This winter season in the Northeast part of the United States has been challenging already since it has produced some snow and ice storms in both November and December.

About a month ago, we had one day of icy conditions followed by some snow the following day.  In the evening, I had just gone downstairs to the laundry room while my husband was in the kitchen.  All of a sudden he heard a loud noise and figured for sure that the roof of the garage had fallen in crushing the cars!

As he was shaking from the loud noise, he opened the side door to peer in the garage but it looked in tact.  He opened the attic door that is nearby and could not see any issue.  As he ducked down to look in the garage more, he saw this:


Through the garage roof and attic


The branch just close enough to break some glass


Continue reading “THE JESSE TREE”


I need your help this week in finishing this post!


First, I will start with sharing a few thoughts about “stepping out in faith”  and then if YOU would think of one way you have done that in your life and leave it in the comment section below you would be helping me out in finishing these thoughts! No worries. I’ll remind you at the end so you don’t forget! 😉


Have you ever stepped out in faith, seizing the moment, to do what suddenly pops in your head knowing it was part of a divine plan?


After all, our lives are not really our own, are they?  

Technically, every thing we have and are really belongs to God! Continue reading “STEPPING OUT IN FAITH”


This week I would like to share with you an experience that my youngest son was excited to fully share with me upon his arrival home from a camping trip to a Christian music festival this past week.

After all, he started with saying, “It’s a long, crazy story and you’re going to want to write a blog post…a WHOLE blog post on this!”

How can I not if my teenager thought it was worth sharing? 😃  I do believe the experience highlights several principles that are applicable to our lives that you will be able to relate to.  Continue reading “BE THE ANGEL”