“We just do not realize the majesty of our Lord and how he uses all of us for His divine purpose!”


What great truth to reflect on this week; a statement made in an email from a friend.  It came about from a few stories we were sharing where we see God’s perfect orchestrations in a simple, ordinary event.  Let me explain…. Continue reading “BLESSINGS”


God made each of us unique and thus we each have our own stories that make every one of us God’s special creation!


He is the potter and we are the clay as He molds and shapes our lives in different ways.  It is something that makes each of us His masterpieces with no two of us being alike; something that I am in awe of.  How it fascinates me to take time to listen and learn people’s stories. Continue reading “LEARNING PEOPLE’S STORIES”


You might recall from reading some of my thoughts, if you have through the years,  that I am happiest when I am serving or helping others; sharing Christ with others through serving.   It seems to be one example that Jesus, while on this earth, taught us to do, right?   Helping others makes me think about others rather than focusing on me; putting others first.


For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.  –Mark 10:45  (NIV)

“And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’”  –Matthew 25:40  (NLT)

Continue reading “MISSION DAY 2020”


God is present and can be found in every moment,
in every detail,
of our lives if we take time to notice!


Recently, there was one particular day that I was reminded of that very fact in my simple, ordinary day. Continue reading “A DAY OF BLESSINGS”


  • How I love the “God moments” that God orchestrates in the simple circumstances in our days.  Yes, He always provides for us which makes me smile;  I am in such awe of His goodness!


It was a day that started with attending a funeral to support a manager of mine and then time spent at the Drs. getting my ears flushed out once again so that I didn’t have to stand the muffled voices any longer along with some follow up lab work.

You know, there are several different routes I could have taken home from the Drs office but I felt the “highway” was calling my name; I believe it was part of His divine plan.  As I was on the last few roads before getting home, I decided to stop and get gas; I almost drove right by but at the last moment figured since the sun was out in winter here in the Northeast, I should take advantage! Continue reading “GOD–OUR PROVIDER”


Would I be correct in thinking the following is a quote you are familiar with especially with the Christmas holiday season just recently behind us?



Yes, it is a quote from Charles Dickens “A Christmas Carol.”   I first became familiar with that quote through listening to a Christmas album from indie artist Weston Skaggs back in 2018 .  Last year I penned two thoughts on two other songs from this same album. One is entitled Prepare Him Room and the other is Wise Men Still Seek Him.  Feel free to read those posts after you are done with this one!  😉

His album entitled Stories for Christmas has a song appropriately named “Dickens Song.”  Feel free to take a listen by clicking the blue link and/or read the lyrics below:


DICKENS SONG  by Weston Skaggs


Do you remember that quote old Dickens wrote

I will honor Christmas in my heart

And try throughout the year

To in my memory hold it dear

Keep it well

Keep it well

Keep it well


When I’m happy

When I’m sad

In the joy and the bad

And when this life brings me to my knees

In the sorrow and the sighs

Lord help me to try

To honor and keep Christmas in my heart


Well after the last pine needle is swept up from the floor

In the few months when a reindeer can’t be found in any store

Even when the ones I love are a thousand miles away

Help me Lord

Keep it well

Keep it well


When I’m happy

When I’m sad

In the joy and the bad

And when this life brings me down to my knees

In the sorrow and the sighs

Lord help me to try

To honor and keep Christmas in my heart


So on this Christmas Eve

When the kids are off to sleep

And Nat King Cole is singing

Oh Holy Night

By the glow of these lights

Again I will decide

To honor and keep Christmas in my heart

To honor and keep Christmas in my heart

To honor and keep Christmas in my heart



It’s a funny thing how that song didn’t “speak” to me as much until this year when I attended our Christian Radio Station’s Christmas Dinner Musical show entitled “A Christmas Carol” which was performed with new music!

Before the musical started, quite fittingly, this quote was shown on the screen which advertised some upcoming events and different facts about A Christmas Carol and Charles Dickens.




