A few simple words, though heartfelt, that I texted a friend of mine this week.  I was describing what I saw in her daughter’s life as well as in my friend’s life.

Faith in action is something we are called to do daily, right?  To not just KNOW about God’s word or just hear it only, but to put flesh and blood to that knowledge and faith by taking action; to find ways to live out that faith each and every day. Continue reading “FAITH IN ACTION”


Reading a book entitled “Praying for Strangers” that a friend gave me for my birthday recently and attending a luncheon that included a talk on “Live a Life of Kindness” are inspiration for these thoughts this week.   I won’t mention that the luncheon was really a “seniors” luncheon because we all know I’m only 23; they were kind and made an exception for me!  😉

Both events were blessings in my life which I feel are wonderful ways to live our lives on this earth day by day.

We can all make this world a better place for at least one person every day by living a life of kindness; sharing the light of Christ, that is within us, with othersContinue reading “LIVING KINDNESS”


As you think about your faith journey have you experienced some seasons of waiting?

Waiting for the Lord to act or direct in some way, waiting for something to happen before you could take the next step in your life?


Was it a season of waiting….

…for the Lord to open doors for a ministry

…for healing a broken relationship

…for a prodigal’s return

…for chains of addiction to be broken

…for physical healing in your body

…for the Lord to bring your life partner into your life? Continue reading “IN THE WAITING”


One of my happy places is time away from the hustle and bustle of life, the routine of the everyday, and soaking up the beauty of the ocean and beach.

Yes, I know God’s Presence is always everywhere!  He can be found all around us, in each one of us, and in all of nature!

Seeing and feeling God’s Presence at the ocean waters and beach is more intense for me which is always a blessing and special time.  A time that surrounds me in God’s love and peace.



A mishap from 2019 that landed me with a fractured right radial head (translation:  broken elbow) humbled me and taught me a few more life lessons that I think are useful for all of us to keep in mind.

First, a little background. My husband and I were in Lancaster, PA to attend the “Jesus” show at the beautiful Sight and Sound Theater. What wonderful musical productions they put on every year with amazing technical effects and live animals to enhance the power of the show.  Thankfully we went there on a Saturday, stayed overnight and had our “activity” on Sunday.

The activity was a 2 1/2 – 3 hr covered bridge tour riding a scooter (moped.)  In case you did not know, I am not so coordinated at some physical activities. A few years ago I did eventually master riding a segway after some extra practice and training. Continue reading “RELIANCE ON OTHERS”


The words “I Cherish You” were on a bouquet of flowers a friend brought for my birthday celebration this year along with a saying.




You see, I have always longed to have a surprise party given in my honor. It is not that I want to feel “important” by people’s standards but more just knowing people were coming together because they loved me and wanted to celebrate the me that God made. God made us relational beings and sometimes we get so caught up in ourselves not taking time for others. Continue reading “I CHERISH YOU”


“The trees are about to let us know how lovely it is to let things go.”  
“We stress ourselves out because we put ourselves where God is suppose to be.”  –Pastor Louis  Kingdom Revival Church


Two quotes that jumped out at me recently making me think of their great truth~Reminding me to let go and let God!

Do you need that reminder in your life today too? Continue reading “LET GO and LET GOD”


“We do not meet people by accident. 
God places these people in our lives for a reason.”
“Even if our time with someone expires, our prayers do not.”
“Some people come into your life and challenge you and change you for the better. These are the people who you will always remember.”


Three quotes that I saw this past week that I think have great truth; worthy of taking a few minutes to reflect upon this week.


Continue reading “THE BLESSING OF PEOPLE”


This past week has been a busy, bittersweet one for me as the time came for my youngest child to embark on the next chapter of his life~~the exciting, for him, College Bound years!  New opportunities, new people to meet, new things to experience await my son.



His siblings are currently out of the house as well so this transition will be a little harder as my husband and I adjust to the empty nest; a much quieter house than we have been accustomed to for over 25 years.


Through a few series of events that occurred on his last official day at home, I got to thinking about the theme of “influences.”  Continue reading “INFLUENCES”


With many colleges starting up soon and even with primary schools, especially down south, already starting I thought it appropriate to finally share some thoughts I heard about school that apply to you, the one reading this!

“What?  I am way past school age and don’t attend school!” you respond.

Well, I think it all depends on your perspective on things.  Hear me out….


What if we considered the following:


Continue reading “SCHOOL”