A dear friend, Greg Pedroza, shared that inspirational quote. I have written about him more than a few times because of the way he focuses on the positive despite seemingly negative circumstances. His life example inspires me to want to be more resolute in my faith so that I, too, can live with confidence that, whatever my circumstances, God is to be glorified. Continue reading “STEPPING STONES”


It is fascinating to reflect on that we are all made in God’s image because of His infinite love and goodness for us human beings. Yet, God has given us each special gifts, talents, and attributes so that no two of us are exactly alike. Our individual lives take different roads and are filled with different experiences, often dependent to a great extent upon the families we are born into. In God’s mercy and compassion, I believe He puts people and opportunities in our path to help us overcome obstacles that can change the trajectory of our lives. Sharing our stories can bring encouragement and hope to others and is a way to form spiritual relationships with others. We learn from each other as we journey together. Continue reading “LIFE LESSONS”