An important theme that resonated in my life this week was one of unity and how there is strength in unity. I believe it started at church on the weekend, where I felt a oneness with the Lord as He embraced me in His loving arms. I experienced God saying I am loved just as I am, despite my flaws and failings.

A friend of mine, via text, shared some heartache a relative was going through. I tried to encourage my friend and was proud to see how he was trying to battle the negative thoughts he was experiencing in his humanity. At one point, he said, “I just reached out my hand to hold yours.” My response was,

“What an honor…
Hold on tight…
We journey together…
Together is better…
There is more strength.”


Even though we were communicating via text, I truly felt a spiritual connection with God and my friend. We were united in Spirit, and strength was a by-product.


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I knew it would be a harder day for another friend on the two-year anniversary of his mother’s admittance to heaven. They were very close, and he devoted much time to taking great care of her when she was ill. Again, via text, I let my friend know that I was journeying with him as he was remembering her in a special way that day. I shared that I know he is continuing her legacy through his life and that she is proud of him. Through our exchanges that day, I felt a unity with the Spirit and this friend trying to provide encouragement and strength.


Reflecting on the unity of Spirit that I experienced and the strength of it in both of these interactions, I thought about this Scripture story:

They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.  Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need.  Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts,  praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. –Acts 2:42-47 (NIV)

I have always thought how beautiful this Scripture is because I think it is how life should be lived. This passage is a glimpse into life in the church right after Jesus’ ascension into heaven. The apostles had just received the Holy Spirit and were in unity with the Spirit, one another, and all the believers that were considered a part of the church. Isn’t it wonderful to see how they took care of each other’s physical as well as spiritual needs? Everything they had was shared, so no one was in need. Their hearts were sincere in looking out for each other, and they praised God as one. When we are united in the Spirit and with one another, we receive strength.


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Be encouraged this week to…
…be united with the Spirit.
…see what ways you can have spiritual unity with others.
…experience the by-product of the strength the Spirit provides.


…reach out your hand to grasp the hand of someone in need.
…journey with someone who is struggling.
…share the strength gained from being united with others.



It is important to be attuned to those God has placed in our lives.
How can you spur someone on to have a closer relationship with Jesus?
Who do you know who has a physical need you can fill?
What spiritual food can you offer someone in need?


Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. –Philippians 2:1-2 (NIV)


“Value the opportunities you’re given. They will affect more than you can see right now.” –Melody Lavin


I saw how this quote from social media was applicable to my life, especially this week. Every day, opportunities, both big and small, present themselves in our lives. We usually have a free choice with these opportunities, where we can either say “yes” or “no” to them. Sometimes we never know the impact of our “yes” or “no” to opportunities that present themselves. Our answer can have a ripple effect either immediately or possibly years later, either in our personal lives or in the lives of others. Our decision could also impact someone’s life, possibly someone we don’t even know directly. I think that is the beauty of our faith and trust in the Lord, as we remind ourselves that He is always working everything out for our good. There is more to life than just our little world. Some day we might learn more about the impact we have had on others’ lives when we are in heaven. Continue reading “VALUE OPPORTUNITIES”


Gratitude helps us see what is there instead of what isn’t.  –Annette Bridges
Focus more on being grateful for what you do have, rather than complaining about what you don’t.
An attitude of gratitude, will keep the blessings on the way.  –Mark Sutton

I ran across these two, which I consider related quotes, on social media and thought they were worth sharing this week.

Do you, like me, find it easier to practice gratitude when everything is going well?
Isn’t it harder to feel gratitude when we are going through rough waters and can’t seem to catch a break?


Let’s see how we can apply the wisdom of these quotes when we experience tougher times. What can we see in gratitude for what we have?

What if your car breaks down and it takes a week to fix it?
–Maybe you have the capacity to work at home.
–Maybe you have a friend who goes in the same direction.

What if you have a health issue that requires surgery?
–You appreciate the technological advances we have these days.
–You recall the good health you’ve experienced.

What if you are struggling with forgiving yourself?
–You may have friends who encourage you to let go and let God.
–You can talk with a religious official or therapist to work through forgiveness.


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Who is a good Biblical example of living out gratitude despite difficult circumstances and never complaining?


You might remember that Paul originally persecuted Christians in the early church until Jesus appeared to him on the road to Damascus. He came to know that Jesus was the Lord, and his life took a complete turn. He became the most influential man who preached to the Gentiles, the non-Jewish people, and wrote many books in the New Testament.

In his ministry, Paul experienced being in prison, shipwrecked, and beaten! Do you know what helped him through all he endured? His faith in Jesus was strong, and he had an attitude of gratitude, knowing what Jesus endured for him and for all of us. Paul prayed for his persecutors and even shared the Gospel with them because he wanted them to be saved.

I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.  I can do all this through him who gives me strength. –Philippians 4:11-13 (NIV)

No matter what Paul’s physical surroundings or circumstances were, he lived with contentment. In his life, he experienced times of plenty and times of need. No matter what, he knew that Jesus was in charge and would provide what he needed when he needed it. That kind of faith in Jesus’ provision was only possible because Paul knew Jesus was giving him strength to endure each moment.

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What if we also look at gratitude on a spiritual level? What do we always have that should fill us with gratitude?

