God’s first gift to us was this world and all of creation that is in it.

For through him God created everything in the heavenly realms and on earth. He made the things we can see and the things we can’t see— such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in the unseen world. Everything was created through him and for him. He existed before anything else, and he holds all creation together.  –Colossians 1:16-17  (NLT)

God created the heavens, the earth, and everything in them: the sun and the moon, the light, the waters, the dry land, the vegetation, the birds, and the livestock, to name a few. He filled the earth with everything good, each in their own way giving praise and glory to Him.  Continue reading “THE CREATOR’S GIFTS”


One of my happy places is time away from the hustle and bustle of life, the routine of the everyday, and soaking up the beauty of the ocean and beach.

Yes, I know God’s Presence is always everywhere!  He can be found all around us, in each one of us, and in all of nature!

Seeing and feeling God’s Presence at the ocean waters and beach is more intense for me which is always a blessing and special time.  A time that surrounds me in God’s love and peace.



A little bit of heaven on earth~~~

How does that sound to you?

Don’t we always think about how when we are in heaven we will be with the Lord forever and always praising Him? Continue reading “PRAISES”


It seems hard to believe it was about 25 years ago when I was standing in a cemetery, at the graves of my grandparents and great-aunt, and couldn’t help but be engulfed in the Lord’s presence— Continue reading “SIGNS OF HIS LOVE”


Fall time in the northeast USA is always a breath-taking blessing to experience. I find it a beautiful season where you can see God’s hand working to make such a beautiful masterpiece which we get to  behold with our eyes.  The green leaves on the trees start to turn to different hues of yellow, orange, or red. It is quite a sight to view. For those that have never experienced the fall time colors, I do hope someday you will be able to! Seeing the rolling hills and mountains, especially in the beautiful fall array of colors that God provides, brings me into a closer relationship with the Creator.
I recently had the privilege of going on a short day trip in fall time where, as is typical, I just felt enveloped in the Lord’s presence. It was as if His majestic power and beauty was all around me as I looked upon the “Grand Canyon of PA” in Wellsboro, PA.
There are different stopping points where you can view nature all around you.  It was actually quite a trek to go from one scenic part to another. For me, it was a trek that exercised my faith and trust in God. It made me think about that in my life, especially since I was alone at this point in the trip.
The other factor was that this whole trek was basically with no cell way to contact anyone if something happened.
What if I had a flat tire? What if the car broke down? What if something happened? I tried to put those thoughts out of my head and trust the Lord just like we must continually do everyday of our lives. Listening to some Mac Powell country music also seemed fitting to help me relax.
Things didn’t get off to a great start. As I was leaving stop 1, there seemed to be this dirt road that was quite narrow. I thought it seemed more like a walking path but it seemed to be where the GPS was taking me. Thankfully it wasn’t too long before a closed gate was my clue that indeed it was just a walking path! I had to back up the car until I came to a parking lot to turn around, as the road was too narrow to do anything else.
Stop 2 is where there was a gorgeous view, though the trees were mostly just green and yellow, not so colorful on this particular day. Getting to Stop 2 took faith & trust in God and the GPS, that I’m never quite sure of! I still find it strange that one day the GPS can take you one way and another day it will take you a different path! My husband always says is a very complicated algorithm and wonders if I’m up to perfecting it!
At one point, I crossed over a paved road and end up on this dirt road that had a big incline and seemed only big enough for one car! I sure prayed a car wouldn’t be coming the other way!! At first I was doubting the GPS, but I figured at least the time was counting down to my arrival time so I had no choice but to trust it.  Sure enough I made it to stop 2!!
Stop 2 is where, looking all around, I definitely felt God’s majesty envelope me–the huge, massive hills–and I don’t know if you can see it, but to me, it looks like a giant heart carved in the scenery that only the Creator could do! I love the pictures that also have bodies of water in them.
I couldn’t decide whether to venture down one of the trails but finally settled on going down this one. Once again, those “What If” thoughts would go through my head. In case you don’t know, I’m not really the mountain climber type, and I was all alone….What if I fell?  What if I got lost?  What if…  But, again, I tried to put those thoughts out of my head and decided to trust and have faith.
The view was awesome from this one outlook so I ended up being thankful that I did venture down the path. It was a closer up view of some of the water. I am always blessed reflecting on the beauty of the water.
Stop 3 was actually a good 50 minute ride; once again with intense curves, narrow roads, some one lane bridges where you prayed no one was coming and you just went for it, and roads that required me to step out in faith. I was very thankful there wasn’t too much traffic going my way so I could go slower when I felt the need especially being on such unfamiliar roads.  The drive was kind of cool because at points you were close to the water and the sides of the massive mountains. It was like you were right at the base and could see how massive and majestic they were. These hills were covered with a beautiful array of yellow trees.
I enjoyed Stop 3 where I pulled out my chair, journal, and started to pen my adventure. This stop was the perfect spot…located near the water where a few people were even fishing. I, in my typical fashion, sat to soak up the “Son’s” presence. At times you could only hear the wind blow, at other times the bird’s echoing squawks could be heard. When I’m near bodies of water and feel the Lord’s presence, I think about how often Jesus was near the water, calling the disciples, calming the water, etc.
I knew I was definitely in the Lord’s presence when I looked up in the sky. What first caught my eye were three “different” looking clouds; the only ones gracing the clear blue sky. And right among those three clouds was a lone bird. Now, I always love to see the birds flying in the air near the water and want to capture the moment with a photograph. Unfortunately, I was unable to capture a good, clear enough picture of the three birds this time. There appeared this one bird who then left this cloud area, and was quickly joined by a second bird,  and just like I’ve experienced before, a third finally appeared…always reminding me of God the Father, Jesus His Son, and the Holy Spirit.  Three in one in ME!
God is big and sure makes His Presence known to us in the beauty of nature. Take a  moment and enjoy His presence today!
Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.  –Psalm 139:7-10 (NIV)
And, continue to trust God to help you through your struggles and have faith that His Presence, the Holy Spirit, is with you always!
Trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding.  –Proverbs 3:5  (NIV)


