Do you often think you are in charge of the events in your life? Truthfully, I like to think I am in control of things, but more and more, I realize and see God’s orchestrations in my life. When I see the beauty of something that happens, even something as small as finding a hidden treasure, I am in awe of seeing God’s divine goodness in the many little steps that occurred that led to that point.

A case in point was being in the perfect spot getting out of the passenger side of the car to see this hidden treasure—a leaf in the shape of a heart sticking out amidst the blades of grass in our lawn. It started with planning a get-together with a few people to celebrate the newlyweds, aka my youngest son and daughter-in-love, who were home visiting us after their  honeymoon. Some unexpected events led us to eat at a different restaurant than I planned, and an unexpected event led to the timing of things to see this. Continue reading “HIDDEN TREASURES”