some writing and sharing, and I will sit back and read!  Does that sound like a plan? Continue reading “TRADITIONS”


Though scripture does not really give us all the specifics or facts in detail about the physical place/building of Jesus’ birth, one interpretation is that Jesus had His humble beginnings born in a stable where the animals stayed. Continue reading “THE GUEST ROOM”


Can you reflect on times in your life when you really “longed” for something?

–Was it for a baby that you really wanted to make your family complete?

–Was it for a child to return home after a semester at college in another state? Continue reading “LONGING”


Do you find that life keeps you so busy or distracted “doing” things that you barely have time to catch your breath?

With the beginning of the holiday season upon us and all the hustle and bustle that can be involved with this time of year, maybe we need to take a few moments to reflect on what it is really important in life. Continue reading “PRIORITIES”


November, along with celebrating Thanksgiving Day, is the month we tend to set aside to remember and give thanks for the many blessings we have more readily than we do other times of the year. Continue reading “THANKS IN ALL”