The whole quote that Scrooge ends up saying in the musical is:

“I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future. The Spirits of all Three shall strive within me. I will not shut out the lessons that they teach!” ― Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol


As you think back to a time you saw “A Christmas Carol”  you will probably recall that Scrooge is visited by Jacob Marley’s Ghost, and the Ghosts of Christmas Past, of Christmas Present and of Christmas Yet to Come.

Penning these thoughts reminded me of a picture of me when I was actually the Ghost of Christmas Present when I was in 6th grade!  What are the chances of that?  😉  If I recall correctly I had very few speaking lines; just perfect for soft-spoken, introvert me!

Me, the Ghost of Christmas Present


Why were these Ghosts sent to Scrooge?

Yes, because Scrooge was not too friendly of a guy.  In fact, his life was pretty miserable wasn’t it?  People didn’t want to even be around him and he would often say “Bah humbug” to show his disdain with life!

I hope you don’t know anyone like that in your life and I’m sure people would NOT be able to say that of your life!


What a wonderful thing that after Scrooge is visited by the Ghosts, he changed his life around!  He became a kinder, gentler man sharing God’s love and mercy with all he met!

With the Ghosts visiting him, Scrooge realizes the errors of his past and present self and vows to change those attributes in himself as he lives in the future.



Do you need to do that in your life?  Are there things you can change in yourself to enable you to become a better, more Christ-like person?


What an important thought to reflect on.  Each day is an opportunity to start fresh, to change whatever we might need to change in our life to make us a better person; to reflect God to others.


What other ways can you honor Christmas in your heart, and try to keep it all year?  It is something that I think is important to reflect on and put into action daily.


As I was going through my Christmas cards this year one final time I ran across this one that I think are also ways to honor Christmas every day…



Yes, every time we
…help another
…put conflict aside and strive for understanding
…forget our differences and realize our love for each other…
that is Christmas!


May these thoughts be a reminder to you this day to…..

Honor Christmas in your heart and  keep it all year!


Now it’s time to change your ways! Turn to face God so he can wipe away your sins, pour out showers of blessing to refresh you.  –Acts 3:19  (MSG)

Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other.  –Romans 12:10  (NIV)

People with understanding control their anger; a hot temper shows great foolishness.  –Proverbs 14:29  (NLT)





This Advent and Christmas season was very special for me; one filled with much meaning through the different activities I participated in and with meaningful church encounters.  The thought that really resonated with me the most profoundly was repeatedly hearing and reflecting on this simple short word:


EMMANUEL which means “God WITH us”
What a powerful thought that is!



Truly what Christmas is all about; such a special event to celebrate yearly in our lives~to help us remember what a privilege we have through Jesus’ birth–God WITH us!  Yes, God is personally in and with you, my dear reader! Continue reading “EMMANUEL”


This winter season in the Northeast part of the United States has been challenging already since it has produced some snow and ice storms in both November and December.

About a month ago, we had one day of icy conditions followed by some snow the following day.  In the evening, I had just gone downstairs to the laundry room while my husband was in the kitchen.  All of a sudden he heard a loud noise and figured for sure that the roof of the garage had fallen in crushing the cars!

As he was shaking from the loud noise, he opened the side door to peer in the garage but it looked in tact.  He opened the attic door that is nearby and could not see any issue.  As he ducked down to look in the garage more, he saw this:


Through the garage roof and attic


The branch just close enough to break some glass


Continue reading “THE JESSE TREE”


Ponder the word CHRISTMAS~~

Noting especially the first 6 letters of that word~~CHRIST




This year I have seen this saying below, more than once, that I don’t recall really seeing before; one that is worth remembering this holiday season, and in reality, every day!



Yes, let’s keep Christ as the center of Christmas this year! Continue reading “CHRISTMAS CHEER”


The month of November has yielded blessing galore for me as the NICU has finally needed some help loving and holding those little ones after a dry spell since July!

There have also been two weeks of “hopping” times when they have brought babies over from labor and delivery when I was present.  Times when I start praying for those little ones and their families,  the babies being in critical condition as the nurses and Drs. try to get them stabilized. Continue reading “MOVING IN”