Those of you that know my family personally, know that my youngest son, LOVES to play baseball. He even played fall & winter baseball inside this past year and that then led to his first travel baseball experience! He was so very excited and stoked to play so many games as they were playing or practicing from November – July…a good nine months of baseball!
There was one game in particular where I was spectating that these thoughts came to me….It seems many principles of baseball are also fitting for this “game” of life. This particular game the team really came together, cheered each other on to really have that team spirit, communicated well on the field, made great plays and came out victorious even coming from way behind.
                                                Tournament champs this day.

Lesson 1:  You win some games and you lose some games. 

Do you ever feel that way in your life? Some days you feel like you’re on top of everything and winning, while other days it seems like you just can’t win no matter how hard you try to be successful.
In the end, it really works out okay. God is still in control no matter what. With Him, we WIN and have the victory!
But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. –1 Cori 15:57 (NIV)

Lesson 2: Some days you make all the right plays, but since we’re human, sometimes we make some errors.

No matter how hard we try, we still end up making some “mistakes” in this journey of life. We were not made to be perfect; only God is perfect. We need to learn from our mistakes and strive to improve everyday. It is so important to pick ourselves up, brush the dirt from us, and know each day is a new start. God loves us and forgives us no matter what. Our heart is what counts.
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.  –1 John 1:9 (NIV)

Lesson 3: You may be called to play a few different positions in the game of baseball. My son pitches, catches, plays 3rd base, shortstop, or is in the outfield.

In life, we are all called to different roles. First and foremost you are a Child of God, then you might be a son/daughter, husband/wife, parent, doctor, accountant, musician, etc.
All of these roles have important qualities or responsibilities tied to them. The more roles that you find yourself with gives you more opportunities to touch more people’s lives and share the love of the Lord with them. The key is to always do your best in whatever role you find yourself.
And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.  –Colossians 3:17  (NIV)

Lesson 4: When a batter is hitting, sometimes they are thrown a strike, sometimes a curve ball, sometimes a fast ball, and sometimes something in between that is too high or low.

In this game of life, you never know what kind of “ball” life will throw at you. The key to success in life is to keep rooted in the source and refocusing your energy through loving the Lord. Your attitude and faith are what will make the biggest difference. Knowing that with God you can handle anything is a liberating feeling.
I can do everything through Him who gives me strengthen.   –Philippians 4:13  (NIV)

Lesson 5: You need to keep believing in yourself, your team, and never give up. It is not over until that last out!

It is hard when we start doubting ourselves and our abilities. Our confidence can plummet very quickly. Sometimes we need that person to encourage us along the way to help us get our confidence up. Learning to never give up and keep trying our best are key elements to help us make it through the tough times. It isn’t really over until our final breath.

For nothing is impossible with God. –Luke 1:37 (NIV)

                                                  Team spirit! Go Bandits!

Lesson 6: Work as a team each member doing their “job” to the best of their ability. It is definitely a TEAM sport…No one person is responsible for the success of the team. 

God has given us the gift of family and friends to work together with.  Together is better and more can be accomplished when we are working as a team.
Have you ever experienced a major deadline or project at work? Didn’t things go much more smoothly when you worked as a team, each utilizing their talents and gifts that helped everything work together?
Can you think of times when someone came along side you and helped you see something in a fresh new way? Being connected to others can help us learn from others and expand our horizons.
For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them. –Matt 18:20  (NIV)

Lesson 7:  No matter what, you need to keep fighting and giving your best even when the stakes are stacked against you. One small thing can change everything.

No matter how down and out you are, you need to keep pressing one and searching for the light at the end of the tunnel. A simple little turn in events can change the whole situation around. Don’t ever give up!
I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.  –Philippians 3:14  (NIV)
For me, it was a blessing to reflect on how something as simple as watching a baseball game could show me lessons about baseball, life, and the Lord.
Can you think of your favorite sport to watch or play and find some lessons about life too?
His master replied, “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!”  –Matthew 25:21  (NIV)


Ever since I was an older teen, my favorite Bible verse has been Romans 8:28,

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.”

