The Lord places special people in our path–whether it is members of our family, close friends or merely acquaintances. I truly think some lessons can be learned from each one of our lives–every person is unique and has something to offer.
It is always hard when we lose a loved one or even a dear friend to death, even if we know the person was a Christian. Their absence leaves a big void in our lives. I think it is always harder on us not being able to be in their presence anymore while on this earth or being able to share life as we know it with them. But, I think it is important to keep their spirit alive in our hearts through our loving memories of them.
Maybe you, too, can identify with some of the following thoughts, and reflect on some special people in your life who have gone before you, as I reflect on two special people in my life–my Grandma Palmiter and great aunt, Aunt Hazel.

Great Aunt Hazel & Grandma Palmiter
I am filled with joy and happiness in knowing that they are spending eternity in heaven with God our Father and Jesus. I have comfort in this fact since they proclaimed Jesus Christ as their Lord while on this earth, and their lives also confirmed this.
Knowing that they are no longer suffering and in pain is a blessing and a prayer now answered. I look forward to the day when their bodies will be transformed into the likeness and image of God.
The hardest part of losing them is the pain and loneliness that is a part of the lives of those of us who are left behind. The memories of past years together are such a treasure that is indeed hard to measure. I will always hold close to my heart the memories of all the Sunday dinners, games and outings, as well as listening to the music played to Jesus on the organ.
The most important memories to me are the ones of the way they lived their lives which we can all benefit from.
–Faith in Jesus is most important–He is always with us and will help us.
–Whatever happens in life, we need to make the best of it without complaining.
–Our lives can be made happier in knowing that we helped someone–no matter how small the need may be. Jesus would do the same.
–By truly listening to someone–whether an acquaintance or even a stranger–you can help ease their burdens.
–Having a good laugh every day is healthy!

Grandma Palmiter
I thank the Lord for both of them and the inspiration their lives are to me. They certainly helped me grow closer to the Lord and to become a better person!

Great Aunt Hazel
The memory of the righteous will be a blessing, but the name of the wicked will rot. –Proverbs 10:7 (NIV)