Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom. One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts. They speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty— and I will meditate on your wonderful works. They tell of the power of your awesome works—and I will proclaim your great deeds. They celebrate your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of your righteousness.  –Psalm 145:3-7  (NIV)

It is important to share and celebrate God’s goodness with each other to help build our faith. I need to boast about God’s faithfulness in providing weekly inspiration to share for 10 years through this website, with this reflection being #484!  


For you have been my hope, Sovereign Lord, my confidence since my youth. From birth I have relied on you; you brought me forth from my mother’s womb. I will ever praise you.  –Psalm 71:5-6  (NIV)

I celebrate God’s goodness, which has always given me a love for Him, even as a child.  In the last four years, that love has grown stronger and more intimate.  I have always enjoyed going to church for as long as I can remember.  When looking back on my life, I also reflect on the fact that I experienced God’s presence when I was at the ocean, and that also continues to this day. Seeing the beauty of the natural world has awed me and brought me closer to God.


Growing up, I never realized  until my late teens it seemed that God gave me a connection to and love for the written word. It was then that God put two people in my path who shared their faith with me, which helped me see God’s presence more. Through those interactions, I came to realize that I could better process and express myself through the written word rather than by sharing verbally. That began my journey of penning thoughts. I had no idea that 30 years later, God would lead me to begin writing weekly on a website and publish four books to date.  It was never something I even remotely considered. I am not an English major, but we know God uses all of us in different ways if we have a willing heart to say “yes” to Him. I do recall, though, that in my early teens, God told me some day I would do something greater for Him. I believe that these past 10 years of writing were the something greater.  He can use our ordinary lives to bring Him glory.



Publish his glorious deeds among the nations. Tell everyone about the amazing things he does. Great is the Lord! He is most worthy of praise! He is to be feared above all gods.  –1 Chronicles 16:24-25  (NLT) & –Psalm 96:3-4  (NLT)

God used the Christian band, Third Day, to inspire me to join social media, which is when I met some online Christian bloggers who wrote to share their faith. One person had started penning short daily reflections that helped to inspire me to see if I could write weekly inspiration. This person also gave me information on how to start the website that I still have today.  I remember stepping out in faith on September 5, 2014, publishing my first reflectiona “test” to see if God would provide weekly inspiration. As we know, God has been faithful for 10 years and counting.  What a beautiful adventure it has been.   



God has taught me three main lessons throughout this time:

1-God provides.

And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.  –Philippians 4:19  (ESV)

It has been a beautiful journey to see how I’ve grown in confidence and trust that God will provide inspiration each week as I seek to share His goodness. Some weeks are more challenging than others, when doubts arise, but God provides a level of peace in my spirit when it seems “right.” I have learned to let go of some of the control that I think I have and put my faith into action.       

2-God is always working in our lives, even though we don’t see it.

So, because Jesus was doing these things [healings] on the Sabbath, the Jewish leaders began to persecute him. In his defense Jesus said to them, “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working.”  –John 5:16-17  (NIV)

This Scripture tells us that both God and Jesus are always at work in our lives, whether we see it or not. Through the first five years of writing, I always felt it was difficult to get people to take time and read each week. I had no idea God, working in my life, was orchestrating people to encourage me to publish a book and also to meet, in person, an author from Texas, who would later self-publish my work. Publishing books has led me to share my books with strangers I meet, which has provided a way I am able to reach more people and help spread God’s Word. Everything is in God’s perfect timing, even if we are not aware.

3-God provides beautiful orchestrations.

And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.  –Romans 8:28  (NLT)

This has always been my favorite Scripture verse since I was a teen. God wants the best for us and provides beautiful orchestrations in our lives. He can even make good come from evil things in our lives. Throughout the last 10 years, I have been blessed to meet and learn many people’s stories, which is so beautiful. The people I have encountered continue to inspire and encourage me as we journey together. Stepping out in faith to share a book with a stranger often leads to a beautiful, spiritual relationship.  

Be encouraged this week to…
…celebrate a way you see God’s goodness in your life.
…thank God for a need He provided.
…trust God is working on something in your life that you aren’t aware of yet.
…wait with expectation to see God’s beautiful orchestrations.


