Have you ever looked at the sun when it is shining so gloriously and been so mesmerized by the sight?
Sunrise over Virginia Beach (my all time favorite picture!)
If you know me at all, you probably know that happens to me almost everyday that the sun is shining!  Yes, I am forever taking pictures of the sun because it is just so beautiful and reminds me of the presence of the SON in our lives.

Continue reading “THE BEAUTY OF THE SUN”


What are some different ways that you encounter God’s presence on a daily basis?
Is it sometimes in the beauty of nature?
Is it sometimes in the people you interact with daily….like your family, coworkers, people from church?
Is it sometimes in the people you don’t know personally….like a cashier at the supermarket, waitress at the restaurant?

Is it in inspiring music or books?

So often, I encounter God’s presence in some form of nature while soaking up the beauty of this world that God has created.  One of the most powerful ways I encounter God is in beholding the glorious sunsets or sunrises. Seeing the many changes in the sun illuminating the sky brings me such peace and awe.


sunrise va beach 2
Sunrise at Virginia Beach, VA
It could be the big, puffy clouds making cool formations against the bright blue sky or the beauty of a hike leading to some waterfalls and amazing rock formations.  Gazing at the mountains are a way to encounter God, as well as in the fall, walking down a trail where the leaves are all different shades of yellow, red or orange.


Chenango Valley State Park
When I was a child I remember the place I always encountered God’s presence was when I was at the ocean.  Looking out at the vastness of the ocean waters, listening to the rhythm of the waves crashing back and forth, and seeing miles and miles of the seashore would just be so soothing to my soul.  I remember praying to God seeking a oneness with Him at the ocean. It was always heartbreaking when it was time to leave and return home.


Marco Island, FL
Almost three years ago I was very blessed to encounter God in nature and do something I’ve never done before.  The encounter with God unfolded this way:
A friend and I were spending one night at Virginia Beach while it was off season (thanks to Third Day for having a concert near there!) It was the first time either of us experienced the beauty of Virginia Beach.
Our hotel was right on the beach. Directly to the right of our hotel on the beach was a horse corral where you could ride a horse right along the beach. Now, I have never ridden a horse before, and was definitely scared to attempt it, but I thought since I sky dived before and survived to tell about it, then certainly I could ride a horse!  Thankfully, my friend volunteered to go too because she knew I would want to!
It was also interesting to learn that this corral had actually just moved recently to this location!  It was just too “coincidental” to find that out….kind of like God working it all out for us!  And, they were only providing this entertainment for another few weeks.
Thankfully, the people gave us the two oldest horses….mine was 28 years old and I noticed his gray hair mixed in with his mane. I thought we were a perfect match!  Thankfully, we didn’t really have to do much and we had a lead horse go with us….just in case!
I encountered God in nature on the return trip ride on my horse.  My horse was going so slow on the way back that the others were a ways up ahead, but it was really the part where I encountered God in nature the most.


VA Beach horse
Horseback riding at Virginia Beach
There my horse and I were just trodding along, next to the ocean water. Though a little cool, the sun was high in the sky, beating down with its rays piercing my arm. Listening to the waves of the ocean beat back and forth were soothing, and seeing the seagulls fly around, some with their snack in tow, just made me encounter God.
I always have felt God’s presence whenever I’m at the ocean.  My mind was thinking about what it must have been like in Jesus’ day, where they spent most of their time fishing for their food. I envisioned Jesus in a boat, calling His disciples to leave everything right there and follow Him.


Sunset at Marco Island, FL
It was a wonderful encounter with God reflecting on the beauty of nature and the power of Him in our lives. I was so thankful for the opportunity to step out of my comfort zone and trust that I could ride a horse on the beach! I ended up encountering God!
In what ways do you encounter God in your family, friends, coworkers, church friends?
For me, one way I encounter God in the people I know is when they ask me how they can pray for me. Truly praying for others and their needs is a blessing.
I remember encountering God in others when I had surgery or after having my children. People would bring food to our family since it was difficult to do those things at first.
Does a coworker ever offer to help you do a task that you don’t quite have time to finish?
What about people that you observe in your daily life that maybe you don’t know personally who lead you to encounter God?
Recently a sister-in-law of mine posted a few examples of how she encountered God while running some errands….
…That cashier at Walmart that took time to mourn with a family who was on their way to their young nephew’s funeral.
…Some Target employees who noticed and helped a woman who was not coherent inside her running car.
…How about that car ahead of you who come to find out paid for your cup of coffee?
Is there certain music you listen to or books that you read that lead you to encounter God?
 thirddday 3
 Some members of Third Day whose music helps me encounter God
I know the last few years in my life that Christian music definitely leads me to encounter God. It is just so peaceful listening to certain songs especially while driving around or getting some exercise.  For me, it can be great times of worship and singing to the Lord.
It is always a blessing in my life to encounter God….even in the simple, little things! He is a great God and truly dwells in each of us and in all of nature. Seek Him and you will find Him!
Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.  –Psalm 139:7-10  (NIV)


