Happy New Year to one and all!  May 2017 be filled with many special blessings for you and your families!


First, I would like to thank all who took the time to share on their traditions relating to last week’s post.  It was a blessing to read and learn a little more about you! Continue reading “CHRISTMAS EVERY DAY”


For something different, I would love you, my dear readers, to help me write this blog!
Yes, I think it is time to let you do some writing and sharing, and I will sit back and read!  Does that sound like a plan? Continue reading “TRADITIONS”


Though scripture does not really give us all the specifics or facts in detail about the physical place/building of Jesus’ birth, one interpretation is that Jesus had His humble beginnings born in a stable where the animals stayed. Continue reading “THE GUEST ROOM”


Can you reflect on times in your life when you really “longed” for something?

–Was it for a baby that you really wanted to make your family complete?

–Was it for a child to return home after a semester at college in another state? Continue reading “LONGING”


Do you find that life keeps you so busy or distracted “doing” things that you barely have time to catch your breath?

With the beginning of the holiday season upon us and all the hustle and bustle that can be involved with this time of year, maybe we need to take a few moments to reflect on what it is really important in life. Continue reading “PRIORITIES”


November, along with celebrating Thanksgiving Day, is the month we tend to set aside to remember and give thanks for the many blessings we have more readily than we do other times of the year. Continue reading “THANKS IN ALL”


What makes you happiest?

Yes, I am sure you know by now that I always feel happiest when I am helping others in some capacity.  For me, it is how I am serving the Lord and sharing Him with others making me feel that I am accomplishing His will and working to further His kingdom. Continue reading “THE BLESSINGS OF GROWTH”


You, my friend, are a valuable instrument and have the power to impact God’s kingdom for the better daily!

Do you believe that deep in your heart?

Seeking God in the little things and sharing those things with others is such an honor and in turn blesses our own lives at the same time! Continue reading “KINDNESS MATTERS”


A little bit of heaven on earth~~~

How does that sound to you?

Don’t we always think about how when we are in heaven we will be with the Lord forever and always praising Him? Continue reading “PRAISES”