A Christian gal that I knew slightly shared that verse with me at a difficult time in my life. That verse for me provides great encouragement and comfort which helps build and strengthen my faith, especially during the difficult times.

It is important to keep in mind the two conditions that are present in order for “God to work all for our good”—loving God and being called according to His purposes.

To me, loving God means coming to that point in our lives when we surrender everything to Him.  We begin to realize everything we have and everything we are is a gift from God.

Being called according to His purposes is knowing the Lord calls us to do His will and then following His will—not ours.

My faith is always strengthened by seeing how God truly does work things out for us. One example of this was about a year ago. My oldest son needed to have his wisdom teeth pulled, and we wanted it done before college started again and before our already scheduled, week long vacation. I thought it was going to work out for a Monday appointment which was going to be perfect.  Long story short was that by the time the Dr. saw the xrays, only 24 hrs after the initial phone call,  the Monday appointment was already taken by someone else. The next appointment they had was two weeks later. It was a big difference for us because that meant he only had 12 days to recover before our vacation. We weren’t sure how great he would be feeling or how hard it would really be to eat anything he wanted. (Especially because it was a cruise vacation.)

Thankfully, I thought about asking to be put on a cancellation list. I will admit I was not happy that my plan was not working out like I wanted it to or thought it should! I did reluctantly try to turn it over to the Lord letting Him work it out.

Much to my amazement two days later they called at 10:30 in the morning saying that had a cancellation for 1:15 pm that day! To make it even more amazing was the fact that my son had not eaten or drank anything since the night prior. If he had, they would not have been able to do the surgery because of the anesthesia. God worked it out perfectly for us. It was a great relief to get it done so soon especially since my son was so concerned and worried about the surgery. This way, he didn’t have more time to think about it!

romans 8 28 final

Another example in my life of God working things out for the good was when I recently received an email request to pray for a gal from our Bible Study who was going to be making a Women’s Retreat. The instant I got that email, I had this overwhelming feeling that I was suppose to be there as well. I wasn’t even quite sure what the retreat was like! My friend thought it was full which was indeed confirmed when I finally got a hold of the person in charge a good day later. This time I really felt that God would provide an opening for me to be able to go, and I prayed that He would work it out. Sure enough…two days later I got the call that a spot was available.  I then found out I needed a sponsor and had paperwork to fill out, but again, all that fell right into place even though the time was short before the retreat. I cannot begin to tell you what a blessed experience that retreat was, and I am so thankful God worked it all out.

It definitely was a God thing because as a follow up from this retreat you are suppose to have small group sharings and then bigger group get-togethers. During our 32 week Bible Study I felt that this gal and I were suppose to continue to connect after the Bible Study ended. I am thankful to say that tomorrow we are slated to have our second small group meeting, and it has been quite the blessing already!

Can you think of some examples in your life of God working things for your good?

It is such a comfort and joy to know that God takes care of everything and works it for our good if we love Him and are called according to His purposes.

No matter what happens or what comes our way, our loving Father is working it all out for our good—He is watching over us.  We need to remain faithful to Him and to keep loving Him.

The Lord watches over all who love Him, but all the wicked He will destroy.  –Psalm 145:20


These words were inspired and quickly penned while I was enjoying a beautiful, God filled presence sunrise overlooking Canandaigua Lake during an amazing three day retreat this past weekend.
In retrospect, I feel so blessed to have experienced this view, not only one, but two days! I have to admit I usually am not an early riser, but because of the time schedule of the retreat, they woke us up early every day!
I wish I could have captured the moment with an awesome picture so you could really SEE the view with your eyes, but no cameras were allowed. So, sit back and try to visualize the scene…..I hope you will be as blessed as I was.
Photo credit by lam_chihang under Creative Commons License (CC BY 2.0)
Bright morning sunrise in the sky
Reflecting upon the water
Radiating out
Just like you and me
Radiating the Son in our lives.
Then appeared one bird
Quickly followed by a second.
And then a third
Reminding me of the
Father, Son & Holy Spirit.
That third bird
Lasting in the sky
The longest
Reminding me of the
Holy Spirit’s ever presence
In our lives.
There was an L-shaped cloud line
Encompassing the sun
In the sky
Reminding me of God’s arms
Always surrounding and
Enveloping ME.
After about 15 minutes the cloud line
Disappeared reminding me of the
Son’s encompassing love and
Inclusion of us ALL.
All different kinds of birds
Were singing their songs of praise.
All in praise of their Creator
Reminding me to do the same.
It was another grace filled moment experiencing
God’s presence in creation and a definite
Reminder for me of the “Sonrise” in our
Hearts with Christ as the center.
Be still, and know that I am God.  –Psalm 46:10 (NIV)
The heavens declare the glory of the God; the skies proclaim
the work of His hands.  –Psalm 19:1  (NIV)