Have there been times in your life, like in mine, where you have felt like you were all ALONE in this big world? Think of all the people you know and are in this world, yet you still felt totally ALONE?
…Maybe no one seemed to understand you, so you felt all ALONE
…Maybe you experienced a difficult time in your life, so you felt all ALONE
…Maybe you just lost a dear friend to cancer and the grief was overwhelming, so you felt all ALONE
…Maybe you just lost your job and didn’t have money to pay your bills, so you felt all ALONE
…Maybe you were physically abandoned from others for some reason, so you felt all ALONE
…Maybe you were suffering through a health issue where you just felt so awful that you could not even function, causing you to feel all ALONE.


Isn’t it interesting to reflect on that fact that since Jesus was both God and HUMAN, in Jesus’ humanness He experienced the feeling of being all ALONE in this world too? That was when He was hanging on the cross bearing the sins of the whole world.
“About the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?”–which means, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”  –Matthew 27:46  (NIV)
Though the humanness part of Jesus felt all ALONE, Jesus knew He came to do the will of God, the Father. His whole life purpose was fulfilled in this self-less act of love. God was still with Him through His suffering.
Photo credit by listentothemountains under Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
The key, when we start to feel all ALONE, is to remember that though we may FEEL we are all alone, we are NEVER truly all ALONE in this world.  
In spite of all of our pain, sorrow, misunderstandings and the actual feeling that we are all ALONE, God’s presence is always with us. He never, ever leaves us nor forsakes us. Once we accept Him into our lives He is forever with us.
“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”  –Deuteronomy 31:8  (NIV)


When we’re feeling all ALONE, we can reach out to feel God’s presence through…..

…Reading His Word
…Listening to some inspiring Christian music


I find that sometimes it helps to experience God’s presence through another human.  WE are called to be God in the flesh….called to be there for others in their time of need.

Yes, we are ALL a part of Christ’s body.

 “Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.”  –1 Corinthians 12:27  (NIV)

We are called to be there for others and to bring Christ to others.

“If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.” –1 Corinthians 12:26  (NIV)

Sometimes God’s presence, revealed through another human, reminds us we are never all ALONE. God’s presence can be felt through….
….The touch of a friend
…An encouraging word
…Knowing someone is lifting you in prayer.
Sometimes, we just don’t have the capacity to do it on our own; we need someone to lift us in prayer to the Lord.
“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”  –Galatians 6:2  (NIV)


Can you think of times when God revealed His presence to you to let you know you weren’t all ALONE…either through an encounter directly with Him or through another human?

What times can you recall where maybe YOU were instrumental in letting someone else know they weren’t all ALONE?

Feel free to share answers to these questions in the comment section below. It will be a blessing to see ways that God revealed you are never all ALONE in this world. It just might encourage another to reach out to others so they know they are never all ALONE in this world!
alone blog picture
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.  –Isaiah 41:10  (NIV)


We often think about finding God’s presence in each of us and sharing that with others. But, have you considered how God created the world and all of creation before creating humans? God’s presence can be found in ALL of creation.

Have you ever noticed God’s presence in…..

The evening sunset….blog 2

   The puffy, white clouds…

      The crystal, clear water…

         The hot, sparkling afternoon sun….


The colorful wild flowers…blog 1

   The picturesque path in the woods…

      The birds chirping away…

         The bright fall foliage….


The quietness of the sparkling snow…blog 3 right

   The ice and snow on the river… 

      The brilliant rainbow in the sky…

         The rolling hills and mountains?


If you take a minute to look,

   You will find the presence of the Lord

       In these places too.

ALL of creation shares in revealing God’s presence and praising Him!

