Welcome back to the final day of our pilgrimage in the footsteps of St. Paul! We will explore some places in Greece that, though not directly related to Paul’s missionary journeys, are too beautiful not to share. Some of the sites have biblical references.


One of my favorite places to experience God’s beauty in nature was in Delphi, Greece, which is about six miles from the Corinth Canal and north of Athens. Delphi is situated between two towering rocks of Mount Parnassus known as the Phaidriades (Shining) Rocks. It became an ancient religious sanctuary in the 8th century B.C. dedicated to the Greek god Apollo. The Oracle of Delphi was an ancient oracle that was believed to deliver prophecies from Apollo at the Temple of Apollo, but the oracle was always a woman who spoke on behalf of others. There is a theater above the Temple of Apollo, and even further is the stadium where the Pythian Games, the second most important games in Greece after the Olympics, were held. The view is breathtaking, especially upon the descent. Delphi declined with the rise of Christianity. Continue reading “THE LAST DAY OF OUR GREECE PILGRIMAGE”