A Bible verse that I have always grappled with not quite being able to wrap my brain around it, as the saying goes, until this weekend that is.  The part that was hardest for me to understand was the “perfect love casts out fear.” Continue reading “PERFECT LOVE”


At a Good Friday service this year, I was reminded of a person mentioned in all four Gospels that has an interesting parallel in our lives hence my thoughts this week.  Maybe you will be able to reflect on something you might not have thought about previously.


As you can probably guess from the title of these thoughts, yes, the man I am referring to is Barabbas!  Continue reading “I AM BARABBAS”


This Holy Thursday afforded me another opportunity to experience something I had not witnessed before.  It was another case of seeing God’s providential hand where one event leads to another and another producing good adventures!

It all started when I drove by a school where I saw a musical was going to be presented. Having a friend’s birthday coming up and wanting to do something special and different I asked if she wanted to see the musical.  What are the chances that it happens to be one that is one of her favorites?  I couldn’t get tickets for the day we really wanted so picked another day that had some tickets available.  As soon as we walk in the school I bumped into a couple who I have known through the years.  And, what are the chances that their assigned seats were exactly right behind ours?

As we were waiting for the auditorium doors to open we were conversing and heard about a Maundy Thursday program at their church. My friend and I both thought it sounded interesting and said we would like to go. So that is exactly what we did! Continue reading “LORD, IS IT I?”


Do you ever stand in awe of how awesome our God is?

How He is continually working in your life?


I believe I mention it frequently in my writings, but I just can not help but share how it encourages me in my faith walk; I hope my sharing also makes you recognize it in your life, my dear reader! Continue reading “TRUST OUR AWESOME GOD”


Blessings continue for me as I continue to be privileged to love and hold the babies in the NICU at a local hospital.

As I reflect on my most recent visit, I am so thankful that the person who answered the phone, despite saying the census was very low, checked with the head nurse, who did allow me to come in. This afforded me one more special encounter with my little buddy.

My little buddy, the boy who was born full term weighing 2 lbs 7 oz was the one I held first. I was so happy to see that he looked fuller in the face to me but it was difficult seeing he was still as fussy and unhappy as ever. Continue reading “MY LITTLE BUDDY”


Have you ever caught yourself thinking your life is not that important?

Maybe you are just a plain, ordinary person interacting with one person at a time in your life rather than being a famous, well known actor, singer, artist, etc.  I think a lot of us might just fall into that category of ordinary people! Continue reading “JUST ONE”


When I think about Jesus walking on this earth, I envision Him as most of the time having a quiet, mostly calming presence about Him.


Going about life taking time to pray several times throughout the day to His Father,

healing in His Father’s name,

gracing those He encountered with His unconditional love and peace.



Do you have those people in your life that you would say have a quiet, calming presence in your life?

I bet even more so you might have certain artists or songs that, if by chance you are stressed or experiencing a degree of anxiety, you turn to help relieve those symptoms or that help shift your focus. Continue reading “THE QUIET PRESENCE”


A Deck of Cards~~~


Did you ever think about how a deck of cards can remind us of the Bible and even help us to pray?






I will be honest and say I never did until a friend of mine shared a video with me where a magician was talking and performing a trick using a deck of cards. Hence this week these thoughts are expanded upon what was originally shared with that video. Continue reading “A DECK OF CARDS”


This week I have a simple but hopefully powerful image for you that I heard a speaker mention.  It bears sharing in my humble opinion…..


For something a little different this week, I have an interactive writing!  How can that be you ask?

Well, I thought a visual, personal encounter this week might be a good exercise for you!


Do you have a glove handy?  Go get it please!



Do you have a free hand?  Sure, put that phone down..just for a few seconds!




Now carefully slip the glove over your hand!



Continue reading “THE GLOVE”




Two little words, a simple encounter, that ended up with multiple blessings in retrospect!



Be blessed…


Yes, two simple words a gentleman spoke to me as he handed me his empty cart to use, despite me not having a quarter to give him for the cart, at a local store; actually at a store that is at a further location from my “normal” one!  BLESSING #1

Continue reading “BE BLESSED”