One of the hardest things for me to do is take time to rest…to just rest in the loving arms of my Lord.


Do you have that battle too or not?


Doesn’t it seem like we are programmed to always be doing something trying to balance all the “necessary” activities we do in this life?

Working, going to school, taking care of family members, attending events, meetings, taking time to go to the gym, church activities and the list goes on and on.

All these things are important and part of this life on earth.  They provide us with opportunities to serve the Lord in all we do; doing all things unto Him. Continue reading “A TIME TO REST”


I need your help this week in finishing this post!


First, I will start with sharing a few thoughts about “stepping out in faith”  and then if YOU would think of one way you have done that in your life and leave it in the comment section below you would be helping me out in finishing these thoughts! No worries. I’ll remind you at the end so you don’t forget! 😉


Have you ever stepped out in faith, seizing the moment, to do what suddenly pops in your head knowing it was part of a divine plan?


After all, our lives are not really our own, are they?  

Technically, every thing we have and are really belongs to God! Continue reading “STEPPING OUT IN FAITH”


We all recall what Jesus said the two greatest commandments are, right?


Matthew 22:36-39(ESV)

 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?”

 And he said to him,

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.

 This is the great and first commandment.

And a second is like it:

You shall love your neighbor as yourself. Continue reading “THE GREATEST COMMANDMENTS”


This past Sunday, I had the honor and blessing to snuggle and love on just one particular baby boy at the NICU of one of local hospitals. I am so honored and blessed to be a small part of this special ministry.

I was able to hold this little guy two different times for about a total of two hours. Whenever I am sitting there rocking one of the wee ones, I get lost in thought and prayer just gazing upon their precious face, lost in the tranquility of the moment, especially as they are sleeping so peacefully.  Continue reading “PERFECTION”


Over the holidays I discovered something else that I am NOT an expert at!


You ask, “What can that possibly be?”

“Jigsaw puzzles,” I quickly reply! Continue reading “PUZZLING TIMES”


As humans, don’t we tend to live and view life focusing on things that relate to our five senses in a humanly way?

The way we perceive life through our senses affects and influences the way we see God working.

Have you ever thought that God callS us to see Him working using our “spiritual” senses?



SIGHT…..What we can physically SEE with our eyes is what is usually our reality.

Maybe God is calling us to develop spiritual eyes to see how He is constantly working in our lives even if we do not physically see Him.

Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”  –John 20:29  (NIV)




SOUND….The things we can audibly HEAR with our ears from so many others is what we believe.

Maybe God is calling us to develop spiritual ears to hear His voice only; the only voice that matters.

“My sheep listen to My voice; I know them, and they follow Me.”  –John 10:27  (NIV)




TASTE…The food we actually TASTE is what we seek more of.

Maybe God is calling us to develop spiritual food to seek more of Him…to taste how good He truly is.

Taste and see that the LORD is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!  –Psalm 34:8 (NLT)




TOUCH…..With the sense of touch we can FEEL a gamut of emotions from anger to happiness.

Maybe God is calling us to develop a spiritual sense of His touch, with His compassion, in our lives.

Moved with compassion, Jesus reached out and touched him. “I am willing,” he said. “Be healed!”  –Mark 1:41 (NLT)




SMELL….The aromas we can SMELL can influence our moods.

Maybe God is calling us to develop a spiritual fragrance that is pleasing to Him.

For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.   –2 Corinthians 2:15 (NIV)


Continue reading “OUR SUPERNATURAL GOD”


One special way that I ushered in this Christmas and holiday season was by attending a dinner and musical production of “It’s A Wonderful Life” hosted by Family Life Network, a Christian radio station that spans much of New York and Pennsylvania. Continue reading “IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE”



Yes, that means, YOU, the one reading these words!



Let those words sink into your heart and mind.


Do you know who thinks you are most beautiful?

God, your Father, the One who thought of you and created YOU and formed you in your mother’s womb.  His view of you is the only one that counts!


He has you alive to fulfill His design for you.
Continue reading “YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL”


Letting go can be a difficult task for most of us I believe.
Have you ever thought about that we are not alone in our letting go?


What are some common things we might have to let go of?


–The security of our familiar surroundings if a job relocates us

–Our good health when suddenly an unexpected crisis occurs

–The close proximity of a child who moves half way across the world

–A relationship that can not be reconciled

–A person whom we love dearly passes from this life

–When the direction of your life might not line up with God’s way


Continue reading “LETTING GO”


Take a few minutes to think about your favorite song and who sings it. 


 What does the song remind you of?

Why does it hold such special meaning for you? 


Be prepared, as I might just ask you these same questions at the end so you can share too!  😉


I know you are sitting there, reading this and wondering what could be Christine’s favorite song and artist? Well, you might actually know.  That is, if you have paid close attention to some of my prior writings!  😉

Yes, my favorite song is…

Offering by Third Day

Did you get it right?


Continue reading “OFFERING”