What great deed of God do you need to proclaim?
What orchestration did God provide that you noticed later?

And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.  –2 Corinthians 9:8  (ESV)

Note: I will take a week or two off in order to spend quality vacation time with my family. Feel free to visit the site and read a reflection or two at any time! God bless~


We can learn lessons from so many of God’s wonderful creations. I am in awe of God, the Creator, as I see numerous connections with His masterpieces.


Continue reading “SEA TURTLE LESSONS”


A friend shared a quote that spoke to my heart…



I believe the key to being who God meant you to be is based on who God says you are.

Who does God say you are? Continue reading “WHO YOU ARE”


Doesn’t it often seem that we are constantly on the go, with our agendas dictated by what we believe we need to accomplish within a specific time frame? Perhaps you even make a list like I do to keep you on track. Don’t we often have certain people we need to find and connect with even when attending church services?

While all those things are necessary, ponder how many times do you pause and notice the…

…person sitting alone in the last pew at church?

…coworker who appears upset?

…one at the grocery store who purposely avoids eye contact?

…homeless person on the street in need? Continue reading “FOLLOW GOD’S LEAD”


I enjoy spending time in God’s presence while at Lake Ontario. Each time I visit, there are new parallels that come to mind about life and the lake. This year it was perfect to be experiencing life there around the official time of summer’s beginning, enjoying the greatest amount of daylight.

Rain was forecast for the whole day for three of the four days, but God did provide a balance of rain and then periods of dryness and sun each day. While observing both the storms and then better weather,  I thought of how God’s inanimate creations of the water, the sky, and the wind go through rough times just as we do—something  that awed me. Continue reading “WEATHER THE STORMS”


Are you captivated when looking out on an ocean where it seems the water flows right into the horizon? Isn’t it mesmerizing to watch the waves and the tides? Why can’t we see the ocean’s end?  Maybe God created it that way so we could marvel and be immersed in His awesomeness and His love. Continue reading “AN OCEAN OF LOVE”


I saw the end of the following passage one day and saw several “only God” moments He orchestrated the next day, which led to this reflection. One of the main reasons I started this website almost ten years ago was to share with others how God is at work in the ordinary of our lives. I marvel at the way God orchestrates our footsteps. Even though I often think I am in control, God gently reminds me how only He has the capacity to work everything out for our good.


I will praise the Lord at all times. I will constantly speak his praises. I will boast only in the Lord; let all who are helpless take heart. Come, let us tell of the Lord’s greatness; let us exalt his name together.  –Psalm 34:1-3  (NLT) Continue reading “EXALT HIS NAME”


I received another insightful nugget of wisdom from my inspiring friend, Greg, as I left after visiting him at the VA hospital. After spending time with someone you are trying to encourage by your presence, do you, too, feel more spiritually alive?

“Don’t count the days. Make the days count.” ~Muhammad Ali


This quote had even more significance coming from Greg, as he has been in the hospital for three months, has a feeding tube in his stomach with just a slim possibility of eating again, and is losing more of the limited mobility he had left in his legs. Continue reading “MAKE THE DAYS COUNT”


It is always rewarding when I get an email, text, or verbal affirmation from someone sharing how God uses a reflection on either my website or in one of my books for His glory in their lives. I give a big shout-out to God for His orchestration of more than 1,625 of my four published books that have passed through my hands into the hands of others since the end of 2020.  My world was so small, but God is so big; His orchestrations are amazing!

I recently sent a copy of my latest book, God’s Glory Manifested, to a pastor I met once at a retreat in 2021. It was a beautiful blessing to receive an email from him back in 2022 requesting permission to use my two books at the time as the basis for a retreat he was giving. After receiving my latest book, he took the time and sent me a handwritten thank you. As soon as I read the front of the card, I knew it was inspiration to share. He wrote that he thought it sounded like something I would say. Only God! Continue reading “SEASONAL NAMES OF GOD”


I recently saw three masterpieces of creation that I found quite unique and similar in appearance. They reminded me of my life; maybe you will be able to relate.

This picture is from when I was roaming around a botanical garden while in North Carolina on a trip. I enjoyed wandering around and seeing God’s beautiful creation with the three waterfall areas and plethora of plants, shrubs, and flowers. Continue reading “STAND TALL”