The sharing here this week is a result of listening to a friend of mine, over coffee recently, sharing an experience she encountered.  We were trying to understand and process the how and whys of it.  In fact, she suggested it might make an interesting write up, so here goes…..


Have you ever been in a situation when you felt like you needed someone to share a burden or even a personal prayer request with?  Where you were just at a breaking point feeling overwhelmed dealing with heartbreaking circumstances? Continue reading “FIND THE BLESSING”


Do you often feel like you and God are able to solve all your problems yourself? Maybe that you really don’t need a “human” to share with?

Is it because maybe you have been hurt one too many times by someone not holding your words in confidence or fear of being misunderstood?

Or is it too hard to be vulnerable and open with someone because you don’t want to be wounded somehow? Continue reading “LISTEN”