Four simple words that a lady I was talking with this past weekend repeated from something I had just said.


I loved the thought she shared that made the light turn on in my head to enlighten me and see another parallel. Continue reading “GOD IN THE ORDINARY”


I am always in awe of God’s perfect timing of events in our lives and it makes me want to shout it from the rooftops!  Experiencing it once again one day this week, I have to share so I guess this platform is my rooftop!  🙂

This day was a “different” day for me as it didn’t follow my typical Friday.  I usually get up and workout first, then proceed with the day and at noon volunteer at the Pre-K 4 yr old class for a few hours.  Continue reading “A DRINK OF WATER”


Hearing a sermon the day before Memorial Day this year brought back some memories of many years ago for me (though I’m still only 23!)  The sermon was centered around the theme of “good bye.”

You see Memorial Day this year, 5/27, was the date my great Aunt Hazel died 32 years ago.  Remembering her was on my mind but it wasn’t until I was emailing the preacher to thank him for his inspiring words, that again brought tears to my eyes, did this one particular memory pop back into my head. Continue reading “WHY ME”


During the past few months, I keep hearing some sermons/reflections on  one set of Bible passages that are familiar to me and probably are to you as well.  At last I am penning thoughts on them as they are great words to live by!

In true God moment fashion, for a third time confirmation, the one day I turned on our Christian radio station, just as there was a part of the passage once again!  It went like this….”Do not be anxious for anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”  –Philippians 4:6 Continue reading “WORDS TO LIVE BY”





Photo courtesy of arbyreed under Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0); words added by hopetoinspireyou.com


Two thoughts that came to mind as I had the honor, on Mother’s Day this year, to hold and love three boys in the NICU. It was a great blessing as it was only the third time in 4 1/2 months that they needed help as the census has been so low.  I know that is a good thing for the little ones and their parents.  🙂 Continue reading “BLINDED”


Yes, day by day, even minute by minute, God does work everything out for our good!


Some of you faithful readers or people that know me personally might recall that three years ago I was transferred to a new position at my work place…Basically demoted because of my college degree and part time status.


As usually happens when something, not in “our” plan, happens we might not see God’s hand at work in the situation until later. Continue reading “DAY BY DAY”



A Bible verse that I have always grappled with not quite being able to wrap my brain around it, as the saying goes, until this weekend that is.  The part that was hardest for me to understand was the “perfect love casts out fear.” Continue reading “PERFECT LOVE”


At a Good Friday service this year, I was reminded of a person mentioned in all four Gospels that has an interesting parallel in our lives hence my thoughts this week.  Maybe you will be able to reflect on something you might not have thought about previously.


As you can probably guess from the title of these thoughts, yes, the man I am referring to is Barabbas!  Continue reading “I AM BARABBAS”


This Holy Thursday afforded me another opportunity to experience something I had not witnessed before.  It was another case of seeing God’s providential hand where one event leads to another and another producing good adventures!

It all started when I drove by a school where I saw a musical was going to be presented. Having a friend’s birthday coming up and wanting to do something special and different I asked if she wanted to see the musical.  What are the chances that it happens to be one that is one of her favorites?  I couldn’t get tickets for the day we really wanted so picked another day that had some tickets available.  As soon as we walk in the school I bumped into a couple who I have known through the years.  And, what are the chances that their assigned seats were exactly right behind ours?

As we were waiting for the auditorium doors to open we were conversing and heard about a Maundy Thursday program at their church. My friend and I both thought it sounded interesting and said we would like to go. So that is exactly what we did! Continue reading “LORD, IS IT I?”


Do you ever stand in awe of how awesome our God is?

How He is continually working in your life?


I believe I mention it frequently in my writings, but I just can not help but share how it encourages me in my faith walk; I hope my sharing also makes you recognize it in your life, my dear reader! Continue reading “TRUST OUR AWESOME GOD”