Our worship should not be a distraction from our circumstances.

Worship no matter the circumstances.


That was a concept from a sermon my youngest son heard and shared with me this past week; one that he put into practice particularly with an event in his life.

I had just arrived at my prayer garden one day when my phone rang.  It was not a number I knew, but was in my area code so I decided to answer it.  It was my son using his buddy’s phone.  This son is quite skilled at prefacing things appropriately to make sure you know the most important details first.  The first words I heard were, “I am okay.  Everyone is okay.  Everything is okay.”

He was longboarding (similar to a skateboard but longer) with a friend of his, ended up falling off, which resulted in the left side of his body being pretty scraped up.  They had already assessed the situation with another friend, and he was seeking more medical treatment when he finally contacted me.

The worst of everything was needing three stitches in his chin but the fat lip, blue eye, scrapped up shoulder, left side and hip (the worst looking) made him look like he was in quite the battle!




The thoughts from the sermon came to his mind as soon as the accident happened. As they were driving to get assessed, they turned on Christian worship music to accompany their ride. He just kept worshipping the Lord despite the circumstances.

When the physician assistant went to stitch up his chin, she said it would sting.  My son focused on praying and said he did not even feel anything.  He really did not want stitches.  I think he probably remembers when he was five-years-old, he had 13 stitches in his scalp because of falling while walking through bleachers at the end of swim lessons one day.  At this time, our area was also dealing with a flood that closed one of our two hospitals.  Even then, though, he was a trooper!

When my son returned home, he was giving praise and a big shout-out to the Lord for sparing him from a much worse outcome.  He knows how fortunate he was to only need three stitches, with no bones being broken!  God has more work for him to do here on this earth he concluded.




A pastor friend’s sermon that I recently heard reminded me of a good way to worship and pray. It is using the letters in the word “ACTS.”

Adoration–Let the Lord know the deep love and respect you have for Him.  Praise God.

Confession–Admit that you are a sinner and that you need God’s forgiveness.

Thanksgiving–Thank the Lord for His goodness in your life.

Supplication–Bring your needs to the Lord, the prayers that are weighing heavy on your heart.


In my daily prayer time, I have been keeping that “ACTS” in mind.  It is a great way to worship the Lord.

I encourage you this week to focus on worshipping the Lord in all circumstances and pray with “ACTS” in mind.


Keep in mind~~

Our worship should not be a distraction from our circumstances.
Worship no matter the circumstances.
Worship is what we should be doing continually in all things.



Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise–the fruit of lips that openly profess his name.  –Hebrews 13:15  (NIV)

Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe.  –Hebrews 12:28  (ESV)

Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.  –1 Thessalonians 5:18  (NLT)


God is so amazing with how He works events out in our lives. This week I experienced some divine encounters while at my newest holy place that I shared in my thoughts last week. Continue reading “DIVINE ENCOUNTERS”


My life has been enriched by spending time at a new “holy ground” place in nature, thanks to the nice weather we have been experiencing the last few months here in the northeastern part of the United States.  Making time almost every day to commune with God during this quarantine time has been beneficial for me.

I often think about the many Bible stories of times when Jesus went away from the crowds to spend time alone with God, His Father.  I imagine that Jesus even did that daily to continually be seeking and carrying out God’s will in His life.  Continue reading “LAY IT DOWN”


You might recall, I mentioned last week in my “Remain in Me” thoughts, I would continue sharing more of the richness of Jesus’ words in subsequent verses from John 15:9-17.

I encourage you to go grab your Bible and read those verses or click here  as I will only highlight a few verses to share with you.



Continue reading “I CHOSE YOU”


Truth be told,  I find John’s Gospel the most beautiful of the four gospels as he shares so much about Jesus’ farewell discourses which I find so rich in content.  I appreciate how John is the only gospel writer that shares about Jesus washing the feet of His disciples despite not sharing other specific details about the Last Supper.

Lately, I have read and heard much from John’s Gospel which has helped me reflect more and want to share some meaningful passages that have touched me.

A few thoughts struck me about the story of “The Vine and the Branches” in John 15:1-8. (Next week we’ll look at the rest of the story.)  I invite you to go grab your Bible and read that section or click hereContinue reading “REMAIN IN ME”


“Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life.” 


Words that are said by our Pastor at the end of every church service; a powerful reminder of how our lives should be lived daily until we are called home to eternity in heaven with God, our Father.


GLORIFYING THE LORD BY YOUR LIFE- The privilege we are extended everyday on this earth to engage in, my dear reader! Continue reading “GLORIFYING THE LORD BY YOUR LIFE”


If you are a faithful, weekly reader you might recall that last year I confessed that I do a “Word of the Year” rather than New Year’s resolutions starting in January.  In case you wanted to go read that post first, click here  but be sure to come back and read about this year’s word!

I bet you have already made an educated guess as to my word for 2020!  You are correct….

Continue reading “CONTENTMENT – 2020”


This year during Holy Week I felt inspired to read about Jesus’ last days on this earth, about His death and resurrection, taking into account all four gospels; to see the differences and the similarities.  It was then captivating to continue on with reading the book of Acts journeying with the disciples after Jesus ascended into heaven returning to God, the Father.


PEACE is one recurring theme that struck me especially in the gospel of John.

Jesus wanted His disciples to have peace both once Jesus died and when He returned to heaven at the Ascension.

Along with His Peace, Jesus also gave some commissions to the disciples; what they needed to be doing after Jesus ascended back to God, His Father.

Continue reading “MY PEACE I GIVE YOU”


Fresh off from celebrating our Risen Lord and Savior a few weeks ago at Easter how perfect to revisit probably a familiar reading from Luke’s gospel entitled “On the Road to Emmaus.”

I encourage you to take a few minutes to grab your Bible or phone to read Luke 24:13-35.  I will reference just sections of the passage below.

This walk to Emmaus happened on that first Easter day, according to Luke’s gospel, after Mary Magdalene and other women went to Jesus’ tomb where they found the stone rolled away from the tomb and did not find the body of Jesus!  Two angels appeared to the women proclaiming that Jesus was risen just like Jesus had foretold.  They ran to tell the apostles.  Peter ran to the tomb to see with his own eyes and also went away wondering what happened to Jesus. Continue reading “OUR ROAD TO EMMAUS”


Are you, like me, finding one of the hardest things lately is not being able to be physically present with your brothers, sisters and ministers in the Lord at your worship site?

Truth be told, having church services be accessible online now is truly a blessing for which I am so thankful.  I find it so nice to be able to hear the sermons a few times to soak up even more of what is being shared and seeing how it applies to my life.  In that respect, I know I am growing which feels wonderful; making my relationship with the Lord even closer and stronger.

Continue reading “CONSECRATE”