We often think about finding God’s presence in each of us and sharing that with others. But, have you considered how God created the world and all of creation before creating humans? God’s presence can be found in ALL of creation.

Have you ever noticed God’s presence in…..

The evening sunset….blog 2

   The puffy, white clouds…

      The crystal, clear water…

         The hot, sparkling afternoon sun….


The colorful wild flowers…blog 1

   The picturesque path in the woods…

      The birds chirping away…

         The bright fall foliage….


The quietness of the sparkling snow…blog 3 right

   The ice and snow on the river… 

      The brilliant rainbow in the sky…

         The rolling hills and mountains?


If you take a minute to look,

   You will find the presence of the Lord

       In these places too.

ALL of creation shares in revealing God’s presence and praising Him!

You will go out in joy and be led in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.  –Isaiah 55:12


Do you, like me, sometimes enjoy taking a road trip by yourself?
Cruising along on the open road, especially if there is good weather, and not much traffic, seems soothing to my soul. It gives me a peaceful feeling and I feel God’s presence while I’m cruising along the road. Of course, I can’t help but play Third Day music, which blesses me, the whole way to top it off!
I was truly blessed this past weekend to do just that as I had a chance to go to a Third Day concert because of an unexpected available ticket. It was a win-win situation for sure! It was so last minute that I didn’t know until about 6 pm Friday night that I was going at 9 am Saturday morning! It really was a wonderful road trip and a blessed time of worship to experience. Everything worked out just perfect.
On the six hour drive to Ohio, it gave me lots of time to pray for so many people that need prayer while playing my music. On the way back, it was more of a time for me to just play the music and reflect on the messages of the songs, even though I do that all the time. It was just more of a quiet time with God.
Photo credit by AboutMyTrip dotCom under Creative Common License (CC BY 2.0)
Have you ever thought about how your life is like taking a road trip?
The destination is heaven to spend eternity with God & Jesus. Ultimately, that is truly the best destination and will be even better than anything we have experienced here on this earth.
It would be pretty much impossible to make a long trip without researching the way (back in the day) or making our lives easier nowadays, getting the infamous GPS out. Before I start out on a road trip, I always pull out the GPS and program it to the destination.  On our road trip of life, we’ve got Jesus and the Bible as our navigator as well as Christian friends. Jesus, the Bible, and our friends are there to help point us back in the right direction if we get off the beaten path or if we need a little bit more encouragement to make it through a trial we’re facing.
Just like there are many roads to travel on a road trip, along with many different kinds of roads, our lives can take us down many different roads….some are smooth sailing, some are bumpy and rough. Maybe we take a road less traveled in our life that is not a good one. We might even lose our way for a little and take some unexpected detours. Hopefully it won’t be long before we get back on the right road and continue on the straight and narrow road. Yet, through it all, our God is faithful and is always with us. He is there to help us find our way and love us no matter what.
On my road trip this weekend, I saw such beauty in all of God’s creation. The sun was out, in fact, on the way home I had the sun roof slightly ajar to get some fresh air to help me stay energized after a short night’s sleep! So many beautiful hills for my eyes to behold. I think the coolest sight was going over this huge lake and seeing some cross country skiers plowing through the snow.
Photo credit by Steven Straiton under Creative Common License (CC BY 2.0)
On this road trip of life, do you take time to notice the beauty of your surroundings? There is so much beauty in looking at creation….the mountains, hills, valleys, even the vast flat land all have their own beauty. You might see some snow to grace the hills, the sun to brighten your path, the clouds that might bring some storms, the glorious sunrises where you see God’s beauty shining forth, or the full moon to light up the night sky…All of these things show God’s omnipresence and power to make such a beautiful world for us to experience while on this earth.
Now that same day two of them were going to a village called Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem. They were talking with each other about everything that had happened. As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus himself came up and walked along with them.
–Luke 24:13-15