My birthday this year was quite different from most years, which I guess goes along with the theme of 2020!

The presence of friends and family graced my birthday last year as we gathered for a “celebrate Christine” event. People shared how my life has affected them, making me feel very special knowing that the God in me is shining through. I felt so much love, which made it my most special birthday to date.  This year, I had the pleasure of rereading all the cards and notes that people shared with me that day. I am hoping to reinstate the tradition next year.


The “celebrate Christine” crew from last year. Great memories except for the broken elbow!


This year was a somewhat quiet day for me as I, at the last moment, went to deliver paperwork and say farewell to a car that my two sons drove through the years.  It was a full day of traveling for six hours round trip, but God’s presence in the aloneness was with me.  After all, especially on my birthday, as I pondered the meaning of my life and how God is working in and through me, what better place than to be alone with Him? Continue reading “CASCADING LOVE”


Ministry in our lives can take many forms.  For some, it might be something formal in a church setting such as parish council, an elder in the church, funeral committee, or usher/greeter.  I believe ministry encompasses much more than the traditional roles in the church.

I found this definition for the word ministry in a Google search, which I think is perfect:



What if the “something is accomplished” is sharing the Jesus in you with others?

Sharing Him through the way you live,

the activities you are busy with,

and through your words. Continue reading “MINISTRY REFLECTIONS”




I receive daily emails from a coworker who gives me work to process.  These emails end with a few encouraging words, something like “keep safe, enjoy the afternoon, or keep smiling.”

A recent closing of an email said,

“Please be safe and enjoy Today, it’s another gift from God.”


Think about that again,



That thought spoke volumes to me, a great reminder of how we should be living and looking at each day of our lives!  Continue reading “TODAY”


During a recent Sunday outing to a state park, several people were fishing from the shoreline.  A couple of men were fishing for more than the three hours I was there. People of all ages, from teenage girls to families with young children, to couples, were trying their hand at the sport of fishing. Most people would come for a bit and then leave, without catching anything.  Only the men I saw there the longest got rewarded. I heard them say they caught fish #7 and #8.

Continue reading “FISHERS OF MEN”


Soaking up views of God’s beautiful creation near bodies of water is a favorite pastime of mine.  We are taking advantage of the beautiful, sunny weather we have experienced on Sundays this summer to venture to a park of some sort. They involve being near water and a Dairy Queen to help cool down from the hot weather! Continue reading “REFLECTING JESUS”


Have you ever truly reflected on the fact that…



What a privilege to know and appreciate as we live day by day on this earth!

Why do I say that you are the temple of the Holy Spirit? Check out these powerful words that St. Paul shares with us~

Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you? –1 Corinthians 3:16 (ESV)

Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body. –1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (NLT)

And what union can there be between God’s temple and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God said: “I will live in them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they will be my people. –2 Corinthians 6:16 (NLT) Continue reading “TEMPLE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT”


I have been reflecting a lot lately about “living love.”  This came about from recently reading two books by author, motivational speaker, and lawyer, Bob Goff.  The books I am referring to are Everybody Always and Love Does which I encourage you to read.  The books consist of short chapters that are engaging stories from Bob’s experiences of loving others.

Continue reading “LIVING LOVE”


One day while at my prayer garden, seeing shadows cast upon the cross, the brick wall in the distance, and even on the bricks in front of me made me consider shadows in our lives.  As a youngster, yours truly was afraid of her shadow thinking there was some mysterious person walking with her! Continue reading “SHADOWS”


The sun was shining, accompanied by a gentle breeze, this one particular day when I arrived at my prayer garden.  As time went on, a few darker clouds settled in and it became very windy.  A few leaves could be seen falling from the tree branches due to the forcefulness of the wind.  I would even venture to say the wind was howling loudly.


Can you see the effect of the wind on the tree and paper?


Prior to the wind picking up, I enjoyed the warmth of the sun beating down on my back reminding me of the Son shining on me.  When the wind was at full force I was reminded of the Holy Spirit and the first Pentecost.


The calm before the storm.

Continue reading “THE WIND”


If you knew with certainty that you had one week left on this earth, would you be living life any differently? 
Would that knowledge have any impact on what you were doing?

Truthfully, it is a thought that recently occurred to me after learning of a high school classmate of mine passing, as well as a friend’s brother. He was given a few months to live.  My friend was able to spend quality time, the last six weeks of her brother’s life with him and his family, being with them when he passed.


It made me ponder Jesus’ life. 

Continue reading “LIVING LIKE THE END”