Recently, I saw two movies that left me with a few inspiring thoughts. They are simple things, but hopefully worth pondering to see how they can benefit you, and how you could incorporate them more into your daily life.


One definition of “courage” is: “The ability to do something that frightens one.”
Can you think of some things you’ve done that took courage to do?
—Taught a Sunday school class?
—Ever gone a trip by yourself?
—Ever gone back to school after many years?
I think with doing any of these things, they require a certain degree of courage.
I think if you practice courage, you will end up having more faith in yourself and your abilities. In turn, you can experience more things, not be so afraid and grow more as a person.
Some of you may know recently I was in New Orleans and was truly blessed by taking my first air boat swamp tour by myself. I actually pet, fed and picked up a gator’s tail! Needless to say, I have never done anything like that before, and actually the week before I was “mad” at myself for not having enough courage to hold a horseshoe crab that a stranger had picked up to show us.
So, I’m not sure if that is why I felt compelled to just do the gator things, or because it was really a most relaxing, peaceful environment where there was so much beauty. Thankfully, I didn’t really “think” about doing those things, I just did it.
                                         Feeding the hungry gator!
It was great because there were only three of us on the swamp tour and I was in the front too. At the one point, I even got to put my legs/feet across the seat so the gator came right up on the boat and went from one end to the other right in front of me! (I might have held my breath for that!)
            The gator crossing our boat right in front of my legs!
So, I encourage you to try to face things with courage. If you have courage, it seems like you can face anything with a better attitude and succeed!
For the brave of heart who want to see me “catching” a gator, check out this short video:
Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. Do everything in love. –1 Corinthians 16:13-14 (NIV)
I like this definition of “kind”: “Having or showing a friendly, generous, sympathetic, or warm-hearted nature.”
Wouldn’t this world be an even better place if everybody was kind to every person they met? Being kind doesn’t cost anything and it is a great way to live. It is something we can ALL do, everyday! It can have a big impact on a life.
—That stranger you smiled at…he was feeling all alone.
—You saying that silent prayer for the elderly couple who can only shuffle their feet along as they leave the soup kitchen…I’m sure God blessed them because you cared.
—That person you surprised by paying for their coffee….you gave them hope by your small act.
Be on the look out for how you can be kind to all those you meet….Open the door for someone, encourage someone with a positive word. Your life will be blessed as well as blessing another.
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ, God forgave you.  –Ephesians 4:32 (NIV)
The one movie had this quote that I thought was worth sharing: “If you believe the purpose of life is to only serve yourself, then you have no purpose. Help someone today.”
Wow…I think that is great advice! See how you can help someone today!
I’m sure you’ve heard me say before that I truly feel happiest when I am helping another. It brings me happiness to do whatever “little” thing I can do to bring the love of Christ to others. In giving of ourselves, we give ourselves purpose.
What are some ways you can help someone today?
—Give an encouraging word to someone who is having a really bad day.
—Offer to stop at the store for a shut-in.
—Take time to understand how someone might be feeling.
Photo credit by grapefrugten under Creative Commons License (CC BY 2.0). Words added by
Daily, see how you can help another. You will feel refreshed and renewed!
…serve one another in love. The entire law is summed up in a single command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”  –Galatians 5:13-14 (NIV)
For me personally, trying to practice courage helps me realize that with God, I can do more things outside of my comfort zone. Doing that helps me grow as a person and in turn maybe reach out to others more. Trying to be kind and helping others seems like a natural extension of trying to share the Christ in me with others. Such simple things to be the hands and feet of Christ.
Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. –1 Corinthians 12:27 (NIV)


Do you ever feel like our society keeps demanding more and more of you, your kids, your family…all in the name of success in this world? Our country definitely seems to also have the “I deserve these things” and “I want more and more” attitude. My older teen daughter and I were talking about this topic recently.

Entitlement of anything and everything seems rampant in our society today. I am not sure that is necessarily a good thing. For me personally, I try to live a life where I don’t want to have the best of everything or need a lot of “things” to make me happy. I think that quality got passed down to my first two children; not so much to the third though.  I hope my life reflects a life where all these material “things” are not a priority. One day all the “things” will pass away.

We still only have the basic cable at our house so that we get some clear reception on the TV. It was a nice treat a few times through the years when we had more channels due to a “special” from the cable company. But, watching TV isn’t a big priority at our house. Quite surprising in our culture today, one child didn’t have a cell phone until just starting college this past year, and another will finally be getting one when entering high school.  And, you can probably guess, none of us have iPhones.

Along those lines, I think of the conversation with my daughter who was expressing that nowadays more and more is expected at an earlier age. Know your ABC’s by the time you’re two, start reading by the time you’re three, take as many college courses as you can in high school, keep climbing the corporate ladder, and the list goes on and on.

Are all these advances for the “right” reasons?
Are all those things necessarily what we should be focusing on?

Or are they pulling us away from time with God and reaching out to others?


 Photo credit by zenjazzygeek under Creative Common License (CC BY 2.0)

Yes, on one hand it is good to want to increase your knowledge but not to the extent of you missing out on the simple pleasures in life like when you think of the good ole days…

….leaving time for a leisurely walk to observe the beauty of nature around you
….talking face to face with someone rather than wondering what the tone of their text is
….sitting on the front porch saying hello to the neighbors as they walk by
….or taking time to talk with a friend who is trying to figure something out.

Aren’t those the really important things in life?  Seeing and experiencing God all along the way in the simple things in life.

Living simply can be a good thing. It can provide for more opportunities to look for those that need a hand and do something to help build the kingdom of God while in this world.

The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul. The statues of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple.  –Psalm 19:7