A phrase from the Bible that has sparked a chord in my heart (no pun intended!) recently is that
“But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered all these things in her heart.”  Luke 2:19 (NIV)
“His mother treasured all these things in her heart.”  Luke 2:51  (NIV)
The background to the first line is shortly after Jesus’ birth when an angel of the Lord appeared to the shepherds in the fields nearby bringing them the good news of great joy for all people announcing the birth of Christ.  Once the shepherds saw Jesus lying in the manger, they spread the words that the angel told them.  How amazing is it to think that Mary, the mother of baby Jesus, took time and pondered all these things in her heart?
The passage from Luke 2:51 is when Jesus was about 12 years old and Mary and Joseph took Jesus to Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of the Passover.  When Mary and Joseph were heading home, after a day into the trip, they suddenly realized Jesus was missing. They headed back and THREE days later they found Jesus teaching in the temple.  Jesus told Mary, “Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?”  Luke 2:49  (NIV)  And, again, Mary treasured all these things in her heart.
I think we can relate with Mary on many levels.
…Her willingness to do what God asked of her–to be the Mother of Jesus…not telling God she would not do it.
…Pondering in her heart what Jesus’ life would be like…not announcing to everyone that He was the Holy One.
…Treasuring the thoughts of what Jesus would do for His Father…not getting angry at Jesus for not being with them.
…Knowing that Jesus was really here to do God’s will she had to release Jesus back to God.  Imagine watching your Son suffer an excruciating, painful death being hung on the cross…
Have you ever thought about the hardship Mary endured as the Mother of Jesus experiencing these things? Yet, she left us a wonderful example.  If she, being the Mother of Jesus, pondered and treasured all these events in her life, how much more should we ponder and treasure the words and parables Jesus shared with us?
Do you ever “ponder” things in your heart or “treasure things in your heart?”  I think that is probably a natural thing to do especially if you are a parent.  Different milestones in your child’s life might be something you ponder or treasure.
How about even Scripture passages or prayers for people? Do you “ponder” or “treasure in your heart” those things? How about the many “God incidents” you experience in your life? Do you share them with others to strengthen their faith too?

Here is a link to a song, Mary Did you Know, that I think is truly beautiful and makes one ponder what Mary was thinking. Listen and be blessed.

Mary lived a gentle, humble life pondering and treasuring even the little things…..Let us strive to be more like Mary in our lives.
2 Timothy 2:7 Reflect on what I am saying, for the Lord will give you insight into all this.


Shattered dreams,
   broken hearts,
       lonely people passing us by every day.
People without hope,
   searching for happiness–
       a lost and dying world.

What can we offer these people?

This world we live in seems to offer happiness to them in the form of

But, this happiness does not bring them anything to hope in,
    for these “worldly” pleasures last but a few fleeting moments.
They don’t offer anything lasting and real,
    and there is nothing to cling to.

In this world, the only true hope is found in and through Jesus Christ.

 Photo credit by Lex McKee under Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC 2.0)
With Christ as the center of our lives, we can possess a lasting happiness that will carry us through this life.
Christ gives a peace that surpasses all understanding despite all the trials we may be facing.
He is our best friend and will never, ever leave us even though others may desert us.

Our greatest hope is in the day we will meet Jesus face to face, and then spend eternity with Him.

This (Christ) is the lasting hope we can offer people as we live it and walk it each day. As Paul states in his First Letter to the Corinthians, “If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men.” (1 Cori 15:19)

Christ is the hope we need to offer others–it will change their lives forever!

I think the song, Cry Out to Jesus, by my favorite Christian band, Third Day, is such an inspiring, encouraging song that talks about the hope that Jesus provides.  Take a listen and be blessed!  Let the words penetrate your heart and soul.

There is HOPE for the helpless…..
    REST for the weary.
        And LOVE for the brokenhearted.
                                –Excerpt from Cry Out to Jesus by Third Day
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”  –Jeremiah 29:11


God calls each of us to do different things for Him in this life.
We are each called to be different and do special things with our unique, spiritual gifts that He has equipped us with.