Isn’t it truly amazing and mind-boggling to think about how awesome our God is?

I was overwhelmed with this thought as I looked at the vastness of this earth while cruising up some 37,000 feet in an airplane.

Our God is so awesome that He has more knowledge, wisdom and power than all the people in this world put together.


Photo credit by Frank Kovalcheck under Creative Commons License (CC BY 2.0)

I started to think how man has used his brain and technology to do so much over the years.  Man has the knowledge to design and make airplanes that can fly over 500 people and all their luggage half way across the world.

Yet, man doesn’t have the power to design and create the space the plane travels through.

Man can make computers that produce mathematical calculations in hundredths of a second that would take a day to do by hand.

But, man can’t control or calculate the length of his life span here on earth.

Man now has the wisdom to perform delicate brain surgery, and in most cases have the person lead a “normal” life.

Yet, man doesn’t have the ability to create a human brain, or revive it once dead.

As I continued to reflect on the vastness of this earth and our awesome God that created everything, there was one thought that really amazed me.

revised detroit

Though I am such a little, little part of this vast earth, with all it’s surroundings, all the animals and all the billions of people in the huge world, our awesome God has the capacity to know, love and care for ME! 

How everything, even my life, can be under His control is so awesome and mind-boggling!

Our God is so awesome that He does the same for YOU! 

He knows, loves, and cares for YOU!!

TD group

How awesome is the Lord Most High, the great King over all the earth! –Psalm 47:2 (NIV)

When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?  –Psalm 8:3-4 (NIV)


Recently, I saw two movies that left me with a few inspiring thoughts. They are simple things, but hopefully worth pondering to see how they can benefit you, and how you could incorporate them more into your daily life.


One definition of “courage” is: “The ability to do something that frightens one.”
Can you think of some things you’ve done that took courage to do?
—Taught a Sunday school class?
—Ever gone a trip by yourself?
—Ever gone back to school after many years?
I think with doing any of these things, they require a certain degree of courage.
I think if you practice courage, you will end up having more faith in yourself and your abilities. In turn, you can experience more things, not be so afraid and grow more as a person.
Some of you may know recently I was in New Orleans and was truly blessed by taking my first air boat swamp tour by myself. I actually pet, fed and picked up a gator’s tail! Needless to say, I have never done anything like that before, and actually the week before I was “mad” at myself for not having enough courage to hold a horseshoe crab that a stranger had picked up to show us.
So, I’m not sure if that is why I felt compelled to just do the gator things, or because it was really a most relaxing, peaceful environment where there was so much beauty. Thankfully, I didn’t really “think” about doing those things, I just did it.
                                         Feeding the hungry gator!
It was great because there were only three of us on the swamp tour and I was in the front too. At the one point, I even got to put my legs/feet across the seat so the gator came right up on the boat and went from one end to the other right in front of me! (I might have held my breath for that!)
            The gator crossing our boat right in front of my legs!
So, I encourage you to try to face things with courage. If you have courage, it seems like you can face anything with a better attitude and succeed!
For the brave of heart who want to see me “catching” a gator, check out this short video:
Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. Do everything in love. –1 Corinthians 16:13-14 (NIV)
I like this definition of “kind”: “Having or showing a friendly, generous, sympathetic, or warm-hearted nature.”
Wouldn’t this world be an even better place if everybody was kind to every person they met? Being kind doesn’t cost anything and it is a great way to live. It is something we can ALL do, everyday! It can have a big impact on a life.
—That stranger you smiled at…he was feeling all alone.
—You saying that silent prayer for the elderly couple who can only shuffle their feet along as they leave the soup kitchen…I’m sure God blessed them because you cared.
—That person you surprised by paying for their coffee….you gave them hope by your small act.
Be on the look out for how you can be kind to all those you meet….Open the door for someone, encourage someone with a positive word. Your life will be blessed as well as blessing another.
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ, God forgave you.  –Ephesians 4:32 (NIV)
The one movie had this quote that I thought was worth sharing: “If you believe the purpose of life is to only serve yourself, then you have no purpose. Help someone today.”
Wow…I think that is great advice! See how you can help someone today!
I’m sure you’ve heard me say before that I truly feel happiest when I am helping another. It brings me happiness to do whatever “little” thing I can do to bring the love of Christ to others. In giving of ourselves, we give ourselves purpose.
What are some ways you can help someone today?
—Give an encouraging word to someone who is having a really bad day.
—Offer to stop at the store for a shut-in.
—Take time to understand how someone might be feeling.
Photo credit by grapefrugten under Creative Commons License (CC BY 2.0). Words added by
Daily, see how you can help another. You will feel refreshed and renewed!
…serve one another in love. The entire law is summed up in a single command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”  –Galatians 5:13-14 (NIV)
For me personally, trying to practice courage helps me realize that with God, I can do more things outside of my comfort zone. Doing that helps me grow as a person and in turn maybe reach out to others more. Trying to be kind and helping others seems like a natural extension of trying to share the Christ in me with others. Such simple things to be the hands and feet of Christ.
Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. –1 Corinthians 12:27 (NIV)


