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Highlighting God's Presence to Inspire Your Life!
Jesus says,
“You are so precious to me
I have given you so much–
the land that you walk on,
the air that you breathe,
all that you have and are.
But, my friend, where are YOU?
I need YOU to be…
MY hands,
MY feet,
MY heart,
each and every day.
Don’t let this world that I’ve given to you
take away from ME.
I know there are so many “things”
to pull you in different directions–
away from ME.
Be concerned with the things that will
last for all eternity; not the temporary
things of this world.
Make sure you keep ME first in your
life as you go along serving…
your families,
your church community,
your friends,
and everyone you meet.
I need mostly, YOUR HEART,
full of love and compassion
to give to others.
EVERYONE I place in your path
is an opportunity to share a part of ME.
Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with God’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality. –Romans 12:9-13
Even though I have shared this song before, I still think it fits well with this writing. May you be blessed with listening to Offering, by my favorite Christian band, Third Day.
I am learning that we need to be more open to others, and not be so concerned with ourselves. It is so important to be there for one another. You can learn more about yourself and God in reaching out to others. It can help you gain confidence in yourself, and it is a great feeling knowing you are helping to build God’s kingdom on this earth.
Because of our mutual following of Third Day, I became “friends” with a lady & her husband who had been at a Friends & Family camp hosted by Third Day in Georgia. I saw the couple at the camp but did not really talk to them there. She reached out to me on social media after the event. Her husband had some medical issues so she would be asking for prayer sometimes, at which point I would pray for them and try to encourage them. One day, it was amazing as she happened to post something saying her husband collapsed and to pray. I thank God that I saw that post a few moments after she posted it, so I started praying. It was very sad to hear the next day that he ended up dying. But, I thought how special it was that people were praying for them so soon in their time of need. To this day, the lady and I keep in contact, and I try to offer support to her when I can.
From left to right: Members of Third Day: Mark Lee, Tai Anderson, David Carr, & Mac Powell, along with some special, long time fans.
Take a moment to see how you can be open to the needs of others, at least once a day….
We should take every opportunity to reach out and make a difference in someone’s life, before it is too late. You never know when it will be the last chance, or when someone needs it in their most desperate moment. You might end up with a new friendship or help someone bear a burden that was heavy on their heart. Maybe a small sacrifice on your part will be just what someone else needed. In reaching out to others, your life will be made more abundant and blessed from above.
“And the King will answer them, “Truly I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.” –Matthew 25:40