God gives us examples of many people in the Bible who were called…

….Mary was called to be the Mother of Jesus….the “tabernacle” for God’s only Son.
….John the Baptist was called to prepare the way for Jesus; to preach repentance and a baptism with water.
…Abraham was called to be the Father of all nations.
…Samuel was called as a youth to proclaim God’s word.
…Moses was called to bring God’s people out of Egypt.
…Esther was called to save God’s people, the Jewish from annihilation.
…Jeremiah was called by God when he was a youth, and even before he was born, to be a great prophet for Him.
…Isaiah was called by God as a prophet to speak to a corrupt generation.
…The twelve apostles were called by God to heal the sick and be fishers of men.
…Paul was called by God to preach to the Gentiles.
…Peter was called by God to eventually be the beginning “Church.”
…Jesus was called by God to bring salvation to all who believe in Him.

In many of these callings by God the people did not feel worthy to do what God called them to.

…Mary asked God, “But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?”  –Luke 1:43  (NIV)
…Moses asked God, “Who am I, that I should go to Pharoah and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?”  –Exodus 3:11 (NIV)
…John the Baptist said, “…But after me will come one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not fit to carry.”  –Matthew 3:11  (NIV)
…Isaiah said, “Woe to me!” I cried. “I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty.”  –Isaiah 6:5  (NIV)
…Peter said, “…Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!”  –Luke 5:8  (NIV)
As I was reflecting on these things while writing this, and with some inspiration from a pastor I was sharing with, it occurred to me that being called by God does really involve two major things.

1-Loving the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and soul.

Jesus replied:  “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”   –Matthew 22:37-39  (NIV)

2-Going and making disciples of all people.

After Jesus rose from the dead and appeared to the disciples, He instructed them, “…Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”  –Matthew 28:19-20  (NIV)
I believe all the people mentioned in the examples above that were called by God, did indeed love the Lord and their calling was to help make disciples of all people.

Wow….we have been called by God to do those exact things with our lives!!  What a great commission God has called us to as well!

As we live day by day, in what ways is God calling you?
When I was a teen, I remember being in church one day and feeling such a closeness to God knowing that He truly did have some plan for my life…that I would do something special for Him.
Sure, I do think living daily for Him and even doing the “little” things for others like sending cards to the sick, helping the poor and broken, praying for others, and words of encouragement is a call from God.
But, sometimes maybe we need to stretch ourselves and look to see if there are even bigger things we are called by God to do.  We might have to put aside our feelings of unworthiness and stop making excuses for NOT doing what God calls us to do.
In my own life, I think God is currently stretching me, despite my feelings of unworthiness, in two different ministries that I feel He is calling me to do for Him. It is a great, rewarding feeling to finally get to that point in my life.  I am so grateful for the people God has placed in my path to help get me started upon this journey.
When we are doing what God has called us to do in our lives, we will experience the peace and joy that He provides. We will know in our heart that it is what He is calling us to, and He will clear the way for us.

It reminds me of a saying I’ve seen….“God doesn’t call the qualified….He qualifies the called!”

This other saying I just saw seems to be fitting too…“Stay where you are until God calls you into something new. God calls us into things, not just out of them.”

I pray that you may find God’s call for you in your life and that you experience the many rewards that He blesses us with.
It would be a blessing to hear some of the ways God is or has called you in your life. Please comment below so others may be blessed too.
qualified final
You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit–fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name.  –John 15:16  (NIV)


This reflection is dedicated to all the parents who have lost a baby or child, no matter what age. These words come from Jesus’ heart. May you be comforted by Him and others who care. I think the thoughts are also fitting for anyone who has lost someone special.
Every life is so precious to me
  No matter how small the child
Even the tiniest baby within its mother be
  is a treasure and special “angel” in my plan.
I know every tear you’ve shed
  Every dream you’ve dreamed
I hear every prayer that is said
  And I know how much your heart aches.
Though many sacrifices and pain
  You have endured
Know that they were not in vain
  They are steps that were part of my plan.
Photo credit by Scripture As Art under Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
I know the burden is hard to bear
  And the pain is great
But know that I care
  And I bring you comfort.
Some day soon you will see
  Your “angel” in my heavenly kingdom
But in the mean time be
  Assured that your “angel” is safe in my arms.
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.  –Matthew 5:4  (NIV)


As I was watching this final season of American Idol, the theme of SECOND CHANCES resonated with me.
I thought about how bittersweet this final season is for many of the contestants. It is their one last shot of trying to make it to fame and notoriety.
From what I’ve seen so far, I think this final season has definitely inspired many younger people, as in the 15 to  17 age group, to audition for the show. It makes sense that they figure they might as well try out since it is their last chance with this type of venue. This is a great opportunity for them to give it their all and see what happens.
The show has highlighted some people who have come back this year, who for them, is providing them with a second chance at making it to Hollywood.  Some have even previously made it all the way to Hollywood when their dream came to an end. They want to see if they can get even further this year.
And with this being the final season of American Idol, many are saddened by the fact that they will never have an opportunity for a second chance like others have in years past.