eagle verse


As I gazed up into the bright, sun-lit sky on a clear, cloudless day, I saw a bird soaring gently through the air.  I saw such beauty in the sight.  I first thought how God created the birds of the sky to soar with such free-ness.

Wouldn’t it be neat if we could be like the birds and spend our time singing and flying far throughout God’s creation—just living moment by moment?

As I continued to think about the birds, I couldn’t help but think, maybe God was showing me this bird to remind me to be more like them—

**not worry about tomorrow,

**simply live one moment at a time,

**rest in His love and care.

He will be our strength and provide all we need when we need it.

As we grow more and more in faith and trust, we will be more like the birds—our spirits will soar freely with Him—free of the tensions and worries of this world.

“Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?” –Matthew 6:26-27 (NIV)


“Never get tired of doing the little things for others. For sometimes those little things occupy the biggest part of their heart.”

Did you ever stop to think about how much the little, simple things in life can mean so much to someone?

I think doing “little” things for people is just as important as doing “big” things for people. We are not all called to change the world in a big way, but instead called to do the “little” things we can for others each and every day.



We can help change the world one person at a time and those things can have an awesome ripple affect.

For me, something as simple as someone telling me they’re praying for me when I’m going through a medical procedure or test makes a world of difference.

One day recently when I was working lots of extra hours and very stressed with deadlines, when my supervisor finally took a minute to say she realized that my workload could not be done in my 20 hours a week, it was like a huge load was lifted from my shoulders. Just that little comment meant so much.

Something as simple as making a meal for a person in need is one example of a simple gesture you could do.

Praying for those with a special need or even texting someone to let them know you are thinking of them are other simple ways we can make a difference in somebody’s life and share the Christ in us.

You might see some person you don’t know and offer a prayer for God to help meet a need in their life.

Maybe telling an artist their picture really touched you will encourage them in their creativity.

Can you think of a time in your life when you did a simple, little thing that touched someone else?

You may never know what the impact your simple gesture had on their life on this earth. Your simple little action might be just what the person needed to change their life.

Final small things
Photo credit by Petey under Creative Commons License (CC BY-ND 2.0). Words added by hopetoinspireyou.wordpress

So continue to look for ways you can do simple acts of love for another. Remember what an influence you can have on other people with doing the simple, little things that mean so much. You can make such a difference in someone’s life today!

When I posted the opening quote on Facebook it was such a blessing to see a post by a friend who said she was just making dinner to help someone in need, and she remembered when I had made dinner for her in her time of need. That was a cool validation of this truth. It was cool to see her reading that quote just as she was living it out and also remembering when someone did it for her.

