Two little words, a simple encounter, that ended up with multiple blessings in retrospect!



Be blessed…


Yes, two simple words a gentleman spoke to me as he handed me his empty cart to use, despite me not having a quarter to give him for the cart, at a local store; actually at a store that is at a further location from my “normal” one!  BLESSING #1

Continue reading “BE BLESSED”





My thoughts turned to those words this week as I sat loving a little boy in the NICU who I learned was indeed going home that day after being born 24 days earlier!

As you might know, my week is always blessed extra when I call the NICU on a Sunday morning and hear those words “Yes, we have some little ones that need some extra love.”  After a six week hiatus it was music to my ears.  Continue reading “GOING HOME”


Let me start off with asking you a question today.  Do you have a bucket list and if so, do you have several items on it?


For me, I really only have one item on my bucket list.


I think it would be so rewarding and fulfilling to do a short missions trip somewhere not too far away.


A few people I know have done a form of this within the last few years which has inspired me to think about how much I would love to do it someday.  Continue reading “MISSION REFLECTIONS”


This week I will start with another confession…I am not one of those people who has a list of New Year’s Resolutions!  Ideally, it is a great idea—a new year, a fresh start, new resolutions. Maybe it has a little to do with not wanting to feel like a failure, if by chance, I don’t follow through with those resolutions.

One thing that I try to keep in mind though is that actually every day is a new day, a fresh start, new chances to improve our life in whatever way we feel led by His Spirit.  God’s mercies are new every day!


Toward the end of 2014 a friend of mine introduced me to a new concept; something called a “word of the year.”  I have adopted this practice since New Year’s 2015 and wanted to share it with you in the hopes that you will be inspired to implement this practice as well. In my humble opinion, it is something you can start and do at any point in the calendar year.

Doing this allows me to focus more on the positive, how I see God working in my life, rather than looking at the possible failure of not obtaining the resolutions I might have made.



The way this has worked in my life is, especially during the month of December, you start thinking and praying for the Lord to direct your “word of the year” for the following year.  Look for what theme or word the Lord brings along your path, in your Bible reading, people you interact with.  Maybe it is something you were struggling with the past year or that the Lord showed you to be more open to.

Once you have that peace about your word for the year the task is to keep on the lookout for how God will use that word powerfully in your life throughout the coming year.


Photo courtesy of Leonard J Matthews under Creative Commons License (CC BY-ND 2.0)


This year, the same friend of mine, introduced me to a Facebook group called “One Word 365 Community” where people share their word of the year, ways the Lord has used that word in their lives, even collages people make with their word and about the significance of their word in their lives.  It has been inspiring and very interesting to see all the different words and sharings that people were led to choose.

In fact, the thought has occurred to me that it would be an interesting thing to change the word each month as there are so many great and meaningful words that can inspire our walk with the Lord.



What is a blessing is to see how God will open your mind and heart to see how your word jumps out at you in different circumstances in your life throughout the year.  Be open to see God at work!  It always brings a smile to my face when I see Him!

In fact, at Christmas time this year, a friend sent me a card with only the word “Believe” on the front of it.  Continue reading to see why I had to share with her after how much it meant to me.

Depending on your word of the year, it is possible God would bring one of these passages to your sight throughout the year~


Photo courtesy of Charlotte90T under Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)



In case you were curious as to some possible word choices, I will share my words of the year, and what the word meant for me personally in my life journey, to give you an idea and maybe inspiration, in case you decide to try this practice in your life starting one day soon.



Helped me realize with Christ, I am empowered to do more than I ever thought or knew. It helped me gain confidence in who I am in Christ.




Helped me see I could grow in my faith, in my abilities, in my actions and have more faith in myself with Christ.




Helped me keep forefront in my mind that only with Christ do we have true hope; hope that everything works out for our best with Him.




Helped me focus on believing more than worry; put my faith and trust in Christ being in charge of all.

(Did you catch why the Christmas card I received was so meaningful? :))


2019-This year I ended up with TWO words!


was the first word I felt strongly about…


Action to follow that small, still voice right away; not delaying and merely thinking about it.  As Nike says, “Just Do It!”  Send a quick text or note to someone telling them you are praying for them, say that prayer right away for that person that comes to mind.


Shortly after, I felt strongly about the phrase…




Showing love not judgement for all people that I meet. Share that unconditional love that God shares and has for each one of us!  He does not judge us; He loves us unconditionally and is always waiting for us to return to Him.


I was confused a little in my mind about having the two words and as I was sharing that with my friend that started me on this word of the year, it occurred to me that in reality the two words work in unison as well as individually…..



As an added bonus for me this year, because of joining the Facebook group I mentioned above, I found there is a gal there that has an etsy page, called Beautiful By His Design. She lovingly will create your “word of the year” using the calligraphy and water color combination that you request.  I think it is such a nice touch to have that simple reminder right before your eyes and love how mine turned out!


Can you help me finish this post?

If you are a person who already does this  word for the year, if you feel so inclined, please share your word and what it means to you, in the comment section below.

Conversely, if you are inspired to start this practice and in a few days of reflection come up with your word for the year, please stop back and post that as well.  It is a blessing to share and learn from each other!


The faithful love of the LORD never ends! His mercies never cease.  Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.  –Lamentations 3:22-23  (NLT)

PS I will not be posting next week as I am slated to be away; feel free to stop by anyway and read an old archive post or two!  Blessings~Hope to Inspire you!



One day while helping a dear family friend of ours put up their Christmas decorations, the gentleman mentioned a show he had been watching that would be on after the Sunday night football games that evening.

It was just a casual mention but in his description of the show, I realized it was a show I had caught a glimpse of a few times, via a passing commercial, that I might be interested in checking out but never took the time to do so. Continue reading “GOD FRIENDED ME”


This holiday season, once again, I was reminded of how God is always at work even in the littlest of details in our lives~~a never ending ripple effect of Him.

Can you relate to that thought?


May my simple sharing help encourage you to see God working in the little details of your life as well.

Continue reading “THE LITTLE DETAILS”


As we will soon be officially celebrating the Christmas Holiday season this coming week, I have one more related writing inspired by listening to an indie artist’s original Christmas song whose message got me reflecting more.


First though I have a question for you.




Is that a trick question?  Well, maybe!  🙂



Are you a wise man…but not based by the standards of this world?

Are you a truly wise man based on Biblical examples? Continue reading “WISE MEN STILL SEEK HIM”


Who is like You among the gods, O LORD? Who is like You, majestic in holiness, awesome in praises, working wonders? –Exodus 15:11  (NASB)


I am in awe of the Lord and His amazing creation!  One does not have to look far to see Him at work creating such a wonderful world which surrounds us, as well as all the inhabitants including you and me!

All of nature is pretty awe inspiring to me~one of the first places I connected with God in a powerful way!

Continue reading “IN AWE”



I always marvel at His perfect orchestration of events in our lives, though it comes as no surprise to me. I am always in awe of His Presence and can’t help but continue to share those things to bring glory to God along with the hope that others will see Him working in their lives as well. Continue reading “GOD’S ORCHESTRATION”


There seemed to be a lot of hustle and bustle all around as I was meeting a friend at Dunkin donuts on National Donut day.   I stepped to the far side, glancing at my phone, while waiting for my order to be prepared.


I heard the cashier greet the next customer with the usual, “Hello~What can I get for you today?”

It was kind of strange that suddenly it seemed that everything seemed quieter and I noticed there was no usual audible response; instead there was just deafening silence.  Glancing at the customer, I pieced together that he was mute. Continue reading “IN THE SILENCE”