All these thoughts of SECOND CHANCES made me think of our relationship with the Lord.
I think it is a good thing to reflect on how God gives us SECOND CHANCES in our lives.
Think about the most important time in your life when God provided a second chance for you.
That point in your life when you were ready to accept Him into your life and heart.
At that moment, He forgave you from all your sin! That is the ultimate reason why Jesus came to this earth….to give us a second chance to live with Him forever in Heaven.
It would be nice if once we accepted Jesus, we did not sin anymore, but Jesus is the only person who walked this earth that did NOT sin. That is because He is also God.
But you know that He appeared so that He might take away our sins. And in Him is no sin. –1 John 3:5  (NIV)
As much as I think we humans strive to be “perfect” and not sin, that is not possible on this earth. It seems like because of this, everyday we are given second chances.
second chances
Maybe SECOND CHANCES can be viewed in two ways…
….One being more where we have wronged someone in some way
….One being opportunities where God’s intervening is evident
What SECOND CHANCES has God given you today where you have wronged someone?
…the time you caught yourself gossiping about a co-worker?
…the time you caught yourself cursing at the driver who cut you off?
…the time you lost your temper with your child or spouse?
…the time you were speeding because you were running late?
…the time you ignored the homeless person on the street because you were in a hurry?
These are times when our second chances are opportunities to ask the Lord and maybe another person for forgiveness.
We can start each day anew with a renewed love of the Lord and others. In doing this, we can once again experience the fullness of the blessings of the Lord .
What SECOND CHANCES has God given where you have seen Him intervene in your life?
…A chance to renew a strained family relationship?
…A healing with a health issue?
…A freedom from an addiction?
…A pursuing of a new career path for your life where God is calling you?
…A protection from a disaster that you saw coming?

These second chances are pure blessings from the Lord to help increase our faith and show the Creator’s mighty power.


May we strive to live as Jesus loving and serving all we meet and giving it our all, just like the contestants on American Idol.
May we always be thankful to the Lord for ALL the second chances He provides for us,  just like the contestants on American Idol who are so thankful for their second chances.
May we always strive to live in peace and honor the Lord in all that we do.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. –John 3:16 (NIV)


Have you ever noticed and experienced how God’s timing is always perfect?
It strengthens my faith to see God work things out in His perfect time which might NOT be our time.
It seems even more amazing to me because I’ve heard recently and thought about how…
God is not bound by time.
God is outside of time.
God created time.
Despite these things, God is still in charge and God’s perfect timing rules in our lives.
This past week, at least three times this theme of God’s perfect timing revealed itself in my life.  They are “small” things, but I love being able to see God at work, which makes my heart happy and strengthens my faith.
For those that may have noticed, my goal is to post a writing either late Wednesday or Thursday depending on my schedule. Last week, I ended up working an extra day and I was waiting feedback on my rough draft. God is slowly teaching me to be patient and not be so concerned with WHEN I post.  If it isn’t until late Thursday night, it is still okay.
That is exactly what happened last week. It ended up being Thursday evening before I posted.  It seemed like it was within a half hour of when I posted, I got a Facebook message from a Third Day Gomer friend who said she just read my post and that it was just what she needed at that moment!

I thought….

Wow…Isn’t God awesome?! God’s perfect timing!

Posting when I did was all part of His perfect timing!  This gal needed that encouragement right at that moment.

The friend and I conversed a few times, and she shared about some things she was struggling with. I told her I would be praying for her.
She sure blessed me with sharing how she was encouraged through that writing and other ones, and I believe that her knowing I am praying for her is helping her through things too.
God’s perfect timing once again occurred on Sunday at church.
There were two Bible passages from my blog post last week that were read in church. That seems to happen a lot, and I think….Wow….Out of ALL the Bible verses, the one I just chose is one that is mentioned?

