One day while helping a dear family friend of ours put up their Christmas decorations, the gentleman mentioned a show he had been watching that would be on after the Sunday night football games that evening.

It was just a casual mention but in his description of the show, I realized it was a show I had caught a glimpse of a few times, via a passing commercial, that I might be interested in checking out but never took the time to do so. Continue reading “GOD FRIENDED ME”


This holiday season, once again, I was reminded of how God is always at work even in the littlest of details in our lives~~a never ending ripple effect of Him.

Can you relate to that thought?


May my simple sharing help encourage you to see God working in the little details of your life as well.

Continue reading “THE LITTLE DETAILS”


As we will soon be officially celebrating the Christmas Holiday season this coming week, I have one more related writing inspired by listening to an indie artist’s original Christmas song whose message got me reflecting more.


First though I have a question for you.




Is that a trick question?  Well, maybe!  🙂



Are you a wise man…but not based by the standards of this world?

Are you a truly wise man based on Biblical examples? Continue reading “WISE MEN STILL SEEK HIM”


There is much preparation that goes into the Christmas holiday season, don’t you agree?


Christmas trees to be bought and decorated.

Christmas cards to be written; perhaps even a Christmas photo to be snapped.

Christmas lights to put up to decorate the outside of houses.

Christmas cookies to bake for cookie exchanges.

Gifts to be bought for those dear to our hearts.

Practices for Christmas concerts or cantatas.

Christmas teas to attend.

Christmas plays to attend.

Christmas carols to sing to shut-ins.

The list of “worldly” preparations for Christmas go on and on.


As you go about all of these earthly preparations have you given any thought to the “spiritual” aspect of preparations for Christmas?




Our daughter, a first year graduate student went away to college for the first time this past August.  She was very surprised to learn that the school she is attending actually provided a whole week off of school for Thanksgiving break. Her prior school only gave a few days off.

This first semester away for her, like most college students, has had its ups and downs.  Downs would be dealing with very different roommates and with college issues.  Ups would be being independent and self sufficient, planning, shopping and prepping meals.  As a mother it has been great to see how she has come into her own with doing all those “adult” type things.  Getting almost daily snapchats to see her creations or what she is doing is always comforting too.  Continue reading “WELCOME HOME”


The sharing here this week is a result of listening to a friend of mine, over coffee recently, sharing an experience she encountered.  We were trying to understand and process the how and whys of it.  In fact, she suggested it might make an interesting write up, so here goes…..


Have you ever been in a situation when you felt like you needed someone to share a burden or even a personal prayer request with?  Where you were just at a breaking point feeling overwhelmed dealing with heartbreaking circumstances? Continue reading “FIND THE BLESSING”





A very familiar Bible verse, right?

I like this visual and how the tree is a perfect visual of these three great things! Continue reading “THE THREE GREATS”


With Veteran’s Day quickly approaching it is rather timely and fitting that I felt inclined to share these thoughts with you this week.


I have a growing respect for those men and women who choose to be involved in the military, law enforcement and as first responders; those who willingly sacrifice so much to fight for and protect our freedom.

This same respect rings true for all those that have been involved in any aspect of those areas in years past.  I salute you and thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Continue reading “MY UTMOST RESPECT”


Have you noticed and experienced extra blessings when you take time out of your busy schedule to take time to fellowship with like minded believers?  

Each of our stories are so important and worth sharing with each other.  Yes, like that Community that I talked about last week!


I have found this to be true in my life and experienced that even this week. Continue reading “LIKE MINDED BLESSINGS”


At the most recent weekend retreat I attended, I was talking briefly with a gal about “community” in terms of a church community.  A community where Christian people are there to support each other especially through the tough times; times when we might be struggling and need a little extra support or prayers.  A place that is “safe” and secure….like the saying, “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.”


I often hear of the importance of having those older, wiser mentors in our lives as well as us being able to pour into the lives of those younger people who need our experiences to help them learn more.  Yes, more community. Continue reading “COMMUNITY”