Blessings continue for me as I continue to be privileged to love and hold the babies in the NICU at a local hospital.

As I reflect on my most recent visit, I am so thankful that the person who answered the phone, despite saying the census was very low, checked with the head nurse, who did allow me to come in. This afforded me one more special encounter with my little buddy.

My little buddy, the boy who was born full term weighing 2 lbs 7 oz was the one I held first. I was so happy to see that he looked fuller in the face to me but it was difficult seeing he was still as fussy and unhappy as ever. Continue reading “MY LITTLE BUDDY”


“Never get tired of doing the little things for others. For sometimes those little things occupy the biggest part of their heart.”

Did you ever stop to think about how much the little, simple things in life can mean so much to someone?

I think doing “little” things for people is just as important as doing “big” things for people. We are not all called to change the world in a big way, but instead called to do the “little” things we can for others each and every day.



We can help change the world one person at a time and those things can have an awesome ripple affect.

For me, something as simple as someone telling me they’re praying for me when I’m going through a medical procedure or test makes a world of difference.

One day recently when I was working lots of extra hours and very stressed with deadlines, when my supervisor finally took a minute to say she realized that my workload could not be done in my 20 hours a week, it was like a huge load was lifted from my shoulders. Just that little comment meant so much.

Something as simple as making a meal for a person in need is one example of a simple gesture you could do.

Praying for those with a special need or even texting someone to let them know you are thinking of them are other simple ways we can make a difference in somebody’s life and share the Christ in us.

You might see some person you don’t know and offer a prayer for God to help meet a need in their life.

Maybe telling an artist their picture really touched you will encourage them in their creativity.

Can you think of a time in your life when you did a simple, little thing that touched someone else?

You may never know what the impact your simple gesture had on their life on this earth. Your simple little action might be just what the person needed to change their life.

Final small things
Photo credit by Petey under Creative Commons License (CC BY-ND 2.0). Words added by hopetoinspireyou.wordpress

So continue to look for ways you can do simple acts of love for another. Remember what an influence you can have on other people with doing the simple, little things that mean so much. You can make such a difference in someone’s life today!

When I posted the opening quote on Facebook it was such a blessing to see a post by a friend who said she was just making dinner to help someone in need, and she remembered when I had made dinner for her in her time of need. That was a cool validation of this truth. It was cool to see her reading that quote just as she was living it out and also remembering when someone did it for her.

What “little” thing can you do for someone today?

“And the King will answer them, Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.” –Matthew 25:40


How can you spread a little kindness each and every day for Christ?  When we do any little act of kindness, we should do it freely, not counting the cost or looking for repayment–and, keeping in mind that our giving is unto the Lord.  Jesus gave himself so freely for each one of us–shouldn’t we, with His power, be able to do the same?

To help us spread a little kindness, we need to forget about ourselves and our trials, and put other people as a priority.  We also need to slow down a little in order to be aware of other people and their needs.  Think of how you can show some kindness toward the people that God puts in your path each day–be it family, friends, coworkers, or even complete strangers.

Your kindness might be:

  • Asking about a relative
  • Calling a neighbor who is home-bound
  • Giving a young mother a break from her children
  • Leaving a “surprise” note to brighten someone’s day
  • Defending someone you see being wronged
  • Giving some extra money to someone in need
  • Speaking a sincere “have a nice day” to the stressed cashier

Every person we meet is an opportunity to spread Jesus’ love through our kindness.  We just never know the circumstances or situation that someone is facing or experiencing.  By spreading a little kindness, we may ease their problems without ever knowing it while on this earth.


Photo courtesy of Barbara Mazz under Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

We may not always feel like showing some kindness to someone and it might not always be easy, but it certainly is a blessing knowing that it is exactly what the Lord would do and expects from each of us.

Jesus’ life gave us  examples of spreading kindness to others.  It did not matter to Jesus whether the people were lowly or lofty. Jesus showed kindness in healing the ten, lowly, outcasts of leprosy and with acknowledging the rich Zacchaeus, who was in a tree trying to catch a glimpse of Jesus passing by.

In our reaching out to one another in Jesus’ name, we will be following in His footsteps, and our reward in heaven will be great!

He who despises his neighbor sins, but blessed is he who is kind to the needy. –Proverbs 14:21


Photo courtesy of MTSO fan under Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)