Wow…Isn’t God awesome?! God’s perfect timing!

perfect timing
Photo credit by Sara Gillins under Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)  Words added by hopetoinspireyou.wordpress.com


A few weeks before Christmas, I was at a local store. The cashier and I got talking and I learned that the Dr. wanted her one child to have a feeding tube. She really felt they shouldn’t do it, and I shocked myself by saying I agreed with her. In talking with her, I really felt her mother’s intuition was the right thing. We actually talked longer than my order and when I left I told her I would be praying for her.
Just yesterday I was at the same store. With God’s perfect timing, I was so happy to realize that I was in that same ladies line that I talked to before Christmas.  I asked her about her son, and I got an update for which I was thankful. So far they have not done the feeding tube.  She thanked me for asking about her son, and I said I was going to continue to pray.

Wow…Isn’t God awesome?!  God’s perfect timing!


A few weeks ago the same gal I referenced in my first sharing above tweeted me a message out of the blue, saying she was thinking of me.
It was actually at a time I was feeling stressed about things that were going on. It brightened my day and made me see God’s love through her.

Wow…Isn’t God awesome?! God’s perfect timing!



What examples can you think of in your own life where you have experienced God’s perfect timing?
So, though God is not bound by time and God even exists outside of time, God’s perfect timing reigns in our lives!

Let us try to not be so concerned with OUR timing, but God’s perfect timing.

We need to continue to be faithful, serving others in prayer and deed.

God is above all, knows all, and is in charge of all!  We need to trust Him!

“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.”  –Revelation 1:8  (NIV)


Have there been times in your life, like in mine, where you have felt like you were all ALONE in this big world? Think of all the people you know and are in this world, yet you still felt totally ALONE?
…Maybe no one seemed to understand you, so you felt all ALONE
…Maybe you experienced a difficult time in your life, so you felt all ALONE
…Maybe you just lost a dear friend to cancer and the grief was overwhelming, so you felt all ALONE
…Maybe you just lost your job and didn’t have money to pay your bills, so you felt all ALONE
…Maybe you were physically abandoned from others for some reason, so you felt all ALONE
…Maybe you were suffering through a health issue where you just felt so awful that you could not even function, causing you to feel all ALONE.


Isn’t it interesting to reflect on that fact that since Jesus was both God and HUMAN, in Jesus’ humanness He experienced the feeling of being all ALONE in this world too? That was when He was hanging on the cross bearing the sins of the whole world.
“About the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?”–which means, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”  –Matthew 27:46  (NIV)
Though the humanness part of Jesus felt all ALONE, Jesus knew He came to do the will of God, the Father. His whole life purpose was fulfilled in this self-less act of love. God was still with Him through His suffering.
Photo credit by listentothemountains under Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
The key, when we start to feel all ALONE, is to remember that though we may FEEL we are all alone, we are NEVER truly all ALONE in this world.  
In spite of all of our pain, sorrow, misunderstandings and the actual feeling that we are all ALONE, God’s presence is always with us. He never, ever leaves us nor forsakes us. Once we accept Him into our lives He is forever with us.
“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”  –Deuteronomy 31:8  (NIV)


When we’re feeling all ALONE, we can reach out to feel God’s presence through…..

…Reading His Word
…Listening to some inspiring Christian music


I find that sometimes it helps to experience God’s presence through another human.  WE are called to be God in the flesh….called to be there for others in their time of need.

Yes, we are ALL a part of Christ’s body.

 “Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.”  –1 Corinthians 12:27  (NIV)

We are called to be there for others and to bring Christ to others.

“If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.” –1 Corinthians 12:26  (NIV)

Sometimes God’s presence, revealed through another human, reminds us we are never all ALONE. God’s presence can be felt through….
….The touch of a friend
…An encouraging word
…Knowing someone is lifting you in prayer.
Sometimes, we just don’t have the capacity to do it on our own; we need someone to lift us in prayer to the Lord.
“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”  –Galatians 6:2  (NIV)


Can you think of times when God revealed His presence to you to let you know you weren’t all ALONE…either through an encounter directly with Him or through another human?

What times can you recall where maybe YOU were instrumental in letting someone else know they weren’t all ALONE?

Feel free to share answers to these questions in the comment section below. It will be a blessing to see ways that God revealed you are never all ALONE in this world. It just might encourage another to reach out to others so they know they are never all ALONE in this world!
alone blog picture
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.  –Isaiah 41:10  (NIV)


As Christians, one main goal of our life should be to walk each day as Jesus would and to see the world THROUGH HIS EYES.
Jesus cares most about how much we love Him and try to follow in His footsteps each day.
What would Jesus do if He were in your footsteps?
Think about how Jesus looks at your life THROUGH HIS EYES, and the things that are most important to Him.
Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.”  –Matthew 22:37-38 (NIV)


THROUGH HIS EYES, our heart is more important than our successes or failures.

