A simple, one minute phone call made my day.


At the soup kitchen that we help at, there is an older gentleman there who works on our weekend doing the drinks.  He has many health issues as well as emotional issues, and I will admit that at first, it made me feel uncomfortable working with him.


As the years have gone by (about 13 now),  I have gained an appreciation for this gentleman.  He has shown me he is thoughtful, a great person, and a good Christian example.  I believe his heart is in the right place; something that is so important.


This evening, he called to wish us a nice vacation, as he must have remembered that we would not be there on our usual week this month (which is actually the day we return.)  We only see him one Saturday a month, so I thought it was pretty incredible that he remembered during the month, thought about us, and then took the time to call us.


If one of our kids happen to not be there helping a particular week, he will take a minute to ask about them. He still struggles remembering their names, but that is just fine.


This gentleman will also call us with a simple “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Thanksgiving” wish.  What a great example of reaching out to brighten someone’s day.


               Photo courtesy of senatormarkudall under Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)


His one minute phone call made me feel special.  It really doesn’t take much time to make a difference in someone’s life. The simple things in life can be such a blessing!


Are there ways you can make a difference for another?  Maybe a simple phone call to tell your hairdresser you liked how she blended your hair color, a short message to let someone know you are praying for them,  or stopping by to drop off some cookies for your mechanic?  Be creative and see what works for you!


“Rather, in humility value others above yourselves,  not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.”  Philippians 2:4