Do you have a bucket list, and if so, what types of things are on it?

Maybe to…

…take a trip overseas?
…retire early?
…go on a missions trip?
…run a marathon?

Personally, I’ve never thought much about a bucket list, so the only thing that comes to mind would be to do a missions trip for a week or so. If it involved loving babies at an orphanage, that would be even better! On two different K-Love Christian Music cruises a few years ago, God partially fulfilled that item with the opportunity to assist on one-day mission trips. Continue reading “BUCKET LIST”


Happy 2023 to you all! I pray this year will hold many special blessings for you and your families. I recently heard a quote that I thought was perfect wisdom to share for this first reflection of the year. A new year often makes us think about new beginnings, and often we have great expectations to change habits that might not be so beneficial for us. May this quote encourage you.

Yesterday is gone.  Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today.  Let us begin.  –Mother Teresa Continue reading “LET US BEGIN”


With the darkest day of the year upon us, let’s brighten things up with a reflection on being a prism of light.

In optics, a prism is a transparent, solid body that disperses or reflects light. When white light, which is composed of the colors of a rainbow, passes through a prism, a spectrum of color is produced, spreading more light and beauty.


Photo courtesy of fdecomite under Creative Commons License (CC BY 2.0)


When I think about the word “light,” the first thing that comes to mind is how Jesus is the Light of the World! How fitting that we celebrate Jesus’ birth around the time of the darkest day of the year, even though we know Jesus wasn’t born in December. Continue reading “PRISM OF LIGHT”


I heard a reflection that resonated with my heart and spirit at a Lessons and Carols event, which I think is perfect to share during this holiday season. Lessons and Carols bring the true meaning of Christmas to life, telling the story of Jesus’ birth, including Mary and Joseph’s plight, through Scripture and music.

Isn’t Christmas a wonderful time of year when we take time to reflect on the sacredness of Jesus’ birth? Christmas is also a time when we show our love to others, especially with the tradition of giving gifts. Have you stopped to think about what our gifts to one another symbolize?

Continue reading “THE GIFT OF PRESENCE”


It was a lovely surprise to receive a link to a song a friend felt inspired to share. I will say it even made me cry the first few times I heard it, as the lyrics and message speak to my heart and spirit.

The song is “Angels Among Us” by Alabama. Here is a link to the song if you have a few moments to take a listen. Continue reading “ANGELS”


A friend sent me a picture of something fascinating along with a short text that I felt was too amazing not to share with you. She said, “Please excuse the awkward picture of my foot, but I literally just dropped my cell phone on it and look what happened. God’s love during pain!”


A perfectly shaped heart blood blister!


I am once again in awe of God! How could such a perfectly shaped heart blood blister appear on my friend’s toe? The words “God’s love during pain” echoed in my mind. What a perfect reminder that “God’s love during pain” is with us. Continue reading “PAINFUL TIMES”


I ran across this quote that I found thought-provoking and full of wisdom to reflect upon. It is especially apropos as we celebrate Thanksgiving.

“To be grateful is to recognize the Love of God in everything He has given us – and He has given us everything. Every breath we draw is a gift of His love, every moment of existence is a grace, for it brings with it immense graces from Him. Gratitude therefore takes nothing for granted, is never unresponsive, is constantly awakening to new wonder and to praise of the goodness of God. For the grateful person knows that God is good, not by hearsay but by experience. And that is what makes all the difference.”  –Thomas Merton 


Continue reading “GRATEFUL”


As I was reflecting on what to share this week, I saw this Facebook post from a friend that I think is an excellent reminder for us all.

“Sometimes we forget about all the little things we could do to brighten someone’s day… to show love to others without expecting anything in return. I was the receiver of these beautiful flowers from a dear friend yesterday!”



Didn’t Jesus tell us the importance of the little things in life, sharing God’s love with everyone without expecting anything in return? Continue reading “LITTLE DAY BRIGHTENERS”


With the days growing shorter as winter approaches, I was delighted to experience a glorious sunrise and sunset on the same day while at a retreat at one of my holy places on Canandaigua Lake. I am more of a night owl than an early riser, so noting that the sunrise was around 7:30 a.m. inspired me to get up a little earlier. This was the first time I had a room with a lakeside view, so when I awoke, I was greeted with the horizon bursting with red and orange color before the sun rose. Naturally, I had to go outside to get a better view, feeling united to God and the beauty.


A sail boater enjoying the sunrise on Canandaigua Lake


A glorious sunrise


I enjoyed the quiet, still atmosphere of being all alone in the grassy field overlooking the lake. Just God and me. It was a sacred time, watching the horizon in expectation as the sun came up. I wondered what specifically the Scripture said that I knew contained the words “From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets.” Continue reading “SON RISE”


We can experience God’s presence in many different ways. When I stop to consider that God made this whole world and everything in it, I am in awe! It seems natural, then, that we can experience His presence in everything. Can you think of times when you personally encountered God while reading Scripture, in nature, in the people you meet, and in times of worship and prayer?

One fall day, as I sat with my chair on a sandy beach, ironically at a place called Promised Land State Park in Greentown, PA, I was immersed in the beauty of creation that surrounded me. In the Old Testament Scriptures, the Promised Land was for the Israelites, the land of Canaan, which represented for them a land flowing with milk and honey.

Continue reading “FALL TIME BEAUTY”