The above quote can be seen hanging on the fence near the dugout for my son’s travel baseball team.
Every inning as the boys run onto the field, they hit the sign with their glove as a reminder to give all! Continue reading “GIVE ALL”
Highlighting God's Presence to Inspire Your Life!
The above quote can be seen hanging on the fence near the dugout for my son’s travel baseball team.
Every inning as the boys run onto the field, they hit the sign with their glove as a reminder to give all! Continue reading “GIVE ALL”
I believe this song, Meanwhile Back at the Cross, by Gordon Mote, is a perfect introduction and focus for these thoughts. Continue reading “THE CROSS”
You know that scout motto that has been around forever…BE PREPARED?Let’s take a few moments and reflect on those words.
A quick google search on the Scout Motto of BE PREPARED yielded some of these thoughts from Wikipedia:
BE PREPARED means you are always in a state of readiness.
–Be prepared in Mind
–Be prepared in Body
You have to be prepared at any moment to face difficulties and even dangers by knowing what to do and how to do it. Continue reading “BE PREPARED”
Isn’t it easy to fall into the trap of thinking our identity or worth is based on how we “perform” in this world?
Isn’t it also so easy to believe the lies that we hear echo in our head?
I have found it to be true in my life. Continue reading “TRUE IDENTITY”
In my humanness, my heart was saddened this past week with learning that a gentleman named Mark, who served the drinks on our soup kitchen weekend once a month, will not be ministering with us anymore.
The Lord called him home last week.
Yes, I am happy that he is with the Lord now and not suffering humanly in any way.
The sad part is that I will miss Mark’s physical appearance being there serving up the drinks when we work at the soup kitchen now.
I guess the important thing I can do is think about the legacy his life reflected and try to live out to some degree the example he provided. We all leave a legacy by the way we live our lives daily.
Mark’s death has kind of hit me hard for some reason. Maybe it is because of the ways he ended up touching my heart.
The very first post I did back in September of 2014, entitled An Unexpected Phone Call, was inspired because of Mark’s kindness. That is kind of cool to think about. 🙂
This past weekend we ended up working at the soup kitchen when it was not our regularly scheduled week. Both the main people, who run it on our weekend who were away for a few months prior to this weekend, and I tried to contact Mark to see if he could help that day. There was no answer on the telephone.
After we got settled at the soup kitchen that morning, two of us went to his house to see if he was around. Again, no response.
Later that day, we learned that he had died the morning before.
Continue reading “MARK’S LEGACY”
One definition is:
a painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of wrong or foolish behavior. Continue reading “LOVE NOT SHAME”
I thought….
Posting when I did was all part of His perfect timing! This gal needed that encouragement right at that moment.
Let us try to not be so concerned with OUR timing, but God’s perfect timing.
We need to continue to be faithful, serving others in prayer and deed.
We often think about finding God’s presence in each of us and sharing that with others. But, have you considered how God created the world and all of creation before creating humans? God’s presence can be found in ALL of creation.
Have you ever noticed God’s presence in…..
The puffy, white clouds…
The crystal, clear water…
The hot, sparkling afternoon sun….
The picturesque path in the woods…
The birds chirping away…
The bright fall foliage….
The quietness of the sparkling snow…
The ice and snow on the river…
The brilliant rainbow in the sky…
The rolling hills and mountains?
If you take a minute to look,
You will find the presence of the Lord
In these places too.
ALL of creation shares in revealing God’s presence and praising Him!
You will go out in joy and be led in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands. –Isaiah 55:12