We all know that our time on this earth is limited but that doesn’t make it any easier when we face the death of a loved one or special friend, does it?

I shared this experience this past week attending the funeral of a special friend who suffered greatly especially the last few weeks of his life. I was truly blessed to see how his wife took care of him at home so patiently and lovingly, as well as their son who kept vigil 24/7 at his hospital bedside the last six days of his life. It was always an honor to visit them, and they certainly enriched my life by their loving example. Continue reading “LEGACY”


Spending time near bodies of water, like the ocean, always renews my spirit. I see and feel God’s presence in the living waters that He has created and blessed us with.

A week at the beach this summer brought me time to read some inspiring books and time to reflect on…. Continue reading “LIVING WATERS”


Have you ever been fearful of a new beginning in your life?

Has fear or being scared of something ever stopped you from taking a new step in your life?

Maybe it is related to something God is calling you to do but you’re not sure how.

Maybe it is the not knowing what to expect that is difficult.

Maybe you were too scared to take that leap of faith because you didn’t know what you would find.


As I was recently traveling home solo from a Third Day concert (my favorite Christian band..in case you didn’t know!) on a ride that took four hours, thoughts of having a traffic delay made me think about uncharted waters in our lives.

The prior day, I was very thankful that I was not going in the opposite direction where there was a little construction but then what seemed like miles and miles of traffic backed up. They were even to the point of a stand still though I am really not sure why.

It was kind of “funny” how another friend of mine happened to text me about something and I mentioned the traffic I had seen the first day. She had actually been traveling the same direction the same day and noticed it as well.

She said maybe I should consider seeking an alternate route.  Because of her saying that, I did end up pulling over on way home when I noticed there was a 20 minute stopped traffic notification on the GPS.  I had just paid a toll so had a good place to pull over to see if there was an alternate route.

I really didn’t think there would be but the GPS said there was though it added 15 minutes to my trip. I figured it was worth it to be able to keep moving instead of coming to a standstill in traffic.


Continue reading “UNCHARTED WATERS”


Inspiration to help guide our lives can come to us in many different forms—through music, art, photography, people we interact with, writings, books, and even some movies.

Have you read any books or seen any movies that you could really relate to, and they make you want to share them with others because you believed in the message so much? Continue reading “THE BLIND SIDE”


Something you may not know about me is that through the years, I’ve earned the title of being a good “put the baby to sleep” gal. Well, that is probably true for all babies, except my own!  😃  Of course, they were more difficult.  I like to think that I earned that title from having such a calming, peaceful effect on the babies; certainly not because of being boring! Continue reading “HIS EMBRACE”



A word that I think all of us prefer not to think about or have to deal with. But, unfortunately, on this earth, it is a fact of life and is unavoidable. Yes, we all suffer with different things at different times in our lives. Sometimes others can tell we are suffering, and other times our suffering may not be visible to others. Continue reading “SUFFERING”


This week I am sharing a few additional thoughts relating to a post I did almost two years ago entitled, “Do Not Judge“. I encourage you to take a few minutes to read those original thoughts by clicking on the title; then stop back and read the rest of my thoughts here.  (Or, it’s really okay if you read this first then click the link!) Continue reading “NOT JUDGING”


We all face struggles, trials, and problems in this world. They are a part of life.

Have you ever noticed how some people handle those things better than others?  Maybe you know some people who always complain, find fault, are negative?  And maybe you know some that just seem to handle adversity differently….maybe they are still positive and look at the bright side of life. Continue reading “ONE WAY”


A few months ago I started a new position in a new location from my prior job. It actually has shortened my commute and it is an easier drive as it is mostly a straight shot on the highway and then just two other fairly short roads to travel. Continue reading “DETOURS”