“Everything happens for a reason.”
“You choose what bothers you.”
Highlighting God's Presence to Inspire Your Life!
This week I am excited to share a current day healing with you all of a friend of mine that God brought into my life over 35 years ago.
Meet Ken and his wife, Sandy:
Ken has had his share of health issues through the years and in discussing his latest healing recently with him, it is noteworthy to say that I personally see God touching Ken’s life with three major healings or miracles. Continue reading “GOD’S MIRACULOUS POWER”
For those of you who may be long time readers of my site, you might recall that I have had a love/hate relationship with GPS’s from my post entitled GPS.
This week I come to tell you that I still stand by that relationship with the good ole fashioned GPS that you plug into your car since I do not have a good cell phone to help navigate.
This weekend my youngest son and I had another harrowing experience trusting our GPS rather than the google maps that I checked out ahead of time.
Do you have that battle too or not?
Doesn’t it seem like we are programmed to always be doing something trying to balance all the “necessary” activities we do in this life?
Working, going to school, taking care of family members, attending events, meetings, taking time to go to the gym, church activities and the list goes on and on.
Matthew 22:36-39(ESV)
“Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?”
And he said to him,
This is the great and first commandment.
And a second is like it:
This past Sunday, I had the honor and blessing to snuggle and love on just one particular baby boy at the NICU of one of local hospitals. I am so honored and blessed to be a small part of this special ministry.
I was able to hold this little guy two different times for about a total of two hours. Whenever I am sitting there rocking one of the wee ones, I get lost in thought and prayer just gazing upon their precious face, lost in the tranquility of the moment, especially as they are sleeping so peacefully. Continue reading “PERFECTION”
Over the holidays I discovered something else that I am NOT an expert at!
You ask, “What can that possibly be?”
“Jigsaw puzzles,” I quickly reply! Continue reading “PUZZLING TIMES”
What are some common things we might have to let go of?
–The security of our familiar surroundings if a job relocates us
–Our good health when suddenly an unexpected crisis occurs
–The close proximity of a child who moves half way across the world
–A relationship that can not be reconciled
–A person whom we love dearly passes from this life
–When the direction of your life might not line up with God’s way
Take a few minutes to think about your favorite song and who sings it.
What does the song remind you of?
Why does it hold such special meaning for you?
Be prepared, as I might just ask you these same questions at the end so you can share too! 😉
I know you are sitting there, reading this and wondering what could be Christine’s favorite song and artist? Well, you might actually know. That is, if you have paid close attention to some of my prior writings! 😉
Yes, my favorite song is…
Did you get it right?