What “little” thing can you do for someone today?

“And the King will answer them, Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.” –Matthew 25:40


Did you ever sit around a campfire, mesmerized by the sight of it continuously burning?  While viewing such a sight, I was reminded of our relationship with the Lord.

I imagined God being the spark that comes when you first start the fire, and then grows into a big, flowing fire, if you do the “right” things.

In order for a fire to exist, you must first consciously decide to start it, and then get the proper materials.  So it is with our relationship with God.  We must first come to that point when we are ready to fan into existence our commitment to the Lord.  We must prepare ourselves by repenting and seeking Him with our hearts.

In order to get, and keep the fire burning brightly, YOU must continually ACT, by adding more logs.  How you do this determines how brightly the fire burns.  The same principles work to show how brightly the Lord shines through in your life.


Photo credit by Madhu Madhavan under Creative Commons License (CC BY 2.0)

If you use a good, long burning log, the spark will turn into a great, hot flame.  If you use a sappy log, the fire will not burn; only smolder and smoke.  Soon, it will even die out.

The choices are parallel in our relationship with God.  If we read and study His word daily, and seek His presence in our lives (good wood), our fire will burn brightly.  If we choose to be too busy for the Lord and don’t seek Him daily (bad wood), our fire will soon die out.

Be honest—think about how brightly your fire is burning.  Can other people see a continuously blazing fire shining for the Lord?

I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!  –Luke 12:49

Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire.  –Hebrews 12:28-29

Consuming Fire is also a name of a song by Third Day that they recorded originally back in 1996! Here is a link so you can take a listen and be blessed.



Everyday, our lives are presented with opportunities that we can grow from if we are open to it. Sometimes I get stuck in the mundane routine of life and fail to see these opportunities that I can learn lessons from.
Being on the lookout for these opportunities makes the day more interesting and purposeful. If we are open to them, it can help us change the way we view something, and then we can even take the big step to change whatever we want to, in the hopes of being a better version of us!

Today the lesson I was reminded of was that sometimes people can be so negative and set in their thinking. Seeing that in people is maybe a good thing, if it helps us realize that we don’t want to be like that in our life. So often I hear people say they can’t change or be different. I don’t think that is true. Being aware of something you want to change, along with God’s power in your life, can lead to change. I think it is a sad thing if someone thinks they can not change their attitude about something.

Photo credit by BK under Creative Commons License (CC BY-SA 2.0)
We have the choice to change the way we view something, and I am thankful that I can see that. I do not want to be like that negative spirit.  It only brings you down and is also unhealthy.
So, what are some ways I try to remind myself to be more positive?

1-Being open to change and new opportunities.

2-Reminding myself that we have a choice to live our lives like we want to.

3-Listening to Christian music that encourages me.

4-Thinking on the positive and the many blessings in my life.

5-Reaching out to positive people.

6-Praying for others.
God provided the opportunity for me to realize that I can decide if I want to be more negative or more positive. I, with His help, have the power to change my outlook on life!

Is there some area of your life that God might be asking you to change? Do you believe with God’s help you can change?
Continue to look for those opportunities in your life where God might be showing you that you can change!
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is  pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is anything worthy of praise, think on these things. –Philippians 4:8


We often think about finding God’s presence in each of us and sharing that with others. But, have you considered how God created the world and all of creation before creating humans? God’s presence can be found in ALL of creation.

Have you ever noticed God’s presence in…..

The evening sunset….blog 2

   The puffy, white clouds…

      The crystal, clear water…

         The hot, sparkling afternoon sun….


The colorful wild flowers…blog 1

   The picturesque path in the woods…

      The birds chirping away…

         The bright fall foliage….


The quietness of the sparkling snow…blog 3 right

   The ice and snow on the river… 

      The brilliant rainbow in the sky…

         The rolling hills and mountains?


If you take a minute to look,

   You will find the presence of the Lord

       In these places too.

ALL of creation shares in revealing God’s presence and praising Him!

You will go out in joy and be led in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.  –Isaiah 55:12