Jesus doesn’t keep track of how many things we are good or bad at. He also doesn’t dwell on the negative or failures in our lives that we humans tend to focus on.

Jesus sees the beauty found within our hearts.

But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” –1 Samuel 16:7  (NIV)


Photo credit by regan76 under Creative Commons License (CC BY 2.0)
THROUGH HIS EYES, worry and fear are not found.
Jesus’ love casts away the worry or fear that we may experience. With Jesus, we have the faith that He will work every detail out for us.

Jesus sees how we can overcome worry and fear by trusting in Him more.

For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, “Do not fear; I will help you.”  –Isaiah 41:13  (NIV)


THROUGH HIS EYES, there is no problem that is too big or can’t be resolved.

Jesus has a solution for every problem we may face. In our lives, we usually want the easy way out of any problem or situation, but that may not be the best solution for the situation– or for our lives.

Jesus sees that all things work out for the good of them that love Him.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. –Romans 8:28  (NIV)


Each day, strive to see your life a little more THROUGH HIS EYES.

Live your life focusing on the things that Jesus sees.
You will then be following in His footsteps and seeing the world THROUGH HIS EYES.
For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him….  2 Chronicles 16:9  (NIV)


The last year or so I have realized how important it is to be continually GROWING….

…in our relationship with the Lord

…in our relationships with family and friends

…in our knowledge of how things work

…in our networking with others

…in our perspectives on life

…in our views of other ways of doing things

…in taking care of our precious bodies

By continually growing we can learn new and different things in order to help expand our horizons in this life.

Through learning continually, we will be growing in knowledge and wisdom. I think sometimes we tend to be stuck doing the same old thing which tends to get monotonous and may stunt our growth.

Even something as simple as learning new ways to get places can be beneficial. This happened to me with picking up my son from a baseball camp. I did not know the easy way to get to the camp from my work until I checked out the different ways to get there. In turn, knowing that route helped me know where something else was that I needed to know later.

It’s kind of like this “road map” of life. You never know when some piece of information will come in handy in your life or even in helping another. Someone sharing something as simple as a software program enabled me to pursue my love of writing no matter where I am. If I did not have that tool, I know I would not have made the time to write and sit at a computer. Other things would have become more of a priority.

I think it is sad when someone is not willing to grow or change in their ways. If you aren’t willing to expand your horizons or think that it is beneficial to learn or try something new, you will definitely miss out. I think people are really missing out on more opportunities when they have that kind of attitude. God can work even more in their life if they were open to it.

This has been proven to me over the last few years. It has been amazing how God has used social media to help expand my horizons and let me gain more insight into life, and in turn helping me to be a better person.


Photo credit by ransomtech under Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

The more you know, the more you can be open to change, and even improve things you need to change about yourself.

I encourage you to look for ways you can GROW in this New Year…

…in your relationship with the Lord—maybe joining a Bible Study group or even an on-line group

…in your relationships with family and friends—make time to visit someone who needs a friend or someone you haven’t connected with in years

…in your knowledge of how things work—maybe grab a book from the library on something “new” you always wanted to know

…in your networking with others—reach out to others so you can benefit from their wisdom and they in turn can learn from you

…in your perspectives on life—be aware that everyone thinks differently…maybe sharing with someone will let you gain a new perspective on something in life and vice versa

…in your views of other ways of doing things—maybe doing something in a little different fashion from your norm will yield beneficial rewards for you.

…in taking better care of your body–maybe going for a walk everyday or doing some kind of exercise daily.

I encourage you to seek ways to GROW daily in your life so you can be the person the Lord wants you to be….in right relationship with Him first, and then others . Continually growing and changing to improve ourselves is a great goal to work towards each day.

Can you think of ways that learning has helped you grow? Or is there some knowledge you can pass on to someone else to help them?

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. –Romans 12:2 (NIV)


As another Christmas holiday season comes to a closure, there are a few things that were on my heart that I wanted to share with you.

First, something that I think is worth pondering that seemed to resonate with me this Christmas season is the verse that says,

“..She wrapped Him in cloths and placed Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.” Luke 2:7 (NIV)

Thinking about that innkeeper who had no more rooms available is a good parallel to peek into our own lives.

