Since the Easter season is really celebrated for fifty days until the time when the Holy Spirit was sent, let us reflect on the meaning of Easter Joy in our lives.
Photo credit by Vicki DeLoach under Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
Easter is a joyful time
   when we see God’s love at the fullest.
If we look around, we see God’s love unfolding in nature—
   the trees begin to blossom
      and the chirping of the birds can be heard.
Easter is when God sent His only Son, Jesus Christ,
    to die for YOU and ME
       and then to RISE on the Third Day.
We are God’s creation,
    Jesus’ love must be reflected in each of us.
        The Lord loved you so much that He died for YOU!
Let us share that Easter JOY of the Resurrection
     with every person we encounter
          and enrich their lives by our presence
              because of what Jesus did for YOU!
                   LIFE IS BEGINNING ANEW.
He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then He said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”  –Revelation 21:5  (NIV)
So that by God’s will I may come to you with joy and together with you be refreshed. The God of peace be with you all. Amen.  –Romans 15:32-33  (NIV)


New Beginnings……

When you first hear those words, what kind of thoughts or feelings does that illicit from you?
–Feelings of happiness?
–Feelings of dread?
I think it might depend on 
–If you are instigating the new beginning
–Or if someone or some event is responsible for the new beginning
Your response might also be related to
–If you think it is a good, new beginning
–If you think it will be a difficult, new beginning
–If it might first appear like a “bad” beginning
What new beginnings have you experienced recently or stand out in your mind?
–Maybe starting a new school
–Maybe starting a new career
–Maybe starting a new church
–Maybe moving to a new state
–Maybe starting a new ministry
–Maybe starting a new life without a loved one
–Maybe starting a new team sport
Photo credit by BK under Creative Commons License (CC BY 2.0)
What would make your experience of any of these new beginnings a good experience?
–Maybe be welcomed with open arms
–Maybe having at least one person you already know
–Maybe having confidence knowing you will do a great job
–Maybe knowing the Lord opened the doors for you
–Maybe knowing there were others supporting you in prayer
–Maybe knowing you are never alone; the Lord is always there with you
When Jesus died on Good Friday, did you ever stop to think how Mary, Jesus’ disciples and friends must have felt? They lost their son, teacher, friend; they watched him being tortured and hung on a tree, left to die.
Can you relate to the sense of “abandonment” they must have felt – as they were left behind? They probably  thought their lives could never go on. The feeling of helplessness they must have felt.
Mary, Jesus’ disciples and friends had to face a new beginning in their lives…Life without Jesus in their midst.
But as time passed, I think they realized that terrible event, Jesus dying on the cross, had to happen and had a much larger purpose. All who give their lives to Christ can enjoy eternal life!
With recently celebrating the Easter Triduum, it  made me think about Jesus’ last days on this earth. Holy Thursday was a new beginning in Jesus’ life. The beginning of His most difficult last few days on earth.
Jesus was going to leave this earthly life He had known for 33 years, the people He knew intimately and loved, and endure much suffering and pain. How did Jesus prepare for this new beginning that He knew had to happen since it was God’s will for Him?
–Jesus went alone to pray to God the Father
–He accepted what was to come
–He endured it all to set us free from our sin and bondage
–He bravely walked the hills to Calvary
–He endured great suffering being mocked and even spat on
–When Jesus knew the final moment came, He said “It is finished!”

When we are faced with new beginnings in our lives, may we stop to think about Jesus’ example to help endure whatever our new beginning is.

Photo credit by Sapphire Dream Photography under Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
What can we learn from new beginnings?
That it is good to grow and stretch ourselves
That the Lord is always there to guide us
That change can be a good thing despite it being hard sometimes
New beginnings are not unique to people only!
With spring quickly approaching, flowers are starting to bloom, the grass is getting greener and the birds are returning from the south.  All of creation experiences new beginnings!
Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?  –Isaiah 43:18-19  (NIV)


The last year or so I have realized how important it is to be continually GROWING….

…in our relationship with the Lord

…in our relationships with family and friends

…in our knowledge of how things work

…in our networking with others

…in our perspectives on life

…in our views of other ways of doing things

…in taking care of our precious bodies

By continually growing we can learn new and different things in order to help expand our horizons in this life.

Through learning continually, we will be growing in knowledge and wisdom. I think sometimes we tend to be stuck doing the same old thing which tends to get monotonous and may stunt our growth.

Even something as simple as learning new ways to get places can be beneficial. This happened to me with picking up my son from a baseball camp. I did not know the easy way to get to the camp from my work until I checked out the different ways to get there. In turn, knowing that route helped me know where something else was that I needed to know later.

It’s kind of like this “road map” of life. You never know when some piece of information will come in handy in your life or even in helping another. Someone sharing something as simple as a software program enabled me to pursue my love of writing no matter where I am. If I did not have that tool, I know I would not have made the time to write and sit at a computer. Other things would have become more of a priority.

I think it is sad when someone is not willing to grow or change in their ways. If you aren’t willing to expand your horizons or think that it is beneficial to learn or try something new, you will definitely miss out. I think people are really missing out on more opportunities when they have that kind of attitude. God can work even more in their life if they were open to it.

This has been proven to me over the last few years. It has been amazing how God has used social media to help expand my horizons and let me gain more insight into life, and in turn helping me to be a better person.


Photo credit by ransomtech under Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

The more you know, the more you can be open to change, and even improve things you need to change about yourself.

I encourage you to look for ways you can GROW in this New Year…

…in your relationship with the Lord—maybe joining a Bible Study group or even an on-line group

…in your relationships with family and friends—make time to visit someone who needs a friend or someone you haven’t connected with in years

…in your knowledge of how things work—maybe grab a book from the library on something “new” you always wanted to know

…in your networking with others—reach out to others so you can benefit from their wisdom and they in turn can learn from you

…in your perspectives on life—be aware that everyone thinks differently…maybe sharing with someone will let you gain a new perspective on something in life and vice versa

…in your views of other ways of doing things—maybe doing something in a little different fashion from your norm will yield beneficial rewards for you.

…in taking better care of your body–maybe going for a walk everyday or doing some kind of exercise daily.

I encourage you to seek ways to GROW daily in your life so you can be the person the Lord wants you to be….in right relationship with Him first, and then others . Continually growing and changing to improve ourselves is a great goal to work towards each day.

Can you think of ways that learning has helped you grow? Or is there some knowledge you can pass on to someone else to help them?

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. –Romans 12:2 (NIV)