Isn’t it incredible to reflect on the fact that God has made everything and orchestrated the working together of it all in this world? God is truly so amazing! Isn’t it also inspiring to see how, as human beings, we can learn lessons from everything God created, including both nature and people?

It is especially appropriate to share this reflection today, as living in the northeast part of the USA, we are experiencing the beauty of the colorful trees during this season of fall.


Continue reading “ADVICE FROM A TREE”



Isn’t it beautiful to see the Divine, God’s hand, in our lives using one person, one life, one heart at a time to change one person, one life, one heart at a time? If we think about it, we all experience this in our lives. What a blessing to behold every day. Sometimes we are the one person, one life, one heart at a time that God uses to bless others, and sometimes our lives are the receivers of the special ways God uses one person, one life, one heart at a time. Continue reading “ONE”


As I get older (though I’m still 23!), I have grown to appreciate the once-a-year day we get to celebrate our birth.

I believe our lives are a gift
from and to God and to one another, whom 
we have the privilege of sharing
this journey of life with
through God’s perfect orchestrations.


More recently, for me, it is most meaningful to spend a little time celebrating my life with those who have impacted my faith journey through “Celebrate Christine” gatherings. The greatest gift for me personally is hearing how my simple, ordinary life has touched others and maybe encouraged them in some way. Since this year was a milestone birthday, it was the second time I held a local “Celebrate Christine” event as well as with a group of people further away who are ‘family’ to me. Continue reading “CELEBRATING THE GIFT OF LIFE”


Isn’t it wonderful to see how God can order our footsteps to experience His unexpected blessings? God delights in the little details of our lives that reveal His presence and great love for us.

My husband and I decided to enjoy the last few days of summer with a trip to Rochester, NY. We randomly picked out two parks where he could bike and I could enjoy nature. The day before, I was visiting a friend whose one son happened to also be there. He mentioned a place I had never heard about before. Much to my surprise, I discovered it was only an hour from where we were planning to go in Rochester, so we decided to go there too. Continue reading “UNEXPECTED BLESSINGS”


I have a praise report to share with you! Last week’s reflection, DEEP CALLS TO DEEP,  is’s 438th post that was published exactly NINE years to the date of the first reflection entitled AN EXPECTED PHONE CALL! I give God glory for providing weekly inspiration that started back on 9/5/2014 as a “test.” God is good and faithful in providing! I thank each of you for taking  time to read the reflections and for all your support and encouragement throughout the years that has led to three books to date. You are a gift in my life!



My last two visits of ministry time in the NICU have been graced with special blessings. It has been a dry spell of four months of not being needed. For those who know me personally or are faithful readers of this website, you probably know I thoroughly enjoy loving the littlest ones. The NICU is one of my holy places, where I encounter God’s presence, peace, and joy while snuggling, soothing, and loving the babies. As often happens in our ministries, I believe we receive much more than we give, which is what I experience in the NICU.


This verse describes what the first time back reminded me of and what I experienced starting in 2017 until the beginning of the pandemic.

May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God. –Romans 15:5-7 (NIV) Continue reading “EMBRACED IN LOVE”


A kind of continuing thought from last week’s reflection, ENGULFED IN DEEP WATERS, that speaks to my heart is the phrase “deep calls to deep.” As I soaked up the beauty of the deep waves at Lake Ontario, with the forceful wind making the waves deeper at the lake, I was reminded of that phrase. “Deep calls to deep” is something my publisher shared with me a year ago while I was also at Lake Ontario working on my last book, God’s Compassion Illuminated. It comforts and encourages my faith journey.