*God’s presence ~

“This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” –Joshua 1:9 (NLT)

God’s presence is always with us, every moment of every day! He never leaves us, so God is with us in both the good and bad things that happen in our lives. Because He is always with us, we can replace fear and discouragement with being strong and courageous.

*God’s unconditional love ~

God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him. This is real love—not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins. –1 John 4:9-10 (NLT)

God’s love is based on His pure love for making us His children. We cannot earn God’s love; it is just there. Our very being, our very existence, is because of God’s love for making us in His image. All we have to do is choose God and accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior.

*God’s peace ~

“I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.” –John 14:27 (NLT)

In this often troubled world, another great gift Jesus has given us is His peace. We can only have this peace through Jesus. It is a peace that sustains us despite troubling circumstances and even suffering. The world does not provide peace.

May you be encouraged to look at events in life more from a spiritual level than from a worldly level. We all have equal gratitude in our spirituality.


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Be encouraged this week to…
…focus on gratitude for all the physical and spiritual things you have.
…refrain from complaining about what is lacking.
…keep gratitude at the forefront to continue the blessings that flow from above.
…see God’s presence surrounding you.
…experience God’s love through His messages to you.
…let God’s peace flow through your mind and heart.


Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.  Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. –Philippians 4:8-9 (NIV)


As I was reflecting on a recent day, this passage summed up my thoughts as I was thinking about the theme of being the Body of Christ in light of some events.

Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church. He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.  –Ephesians 4:15-16  (NLT) Continue reading “GROWING IN LOVE”


I am in awe of seeing how so much of life consists of little connections or details that prove to me the realness of God and the Spirit’s presence. It brings me joy to see and share these things with others. We never truly know the impact of our lives on other people or how simple things can mean so much. What a mighty God we serve!

A few weeks ago, it was an unexpected blessing to get to work and see a card and present on my desk from a coworker who was retiring. It was a God moment that we connected at work three months earlier. I had known of her and found the few times we interacted through the years that she was very kind, friendly, and helpful. In February, she sent a work email to a group of people, including me. A day or so later, we passed each other in the hall, and I had that inkling to see if she would be interested in one of my books. I opted to email her in case she was not interested. Much to my surprise, she said she would like to see one. So off I went to her desk. We had a lovely conversation about faith and family that lasted probably a good 20 minutes or more. She bought two different books that day. About a month later, she bought the remaining book because she was enjoying them. That day was a blessing as we shared more stories about our lives where we could relate to similar situations. What a blessing to be able to encourage each other with understanding and empathy. Continue reading “LASTING IMPRESSIONS”


Do you often think you are in charge of the events in your life? Truthfully, I like to think I am in control of things, but more and more, I realize and see God’s orchestrations in my life. When I see the beauty of something that happens, even something as small as finding a hidden treasure, I am in awe of seeing God’s divine goodness in the many little steps that occurred that led to that point.

A case in point was being in the perfect spot getting out of the passenger side of the car to see this hidden treasure—a leaf in the shape of a heart sticking out amidst the blades of grass in our lawn. It started with planning a get-together with a few people to celebrate the newlyweds, aka my youngest son and daughter-in-love, who were home visiting us after their  honeymoon. Some unexpected events led us to eat at a different restaurant than I planned, and an unexpected event led to the timing of things to see this. Continue reading “HIDDEN TREASURES”


If you are a faithful reader of this website, you probably know that what God has impressed most upon my spirit, especially in the last few years, is the theme of LOVE.  I continue to experience love from above when I see the almost daily heart reminders in whatever physical form they take.

A friend was excited to share this picture and message that a friend sent her. It made me think about the great love Jesus has for us and the importance of sharing that love with others. A simple gesture like this can brighten someone’s day, knowing they are loved from above and by others on this earth.

Continue reading “GREAT LOVE”


It was a bit sentimental attending my youngest son’s college graduation and soaking up the excitement of everyone there. He was my only child who opted to attend his college graduation, so my heart was filled with joy at sharing in the experience. It was a special bonus that we unknowingly sat at the end of an aisle that was exactly where he processed.

As the graduates began the procession, my thoughts turned to the similarities between  our faith journeys here on earth and the time when we are called to graduate from this earth and are ushered into heaven. Continue reading “GRADUATION”


It is encouraging to see how God recently provided me with another opportunity for growth. The best part is learning to walk in obedience and trusting God to provide what is needed to carry out His will. It is a testament to God’s power and the strength He provides to do things I never dreamed I could or would do. There is great freedom in it.

One January day, while running errands, I saw an email with the title “Guest Speaker” and a person’s name I did not know. Somehow I knew it was going to be a request for a speaking engagement, something that has been outside my comfort zone as an introverted writer. But my attitude was one of saying, “Okay, Lord. I know you are bringing this to me, so I will do it,” as I glanced quickly through the email. That attitude alone is progress for me! Continue reading “OBEDIENCE GROWTH”


Is it easier for you

to help others


to receive help from others?


I could be wrong, but my guess is that most of us would say it is more difficult to receive help from others. Have you ever thought that sometimes God orchestrates events in our lives where we have no choice but to be on the receiving end of help? After all, God works everything out for our good, right?


Let’s explore the story of Saul’s conversion and see what we can learn from it. Continue reading “HELP FROM OTHERS”