You will go out in joy and be led in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.  –Isaiah 55:12


As another Christmas season is upon us, I wanted to try to share what is in my heart about Christmas.
For me, Christmas is the second most special time of year. Personally, Easter time would have to be #1 in specialness and sacredness.
Christmas is such a special time because it is the time when we celebrate Christ’s birth. God sent his only Son to earth, as a babe, to live like you and me, and eventually save us from all our sin.
My heart wants so much to capture that true meaning of Christmas each year rather than focusing on gift giving. In recent years, it seems I’ve struggled with how to make that happen, especially as my kids are now older.  It is almost like when Christmas Day arrives it is a let down because we just end up staying home together as a family; it feels like we should be out helping.
Even when my kids were little, we didn’t really promote Santa or extravagant gift giving.  Santa would bring one small gift for the kids, and they would get a few more. I realize for some people their “love language” is gift giving, but I’m sure you can guess that is not mine. For me, I think it’s that I don’t want “things” to get in the way of what is really important to me in life.  I don’t want to be rushing around all the time shopping and miss out on sharing the true spirit of sharing Christ.
Christmas is about PRESENCE, not presents.
It hit me this past Sunday as our pastor was talking about making people feel welcome at church so they want to return again. What hit me the most about what he was saying and finally clicked with me about how I feel, is that for me,


Christmas is about being the voice and heart of Christ, through PRESENCE not presents .


That is what makes my heart happy and sums up Christmas!
At Christmas, as well as year round, I find joy in focusing on sharing with those less fortunate and reaching out to help others in whatever way possible.
All of these thoughts really were solidified for me the Christmas of 2011, the year that Christmas had a big impact on me.  Our area was hit with a somewhat minor flood back in June of 2006, and then suffered a major flood in September of 2011 from Tropical Storm Lee.  It was the first day of school for two of my children, while my oldest was away at college, where he was spared from any storm experience.  Many people lost so many of their possessions and even worse was losing their physical houses.
We were blessed that our house is located on a slight hill, so our house did not take on water.  We did have a few trees at the far corner of our backyard, near our shed, that got uprooted and fell over into the creek.  Our shed is still standing, though the land underneath the one end of it, is still eroding away from the flood and now any rain. The major thing that was the hardest for us was being without electricity for a good four days. Considering we have a well, we did not have running water for the four days. We are thankful that a ways behind our house, probably a good 180 feet, is a creek, so we made many trips trying to haul water into the house so we could at least flush the toilets.


Destruction and flooding of streets was located as close as at the end of our road, so we could only walk or bike (yes, my youngest son was crazy enough to try to bike through the water!) to get out of the house for a good two days. Trying to find passable roads to finally get dry ice on the third day was quite a challenge. The normal ten minute drive took one and one-fourth hour!


All that to say, Christmas 2011 was a different year for sure. One of my son’s coaches through the years and his family, were one that ended up losing all their possessions, along with their house. That year, we spent my birthday trying to help clean up their house, but eventually they were told the house was too far gone to be livable. It was so hard to see all they endured losing everything they had, even the place where they lived, as well as the many years (actually three years!) of anguish trying to get money from the house that had to be demolished eventually and left a brownfield.
Christmas 2011 was the year that we did not put up a Christmas tree.  It just didn’t seem “right” when so many people truly were left with nothing.  Our family presents were kept simple, and we tried to help those that we could who lost all they had.
Christmas is about PRESENCE, not presents.

Even today, we know people who are so sick, confined to nursing homes or their homes, along with those who continue to be unemployed and seeking employment to help keep their families afloat.  With such hardship all around, it seems our voice and heart of being Christ for them, along with our PRESENCE is the best thing we can offer them.

I can honestly say this Christmas season seems like I am the most aware of the true Christmas spirit and feel I have been blessed with Christmas spirit personally.  I attribute this to the art of music being more meaningful in my life.

I have been blessed to be listening to a new, original Christmas EP that has helped me get more in tune with the Christmas spirit. Attending a “Home for the Holiday” musical as well as experiencing a wonderful production of Handel’s Messiah has also contributed to that experiencing the heart of Christ in my life. Taking time to also go to a Holiday museum to see various Christmas trees decorated in many different ways was very spirit filled as well.

Helping others in need continues to be a way we can be the voice and heart of Christ this holiday season.  Singing Christmas carols and praying for people at a nursing home and a shut-in’s house is always a blessing which helps my heart feel the true meaning of Christmas. I was blessed to be a part of that this year.  Bringing our PRESENCE more than presents is a joyous blessing.

Bethlehem in the St. Anthony of Padua Church in Istanbul

 Photo credit by Pi Istavan Toth under Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

And so this Christmas season, I am thankful to try to be the voice and heart of Christ, sharing PRESENCE more than presents, and for experiencing that through the gift of others.  I pray that you and your families may be abundantly blessed through the birth of Christ.

And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.  –Luke 2:7

Here is a link to one song on the Christmas EP that I am really blessed by.  It is called Joyful Eyes.