…Do we have “room” for Him, Jesus, in the “inn” of our heart?

Have we accepted Jesus as Savior and Lord of our life?

Does He rule our lives?

Or is that “inn” too busy with things in this world that distract us?

Do we let other things take priority over living for Him?


Another image that keeps recurring in my life this Christmas season is the verse that says,

“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.” Isaiah 9:2 (NIV)

Jesus’ birth. as well as the ultimate act of sacrificing His very life for us, SHATTERED THE DARKNESS!

Before God sent Jesus to earth, the people were in darkness from sin and evil that entered the world through our first parents, Adam and Eve. God’s plan was then to send the world a Savior….to save us all from that evil. God did not want us to be in darkness.

Jesus entering the world means there is no more darkness….that DARKNESS IS SHATTERED by the LIGHT OF CHRIST!

The darkness of ALL sin and evil is defeated. JESUS truly is the LIGHT!

Our lives need to reflect that LIGHT SHATTERING THE DARKNESS.


For me this year, two events come to mind that I think reflect this LIGHT SHATTERING THE DARKNESS.

Last Christmas, I was truly blessed to have been part of some Christmas caroling at a nursing home where a fellow church member was confined to. We ended up caroling for her and then visited one other shut-in as well. You could tell that both people were blessed by that simple act, and they were singing along praising the Lord with us looking so happy and peaceful.

This year, I really had the urge to do that again. To bring that LIGHT SHATTERING THE DARKNESS to others. The lady we visited last year died during this past year. There was a gentleman from our church who has been sick and either in the hospital or nursing home for the past two years. He suffered immensely during this time. I thought he would be a great person to go caroling to this year. We found out a few days before the caroling date that he was back in the hospital and hospice was being called. He had gotten to the point of being unresponsive too. So, we felt it was not a good idea to go visit him. Ironically, we learned he died the evening we went caroling.

We ended up gathering eight of us to go caroling to three different shut-ins. I feel God truly worked it all out. The people we visited were so appreciative and I think the LIGHT SHATTERING THE DARKNESS helped brighten their holidays. Each couple we visited is going through such struggles and heartaches in their lives. The one family we are very close with, and their daughter, is going through a health trial right now. Her parents and I were crying as we stood singing Christmas carols, and it was neat to see that many of the people caroling had been praying for this gal by name, not knowing who she really was. So, now through seeing a picture of her, they can connect the face with the name and know it is this couple’s daughter.


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My eldest son had a wonderful idea to have the LIGHT SHATTERING THE DARKNESS for his one grandmother who lives alone. We usually end up entertaining three sets of people during the Christmas holiday by preparing feasts. I am so blessed that this son loves to plan, prepare and execute delicious meals and even clean up the house before hand. He is very organized and efficient in all he does. He will even help me shop if he isn’t busy studying for college finals.

The one day he says, “We should make a meal for grandma and take it to her.” It has probably been about 15 years since we’ve gotten together for any holiday with her. She just feels more comfortable staying home. This year my son actually said back in October that this Grandma shouldn’t give us gifts this year as she does not have much money. She is retired and was helping out at an organization a little through the year, but this year it was much less than prior years. Therefore, her income is very little. I thought that was a great thing for my son to recognize and be willing to not receive a present. Reluctantly, grandma agreed only if WE didn’t get her anything either.

To make it more challenging, this grandma is a vegetarian; we are definitely not! (Though this son wouldn’t mind if we were!) So, coming up with a meal idea was definitely more difficult. But leave it to him! He came up with a soup idea and a dessert. So, a few hours before we wanted to arrive at grandma’s house, I called her to let her know that my son wanted to prepare a meal and what time we would arrive.

It ends up that the whole family crashed her place bringing all the dishes, glasses, cups, etc. that we needed, along with the food, to her apartment. She was shocked to see us all. We overtook her dining room table that never gets used and made ourselves at home.  My husband brought his guitar so we sang Christmas carols to her as well.

When we left there, after about a two-hour visit, grandma was in tears…tears of happiness. I think the LIGHT SHATTERING THE DARKNESS was a huge blessing to her. I think she will not soon forget that night, and that we have forged a new tradition to add to our holiday list!

Can you think of ways that you might have shattered the darkness in someone’s life this holiday season? I’d love to hear.

You might just bless someone else or inspire them to do that in the future.

Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and His glory appears over you.  –Isaiah 60:1-2  (NIV)