“We do not meet people by accident. 
God places these people in our lives for a reason.”
“Even if our time with someone expires, our prayers do not.”
“Some people come into your life and challenge you and change you for the better. These are the people who you will always remember.”


Three quotes that I saw this past week that I think have great truth; worthy of taking a few minutes to reflect upon this week.


Continue reading “THE BLESSING OF PEOPLE”


This past week has been a busy, bittersweet one for me as the time came for my youngest child to embark on the next chapter of his life~~the exciting, for him, College Bound years!  New opportunities, new people to meet, new things to experience await my son.



His siblings are currently out of the house as well so this transition will be a little harder as my husband and I adjust to the empty nest; a much quieter house than we have been accustomed to for over 25 years.


Through a few series of events that occurred on his last official day at home, I got to thinking about the theme of “influences.”  Continue reading “INFLUENCES”


With many colleges starting up soon and even with primary schools, especially down south, already starting I thought it appropriate to finally share some thoughts I heard about school that apply to you, the one reading this!

“What?  I am way past school age and don’t attend school!” you respond.

Well, I think it all depends on your perspective on things.  Hear me out….


What if we considered the following:


Continue reading “SCHOOL”


Let’s start with an interactive post this week that was inspired through an insightful saying I heard at a recent retreat.


First though, I am wondering if you have a life saver or hard candy handy?   If so, how about you go get it.

Before you do anything with that life saver or hard candy though, let me ask you a question.



When you have a life saver or some other hard candy, are you the type of person that will savor it for just a few minutes before you end up biting it and then chewing it right up?

Or, do you truly take that life saver and savor life with it? Continue reading “SAVOR LIFE”


One Bible story that I have really grown to appreciate recently, which is so rich in meaning and full of lessons we can apply to our personal lives, is entitled Jesus Walks on the Water.


Only with God’s perfect timing did a friend comment on a prior post of mine mentioning this story which had been floating around in my mind to pen some thoughts on.  It didn’t come together for the week I was originally thinking but, with more of His perfect timing I then heard a sermon about this story enlightening me to even more great details that I might not have seen otherwise. Continue reading “LESSONS FOR THE STORMS”


This past weekend I felt very fortunate to hear a sermon on a familiar gospel story that I have already written on. The speaker shared a little different view on the story that I believe is a valid interpretation that was very enlightening to me~~great truth that we can all reflect on and rectify in our lives if necessary.

The gospel story is from Luke 10:38-42:

Now as they went on their way, Jesus entered a village.

And a woman named Martha welcomed him into her house.  And she had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to his teaching.

But Martha was distracted with much serving. And she went up to him and said, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me.”

But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things,  but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.”   (ESV) Continue reading “THE DIFFERENCE”


A simple text from a sweet friend inspired these thoughts this week.

You see, this friend, like me, is in her happy place when she is at the ocean.  She was texting me from the beach as she and her family was blessed with an unexpected trip to a beach for a few days! I was so happy for this opportunity that came up for them.


Photo courtesy of Laura Sage


The text said,

“I was thinking of you while walking because there are a lot of broken shells on the beach and I remember telling you once how people are kind of like those broken shells.  Broken but still beautiful!”

The other thought she shared at that time was that

“And the cool thing about these broken shells is that they’ve all had an amazing journey!” Continue reading “BROKEN”


One week or one weak?


Are you a little confused by that question?

An interesting question, is it not?

Let me explain what I mean with the main idea of these thoughts this week coming from a church bulletin that was shared with me.


I thought it was indeed something worth pondering though maybe a slight stretch with the names of the week; a little different way of looking at your week.


May it remind you of the importance and privilege that we have walking with God each and every day! Continue reading “ONE WEEK or ONE WEAK”


What great truth there is in the good ole saying,




At a retreat I recently was grateful to attend, silence is one of the first things that is introduced and then implemented for the rest of the evening.


As the leader pointed out,


Photo courtesy of Marco Verch under Creative Commons License (CC BY 2.0); words added by
Continue reading “SILENCE IS GOLDEN”



Four simple words that a lady I was talking with this past weekend repeated from something I had just said.


I loved the thought she shared that made the light turn on in my head to enlighten me and see another parallel. Continue reading “GOD IN THE ORDINARY”