Have you ever thought about the influence your words have on others? Your words have the ability to build others up in a positive way or tear them down in a negative way.
One weekend this summer, I was trying to decide whether to go on a long trip to a family reunion by myself or just stay home. The first night of the reunion, one of my sister-in-laws at the reunion called to jokingly ask what kind of toppings I wanted on the pizza, as they were ordering some. It was a joke because they were five hours away! But, it made me smile to think that she thought of me and called me. She asked if I was coming the next day.
Truthfully, I was still feeling overwhelmed with finishing a long day of work with pressing deadlines, taking care of two kids who had wisdom teeth out, running to the store to get them more varieties of food they could eat and the list goes on. I told her I would wait and decide the next morning.
The next morning came, and I was still unsure what to do…whether to go or just stay home. Once again, this same sister-in-law texted me to say she thought I should come. Her words inspired me to really get ready and start on my journey. I felt she really wanted me to be present and join in the festivities.

So, I started to pack up for the long ride. It was suppose to rain along the way, but thankfully the weather was just fine the whole way, I got to play lots of good music, and the traffic was not bad at all. It turns out I was very thankful to go, and everyone was very happy to see me.
At times, our words can have an adverse reaction on a person. Can you think of a time when someone said something to you that maybe was very cutting and hurtful? Maybe the comments even made you feel incompetent in some area of your life. In many cases, it is very likely that the person did not even realize their comment hurt you. It might be possible that now you totally alienate yourself from the person, but hopefully, you either told the person how the comments made you feel, or you chose to forgive them and move on.

Living Waters by Len Matthews under Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
It is important to remember that your words have the power to built someone up or tear them down. Try to think before you speak in the hopes of not tearing someone down, but rather encouraging them along this journey.
A simple statement or two can have a big influence on how someone views themselves or a situation.
“Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.” –Proverbs 16:24
In the Bible, Jesus often tells us parables about animals and nature to get us to think about our human nature and our relationship with Him. Consider a simple, big old tree—even it can speak to us about our personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Photo credit by Brian Yap under Creative Commons License (BY-NC/2.0)
Envision the big, sturdy trunk of a tree—representing Jesus—the firm and solid foundation. From the trunk grow many branches—you and me and all of us—which eventually produce many beautiful colorful leaves. Each leaf—each of us—reflects the beauty of its source—Jesus—to all who see them.
Consider how the leaves and branches get their nutrition in order to grow more—from the roots and trunk. As Christians, our main source—Jesus and Scripture—are our major supply of growth. Without this life-giving supply from the roots and trunk, the branches couldn’t survive—they—we—can’t make it on our own.

Photo by photosbyflick under Creative Commons License (BY-NC/2.0)
Once in a while, a branch or two gets out of hand a little and grows the wrong way. When this happens, the branch may need pruning to shape it up. Don’t we sometimes get that way too?
At times, storms may come along, shaking the branches and leaves, but they will survive if their grip is tight to the source—the trunk. We, too, will survive the storms and trials of life if our grip is tight to our source—Jesus. The storms will eventually pass away—and all will be calm again.
“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in Him, rooted and built up by Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” Colossians 2:6-7
“Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.”
This is a very meaningful quote, that a friend of mine shared with me a few years ago. Michael Jordan, one of my friend’s heroes, has been quoted as saying it.
I now have that verse taped up in my office at work to help remind me of the powerful message during the difficult, stressful times at work.
To me, the verse encourages us to keep our eyes on the goal at hand, so we can overcome any obstacles that might arise or that we may be facing.
I think we can apply that verse to any aspect in our life.
…If you are a student going to school, you need to keep your eyes on graduation.
…If you are a musician, you need to keep your eyes fixed on that album you are in the process of making.
…If you are a writer, you might need to keep your eyes on the book you are writing.
…If you are a chef who wants to start their own restaurant, keep your eyes on that goal.
…If you work, there might be a major deadline to meet so you keep your eyes on getting that big contact awarded.
…If you are a cancer patient going through treatments, you want to focus on that last treatment.

Photo by Celestine Chua under Creative Commons License (CC BY 2.0)
No matter what stage in your life that you find yourself, I think there is some goal that you can keep your eyes fixed on. Even though there will be tough times and possibly many obstacles that arise, if you keep your eyes on the goal you will succeed. Keep being persistent and fighting through whatever adversity comes your way.
So, what is the latest goal in your life? Try to keep your eyes on the goal so you can overcome the obstacles you may endure.
“…But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead. I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” –Philippians 3:13-14