With God’s perfect timing as I was thinking about what to write this week a friend gave me a suggestion. He said,

“Write about good friends being intentional, and investing in one another, and following through on plans so things do not stay stuck in the group chat.”

He and a good friend were spending a week at Disney, and as he said several times throughout the week to his friend,

“We are living a memory.”

It is his friend’s first time experiencing Disney. What a wonderful opportunity for them to bond even more, away from the hustle and bustle of usual life, and invest in their relationship. Continue reading “INTENTIONALITY”


Isn’t it wonderful to see how God can order our footsteps to experience His unexpected blessings? God delights in the little details of our lives that reveal His presence and great love for us.

My husband and I decided to enjoy the last few days of summer with a trip to Rochester, NY. We randomly picked out two parks where he could bike and I could enjoy nature. The day before, I was visiting a friend whose one son happened to also be there. He mentioned a place I had never heard about before. Much to my surprise, I discovered it was only an hour from where we were planning to go in Rochester, so we decided to go there too. Continue reading “UNEXPECTED BLESSINGS”