The phrase comes from Psalm 42, which I encourage you to read in its entirety by clicking the hyperlink. Here is part of it: Continue reading “DEEP CALLS TO DEEP”


How I relish being engulfed in God’s presence and love while vacationing at a lake-front cottage on Lake Ontario, where the beauty of God’s creation is endless. My spirit was filled with oneness and unity with God while spending a week there in the quietness. Well, actually, it wasn’t quite so quiet this time. Most of the days, Lake Ontario sounded like a mighty ocean as the wind made the waves the highest and most violent I’ve seen there. It never ceases to amaze me how God made this lake to sometimes be as still and calm as a sheet of glass and other times a sea of endless, tumultuous waves. It is beautiful to experience both and see how God is present in both. Isn’t that the perfect parallel with our lives? God is present with us each moment, in both the difficult storms of life and in the peaceful, calm times of our lives too! Continue reading “ENGULFED IN DEEP WATERS”


There is much to glean about the kingdom of heaven from the Bible.


What is the kingdom of heaven?

In those days John the Baptist came, preaching in the wilderness of Judea and saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” This is he who was spoken of through the prophet Isaiah: “A voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.’” –Matthew 3:1-3 (NIV) Continue reading “THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN”


It is fascinating to reflect on that we are all made in God’s image because of His infinite love and goodness for us human beings. Yet, God has given us each special gifts, talents, and attributes so that no two of us are exactly alike. Our individual lives take different roads and are filled with different experiences, often dependent to a great extent upon the families we are born into. In God’s mercy and compassion, I believe He puts people and opportunities in our path to help us overcome obstacles that can change the trajectory of our lives. Sharing our stories can bring encouragement and hope to others and is a way to form spiritual relationships with others. We learn from each other as we journey together. Continue reading “LIFE LESSONS”


An important theme that resonated in my life this week was one of unity and how there is strength in unity. I believe it started at church on the weekend, where I felt a oneness with the Lord as He embraced me in His loving arms. I experienced God saying I am loved just as I am, despite my flaws and failings.

A friend of mine, via text, shared some heartache a relative was going through. I tried to encourage my friend and was proud to see how he was trying to battle the negative thoughts he was experiencing in his humanity. At one point, he said, “I just reached out my hand to hold yours.” My response was,

“What an honor…
Hold on tight…
We journey together…
Together is better…
There is more strength.”


Even though we were communicating via text, I truly felt a spiritual connection with God and my friend. We were united in Spirit, and strength was a by-product.


Photo courtesy of under Creative Commons License (CC BY 2.0)


I knew it would be a harder day for another friend on the two-year anniversary of his mother’s admittance to heaven. They were very close, and he devoted much time to taking great care of her when she was ill. Again, via text, I let my friend know that I was journeying with him as he was remembering her in a special way that day. I shared that I know he is continuing her legacy through his life and that she is proud of him. Through our exchanges that day, I felt a unity with the Spirit and this friend trying to provide encouragement and strength.


Reflecting on the unity of Spirit that I experienced and the strength of it in both of these interactions, I thought about this Scripture story:

They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.  Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need.  Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts,  praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. –Acts 2:42-47 (NIV)

I have always thought how beautiful this Scripture is because I think it is how life should be lived. This passage is a glimpse into life in the church right after Jesus’ ascension into heaven. The apostles had just received the Holy Spirit and were in unity with the Spirit, one another, and all the believers that were considered a part of the church. Isn’t it wonderful to see how they took care of each other’s physical as well as spiritual needs? Everything they had was shared, so no one was in need. Their hearts were sincere in looking out for each other, and they praised God as one. When we are united in the Spirit and with one another, we receive strength.


Photo courtesy of under Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC 2.0)


Be encouraged this week to…
…be united with the Spirit.
…see what ways you can have spiritual unity with others.
…experience the by-product of the strength the Spirit provides.


…reach out your hand to grasp the hand of someone in need.
…journey with someone who is struggling.
…share the strength gained from being united with others.



It is important to be attuned to those God has placed in our lives.
How can you spur someone on to have a closer relationship with Jesus?
Who do you know who has a physical need you can fill?
What spiritual food can you offer someone in need?


Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. –Philippians 2:1-2 (NIV)